why roadies get a bad name



  • fatwomble
    fatwomble Posts: 117
    Pokerface wrote:

    You don't see threads on the road section about how all MTBers are 'this' or 'that'.

    That's because you never see us as you don't generally venture off the hard stuff :wink:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    But do not tar us all with the same brush :?

    I always feel we should be moaning about poor drivers, not each other.
    pot kettle, black.
  • Chip \'oyler
    Chip \'oyler Posts: 2,323
    redmen wrote:
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Aaah, the holier than though attitude...

    I find that, just as there is in all walks of life, there are some knobs and some decent people.

    I personally say hello to every cyclist I pass, I don't expect all of them to retort. Anyone who wants to chin someone for not saying hello back falls firmly into the knob category. Maybe the rider was snarling as he was at the end of a hard interval. Maybe the rider knew you and thought you were a knob because you chinned his mate for not saying hello back?

    If you worry about people not saying hello then it's you who has the problem. Do you say hello to every pedestrian you see when you are walking in the street? (I do when walking through my village though...) Do you walk over and chin those that don't reply?

    I also don't give two sh1ts what people choose to wear. I've seen roadies in full kit who could barely turn 12mph. I'm not bothered whatsoever. I've seen very slow people in full body armour riding round Llandegla, so what?

    They are supporting the great sport and pastime of cycling.

    It makes me happy.

    yeah i do let on to most people 'cos thats what im like and i didn't say i would BUM him 'cos he never let on, and i wouldn't of give a sh1t if he just drove past but he never he stared and snarled which wasn't called for in my book thats why he would have got BUMMED

    Expertly coached by http://www.vitessecyclecoaching.co.uk/

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  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    I've just had the early 1990s on the phone - they want their thread back.....

    Most of the 'roadies' round here are also keen MTBers - including me. I thought this kind of elitist, divisive bullsh1t died out years ago....

    yesterday afternoon - a couple of hours at Brechfa
    this morning - 3.5 hours on the roads

    I like the best of both worlds, me....
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    So roadies are pricks ?

    Tell me about the fat, armour clad mountain bikers who you see sitting in deck chairs week in, week out at Cwm Carn. Strutting about with their moobs and gut out, thinking they're god's gift to mountain biking, and casting sneering looks at those who can actually ride to the top, ride anywhere onteh mountain, then ride home again.

    Don't tell me these guys don't exist, they do, and they're barely mountain bikers. Chosen sport aside, they're ignorant pricks.

    So, the rude individuals you so fondly term as pricks, exist in both mountain biking and road biking. Having said that, I do see more guys pretending to be mountain bikers than I do pretending to be roadies, and the snobbery is far more evident in trail center car parks than it is on the road.

    And yes, I'm a mountain biker and a roadie, and have been mountain biking since about '88.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    softlad wrote:
    I thought this kind of elitist, divisive bullsh1t died out years ago.....
    unfortunately not, as mentioned in my last post, it's rife at trail centers !

    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • redmen
    redmen Posts: 13
    Below are my answers to the same old bloody questions!
    What bike should you buy?: A Viner
    What tyres?: Schwalbes
    What groupset?: Campag (note it's campag not campy!)
    What wheelset?: Speak to wheelsmith.co.uk
  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    I often see roadies pulled over punching toddlers and touching them inappropriately, and when not doing this they can be seen riding no hands chewing the faces off kittens :shock:
  • Kiblams wrote:
    I often see roadies pulled over punching toddlers and touching them inappropriately, and when not doing this they can be seen riding no hands chewing the faces off kittens :shock:

    I only pull over and stop on recovery rides, so they do get a break :roll:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Ouch, some nasty shoulder chips about.

    Who really cares if you get an acknowledgement, or if some guy is fitter than yourself? And yeah, I'm in the weekend warrior, moob + belly category, but I don't sit around hating the fit guys, I just hate myself for not getting rid of the belly and admire those with the fitness and skills. I still make the effort to do the climbs though at my own pace and smile and say Hi to those who pass me. I don't even hate the guys who just buy a spanking new expensive bike and sit out on the deck chair slobbing about. Big deal, if that's what they want to do. It's just as snobbish to scoff at the lazy bunch as it is at the fit guys or the dedicated roadie. Besides those who barely ride their bikes will sell them on ebay so we can pick up a cheap virtually new bike ;)

    Can't we all just get along? :D
  • Its posts like these that keep me from frequenting bike radar very often

    I joined bike radar to find out info regarding different routes, technical help( for me!) and maybe even meet like minded people and whilst i have found some useful info there seems to be to many people on here that just want to argue with each other, WHY?

    Does it really matter if someone waves or nods or whatever, its nice if they do but who cares if they dont :roll:

    I know people that only ride MTB and some only ride road bikes, and some believe it or not actually ride both :wink:

    Stop slagging people off and Just get out and ride
    On One Inbred 456
    On One Inbred SS
  • Broonster
    Broonster Posts: 440
    A knob is a knob, no matter what kind of bike he rides. :wink:
    Winter: Moda Nocturne
    Road: Cervelo R3
    'Cross: Ridley X-Night
    Commuter: Genesis Day One
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    I'm a roadie but I used to have a mountain bike as well.

    FFS, let's just get along and love each other you f'ing idiots.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    seriously though, roadies are websters.
  • mr joey
    mr joey Posts: 427
    i go running aswell as riding no matter what the weather or how im feeling i always say morning or along them lines anyway and most of the the time they blank me seems to me most of them are up their own @rse!!!
  • redmen
    redmen Posts: 13
    seriously though, roadies are websters.

  • mr joey
    mr joey Posts: 427
    true!! getting blanked that is :D
  • all mtb riders must hang, hold on I ride one, ok all roadies are pricks, hold on I ride a road bike aswell, all forum members who spew bile about other bike riders must hang and are pricks, yes thats it.
  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    I ride on and off road. As a general observation roadies are more 'focused'. Club riders are great and are friendly. Chain gangs are different. I've often been blanked as the other riders check over my bike in case he ( never she ) can claim some sort of oneupmanship. MTB can also be infected by snobishness... usually centered around some skill. 8)
    Why tidy the house when you can clean your bike?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    yeah but mtb riders are the coolest. and sram is better than shimano and tubeless is better than tubes and fs is better than ht and flats are better than spds.
  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    Only the brave plug into the heartbeat of their machine. Where I go my bike follows and vice versa. 8)
    Why tidy the house when you can clean your bike?
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    SimonAH wrote:
    Whilst I fully agree that any discipline will attract an equal share of the rude and ignorant I think it's more of a cross-platform issue. Just as mini drivers wave to each other and motorcyclists nod I find that on my road bike Roadies acknowledge me more than when I'm on my flat barred Fixie. And perversely I rarely get a smile from an MTB no matter which bike I'm on - but I used too when I had an MTB myself.
    Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave.

    I've had a mini for 5 years and it's never once occurred to me to wave at another mini driver and I haven't noticed them waving at me either. Possibly once but I thought it was because she fancied me.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Ah !
    that passed 10 minutes.......

    I was a roadie now a MTBer, i,ve been riding MTB since 1989 ! anyway !

    One day whilst adorned in the finest Downhill gear at the top of Hamsterley Forest on the road a group of us were unloading our trusty steeds from the back of a pick up when a group of "Roadies" zipped past in silince !

    Our group Joker shouted "ROADIE SCUM" at the top of his voice ! which sounded funny at the time !
    Off peeled the rear rider, circled in the road and rode straight up to the lot of us ! about 8 in all. Said ROADIE SCUMBAG got off his bike and stood there in silence ! All 6' 8" of him.
    Several of the group gestured our man to back up his kind words but the ROADIE connected with two of the best punches i've ever seen thrown.

    None of the ROADIES mates had to back him up and they waited at the side of the road 100mtrs away !
    Our man has never been able to live it down and to this day whenever i see a ROADIE i say it in my head..................
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    see, that roadie sounds like a prick
  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    What a crap way to settle a dispute. Maybe one of major manufactures should set up a competion with a full spectrum of events. Crown the best on two wheels. (Shame on that roadie)
    Why tidy the house when you can clean your bike?
  • see, that roadie sounds like a prick

    Granted ! He does and he probably was but on that afternoon he wasnt taking any sh!t !
  • Chip \'oyler
    Chip \'oyler Posts: 2,323
    Yes you MTBers want to be careful who you throw insults at. One of the lads who's in our roadie club is an ex-pro MMA fighter.

    We all call him Sir...
    Expertly coached by http://www.vitessecyclecoaching.co.uk/

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  • Fastlad
    Fastlad Posts: 908
    I'm a Roadie and MTBer. Have been for twenty odd years. I always get a nod from other roadies when out on my roadbike but very rarely even get acknowledged when i'm on my MTB on the road or cycletrak. Roadies are elitist/purists, especially the old skool. Mind you, i only say hi now if i can be bothered. That'll be the old skool roadie in me! "MORNING"........OH, FCUK OFF :lol:
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    Yes you MTBers want to be careful who you throw insults at. One of the lads who's in our roadie club is an ex-pro MMA fighter.

    We all call him Sir...

    I'd call him a prick.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Briggo wrote:
    Yes you MTBers want to be careful who you throw insults at. One of the lads who's in our roadie club is an ex-pro MMA fighter.

    We all call him Sir...

    I'd call him a prick.

    me too, just not to his face. but it wouldnt change the fact he was a prick.
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