why roadies get a bad name



  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    I've noticed Sunday roadies are less friendly than weekday roadies.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    antfly wrote:
    I've noticed Sunday roadies are less friendly than weekday roadies.

    I'm just as polite on any day of the week...I will say hello to anyone I see - other bikers, walkers, runners, people washing their cars - I even had a quick chat with two yoofs on BMXs while I rode through their village this morning.....everybody's happy....
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    ive never noticed anyone being rude on their bikes and it wouldnt bother me if i did.

    for the most part i dont like people and expect them all to be useless individuals which means when they invariably perform the way i expect, im not bothered but if they are uncharacteristicly (for humans) pleaseant, its a nice treat.

    i suggest everyone does as big d does.
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Why are mountain bikers on this forum always whining about roadies? The ones I meet out when I'm riding my bike all seem ok. But a lot of MTBers on here seem to spend their days criticising roadies, their attitude and what the wear.
    You could be forgiven for thinking that all MTBers are crying girls with a built in insecurity, if you take what is written here.
  • Its posts like these that keep me from frequenting bike radar very often

    I joined bike radar to find out info regarding different routes, technical help( for me!) and maybe even meet like minded people and whilst i have found some useful info there seems to be to many people on here that just want to argue with each other, WHY?

    Does it really matter if someone waves or nods or whatever, its nice if they do but who cares if they dont :roll:

    I know people that only ride MTB and some only ride road bikes, and some believe it or not actually ride both :wink:

    Stop slagging people off and Just get out and ride

    Because it's the internet.

    Also as far as one guys post on here about the story of a dude flooring another guy for being called scum, I don't blame him. Hate what I ride, hate what I wear or any other thing, but the minute you take things personal you've taken things too far and deserve it in my opinion.

    So you don't like the fact he' clad in lycra and isn't riding on trail, so you take it to immature levels and start the name calling. Call people pricks for who they are, not for any other facet of their lifestyle.

    People in the world should be less biased and not worry so much about what other people are doing or wearing.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    shame surf-matt isn't around any more - he would have loved this thread.....
  • Its posts like these that keep me from frequenting bike radar very often

    I joined bike radar to find out info regarding different routes, technical help( for me!) and maybe even meet like minded people and whilst i have found some useful info there seems to be to many people on here that just want to argue with each other, WHY?

    Does it really matter if someone waves or nods or whatever, its nice if they do but who cares if they dont :roll:

    I know people that only ride MTB and some only ride road bikes, and some believe it or not actually ride both :wink:

    Stop slagging people off and Just get out and ride

    Because it's the internet.

    Also as far as one guys post on here about the story of a dude flooring another guy for being called scum, I don't blame him. Hate what I ride, hate what I wear or any other thing, but the minute you take things personal you've taken things too far and deserve it in my opinion.

    So you don't like the fact he' clad in lycra and isn't riding on trail, so you take it to immature levels and start the name calling. Call people pricks for who they are, not for any other facet of their lifestyle.

    People in the world should be less biased and not worry so much about what other people are doing or wearing.

    Try reading my post again or at least tell me where i did the name calling etc

    I agree with the last sentence in your post if you'd actually read mine :roll:
    On One Inbred 456
    On One Inbred SS
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    yeah but disliking people for no reason is what separates us from the animals.

    also fuelling a ridiculous thread with opinion that changes from page to page is super fun.
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    I just want to give everyone a great big hug when I am out riding. Nobody lets me though.

    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Buy road bikes and MTFU you knobbly tyred, camel bak, puncture attracting mud muppets. :wink:
  • Road bikes and MTFU in the same sentence :shock:

    Theres something you dont see very often :lol:

    On One Inbred 456
    On One Inbred SS
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Road bikes and MTFU in the same sentence :shock:

    Theres something you dont see very often :lol:


    but it is what this thread deserves. :lol: nice work.
  • So who's best...is it MTB'ers or Roadies?

    I'm confused
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Op is silly.

    But tbh, I don't wave at every single roadie I see or pass, I'd get sick of it and sometimes they just look at you blank or just pretend they didn't see you. So I do the same, sometimes I pretend I don't see them, they don't know that I actually did see them.
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,713
This discussion has been closed.