the Cyclo cross racing post



  • Hope everyone coming to Hillingdon tomorrow is up for a slog, it's grassy, sticky and overall will just be hard work
  • As predicted Hillingdon was a sticky slog. Those with a pit bike and crew had a definite advantage for sure. Really felt for one guy in the vet 50+, 10 meters from the finish line in a sprint against no one there was the unmistakable sound of a mech snapping sadly followed by the equally unmistakeable sound of spokes snapping one by one. Thanks for all the help from any Kingston Wheelers who helped TCC but on the race today
  • mikpem
    mikpem Posts: 139
    Yesterday was a bad day for rear mechs. In the race at Chantry Park, Ipswich, I was all ready for it with a spare bike, a new jetwash and a 2 man pit crew.... my first bike lasted 3 corners! Thankful that I had an option I ran to the pits for the spare bike which was heavier, less grippy tyres and SRAM rather than my usual Shimano kit. I only planned to use that bike for a couple of laps to give the guys a chance to clean my bike so I struggled through and at least didn't come last. Lets see if Wiggle can get the replacement parts to me in time for the race next week.
  • mikpem
    mikpem Posts: 139
    On a positive note, it was a great course!
  • dish_dash
    dish_dash Posts: 5,642
    As predicted Hillingdon was a sticky slog. Those with a pit bike and crew had a definite advantage for sure.

    Indeed! I was very jealous of those with a pit strategy... shame my other half point blank refused when I raised the idea last night...

    The mud was tough, particularly on the final stretch round to the finish... I was all over the place by the final lap... Good fun though!
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    I was very jealous of those with a pit strategy... shame my other half point blank refused when I raised the idea last night...
    Team up with a clubmate who's racing in a different category. You don't need the pressure washer, you can do a very good job with a bucket of water and a 99p dishwashing brush. It's great fun, and pretty sociable too.

    That was the first time we (Kingston Wheelers) have had an "organised" pit operation, with riders in the V40/V50/Senior races all supporting each other, ably assisted by some other club members who turned up on a club run to have a look and were duly press-ganged. We did 3 bike changes/cleans for a TCC rider too :-)
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674
    I was very jealous of those with a pit strategy... shame my other half point blank refused when I raised the idea last night...
    Team up with a clubmate who's racing in a different category. You don't need the pressure washer, you can do a very good job with a bucket of water and a 99p dishwashing brush. It's great fun, and pretty sociable too.

    That was the first time we (Kingston Wheelers) have had an "organised" pit operation, with riders in the V40/V50/Senior races all supporting each other, ably assisted by some other club members who turned up on a club run to have a look and were duly press-ganged. We did 3 bike changes/cleans for a TCC rider too :-)

    I perused Central FB page in prep for my NY Central adventures, and spotted a familiar face in one of the pics. Hello Mr. Holeshot :D
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    Hello Mr. Holeshot :D
    Thanks, it's been a while. Shame I couldn't do more with it :oops:

    I saw you on the entry lists for those Central races, look forward to catching up!
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,659
    Still hiding on the fringes here but this podcast is worth a listen ICYMI
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • 12391337_922036814517376_5059006389747445389_n_zps3psz23yu.jpg

    Caerphilly yesterday. I was looking after my kids, sadly/happily.
    My blog: (kit reviews and other musings)
    Facebook? No. Just say no.
  • Who needs a pit bike when you have a ride through bike wash?
  • dish_dash
    dish_dash Posts: 5,642
    Who needs a pit bike when you have a ride through bike wash?

    Was that option available on Sunday? I'd have used it...
  • Who needs a pit bike when you have a ride through bike wash?

    Was that option available on Sunday? I'd have used it...
    Sadly we didn't have enough rain at Hillingdon to create one
  • mikpem
    mikpem Posts: 139
    Really enjoyed myself at Eccles this week, not everyone's favourite as it was pretty flat with quite a bit of what some people would call singletrack although it was plenty wide enough for overtakes and dodging the slippy roots caught out a couple of riders.

    I think I was just glad to be back on my own bike again after breaking it last week and having to use my dads.
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674
    I would have been one of the moaners, as far as I am concerned single track doesn't belong on a cross course, or only in small doses. People always think that by taping out 10 feet of single track they have created a wide enough racing space, but in reality there is only one fast line through single track and no way to overtake the guy occupying it. Also I suck at that kind of riding.

    Wanna ride single track? Go and do XC. I'm not going to the Nationals in Shrewsbury for this reason this year. Hate that course. Well about half of it is okay.
  • I would have been one of the moaners, as far as I am concerned single track doesn't belong on a cross course, or only in small doses. People always think that by taping out 10 feet of single track they have created a wide enough racing space, but in reality there is only one fast line through single track and no way to overtake the guy occupying it. Also I suck at that kind of riding.

    Wanna ride single track? Go and do XC. I'm not going to the Nationals in Shrewsbury for this reason this year. Hate that course. Well about half of it is okay.

    You'd have loved our last Welsh league round. Pembrey. Essentially a mini Battle on the Beach. So, singletrack, long fire roads, sand dunes, steps, repeat. Lush.
    My blog: (kit reviews and other musings)
    Facebook? No. Just say no.
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674
    I would have been one of the moaners, as far as I am concerned single track doesn't belong on a cross course, or only in small doses. People always think that by taping out 10 feet of single track they have created a wide enough racing space, but in reality there is only one fast line through single track and no way to overtake the guy occupying it. Also I suck at that kind of riding.

    Wanna ride single track? Go and do XC. I'm not going to the Nationals in Shrewsbury for this reason this year. Hate that course. Well about half of it is okay.

    You'd have loved our last Welsh league round. Pembrey. Essentially a mini Battle on the Beach. So, singletrack, long fire roads, sand dunes, steps, repeat. Lush.

    Maybe I would have. In general what we don't have enough of on courses in the UK are off camber sections, sand, long run-ups, clever switchbacks, wider technical sections offering complex decision making to riders.

    We have too much singletrack. I make mental notes of courses where singletrack exceeds 20% of the lap, and make a point of not going back. So basically if Pembrey is half single track, I'd hate it. Long fire roads is a bit of a concern too. In general boring, but one straight fast section per lap is acceptable. Maybe two. But anymore is just lazy. The other stuff sounds great!
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    We have too much singletrack.
    I'm with you on that. Nothing kills a race more than playing follow-the-leader. Even worse when you're having a battle with someone towards the end of the race, and one of you manages to get ahead of a rider you're lapping while the other one gets stuck behind. It's just as bad for the people being lapped; instead of riding their own race, they end up constantly pulling over in an effort not to impede the people who are lapping them.

    I did a race a couple of seasons ago which started with about 400 yards of wide fast track; the field was still 8 riders wide when we arrived at a hedge with a tiny hole in it. We were literally standing around staring at each other, with our bikes on our shoulders, waiting for a chance to file through the gap and then run/ride 400 yards of singletrack with logs across the path at various points. By the time we emerged from that, the field was more spread out than it would be after half an hour's normal racing. I never looked at the results, but I should imagine the top 8 places went to the front row of the grid, followed by the people who barged their way to the front of the queue at the hedge, followed by everyone else in ascending order of politeness. I will never return to that venue, and would actively discourage teammates from wasting their time.
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674
    Name and shame?
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,445
    Wilmington School, no? Some strange route choices that year, it's not normally like that.
  • Bakewell show ground 28/12. What a course, there was one section where for about 75 metres you had to carry and the mud and water was well over your ankles. It was like the Somme (circa 1916) without machine gun posts.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • bobley
    bobley Posts: 60
    Rockingham Forest Wheelers - Corby. Yesterday.

    Oof, sticky mud, destruction derby. First time I've ever taken a spare bike and really needed it but I nearly trashed both. I made it to the end, last but 1 running. Again, a lot of single track which was hard work for me as I was struggling to get the chain on one lap and had to keep jumping in the hedge to let leaders past. CX1 and XX1 chainrings weren't dealing with the mud and grit at all well. Slammed the chain into the frame on the MTB which has left a nasty mark and I've just bought a K Edge chain guide for the CX1. If you can keep your bike clean enough then the front mech is a great insurance policy.
  • A proper CX course today at Milton Keynes Bowl, slippery off camber corners a good slog through the flat boggy sections. If it freezes overnight the National Championship boys and girls could be in for a tough time tomorrow.
  • I was watching the bowl racing this morning... conditions were horrendous! It was deep mud or tarmac.
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    @VamP - is that you on the orange bike?
    Ha ha! He certainly looked like he'd had an off when I saw him.

    The only way to ride down there was with no brakes, it just left you with a lot of speed to handle at the bottom. I mostly ran it, which was barely slower...
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674

    Nearly, I'm the muppet who has to run all the way back up the hill to retrieve my (blue) bike! Doh!
  • VamP
    VamP Posts: 674
    @VamP - is that you on the orange bike?
    Ha ha! He certainly looked like he'd had an off when I saw him.

    The only way to ride down there was with no brakes, it just left you with a lot of speed to handle at the bottom. I mostly ran it, which was barely slower...

    It was riding really well during practice earlier, hence I came in too hot, then touched brakes when I saw all the skittles going on ahead and BAM!

    Good ride today TGOTB! I kind of lost the will to live after the slide. Wasn't helped by having my hands frozen solid (ditched gloves as they had several kilos of mud on them) which in turn meant I couldn't change gear or brake. Ouchie!
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    @VamP - is that you on the orange bike?
    Ha ha! He certainly looked like he'd had an off when I saw him.

    The only way to ride down there was with no brakes, it just left you with a lot of speed to handle at the bottom. I mostly ran it, which was barely slower...

    It was riding really well during practice earlier, hence I came in too hot, then touched brakes when I saw all the skittles going on ahead and BAM!

    Good ride today TGOTB! I kind of lost the will to live after the slide. Wasn't helped by having my hands frozen solid (ditched gloves as they had several kilos of mud on them) which in turn meant I couldn't change gear or brake. Ouchie!
    Thanks! Now I have no need for them, I'm finally starting to accumulate some ranking points...
    I was a bit lacking in mojo before the start, but really enjoyed it once we got going; was expecting another running-fest like Shrewsbury, but apart from the 7 or 8 (in my case) bits that obviously weren't rideable, the rest of the course was quite fun. I guessed you were having a jour sans when I passed you; no way you'd let me get away with that on a normal day...
    Pannier, 120rpm.