why roadies get a bad name

redmen Posts: 13
edited October 2010 in MTB general
ive read a few posts on here about MTB'S v roadies etc and have had a laugh, but the other day i was out on tow paths, bridle ways etc then onto a proper cycle path when i seen a "roadie" coming, as we went to pass i nodded to let on and the look and snarl he give me was unreal, if he would of stopped i would of chinned the prick 'cos there was no need for what he did, i know theirs a few ex roadies on here and im not having a go at them but why are most of them pricks..... rant over


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    i dont think one bad roadie makes them all pricks.

    but they are all pricks.
  • Every roadie I seem to encounter around these parts always acknowledge me and say 'Hi' etc.

    The only thing that amazes me about them is that quite a number of them don't wear helmets, which I think is insane.
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    i heard that helmets can cause as many injuries as they prevent.
  • Most cyclists either road or off road speak to me and I speak to them, I/they are sociable like that but I do agree with the viewpoint on this subject I've read before that states, you don't have some right to expect everyone that happens to pass on a bike to speak to you, his snarly face could have been due to being of the end of a gruelling session, he could be constipated or even just had a case of the trots in his lycra.

    Don't take it personal, not everyone is sociable. I soon learned that MTB'ers can be just as ignorant as the guy you describe, as I've been met with similar faces at trail centres.
  • redmen
    redmen Posts: 13
    yeah your probably right mental mickey

    but HE was a prick ha
  • deal
    deal Posts: 857
    In my experience there are equal numbers of pricks on both sides of the fence.
  • There are bungholes and completely nice people in every sport you deal with. Focus only on the good ones, and block the bungs out, and makes life much easier.
  • I ride MTB, Road bike and fell walk. You come across plenty of ignorant rude people doing all 3 although the majority tend to be roadies ime.

    However I think this is quite often as they are out training and going hard head down arse up.

    Most MTBers are social creatures and the main emphasis is fun where as roadies are quite often aiming at the more competitive side i.e. racing.

    £1.25 for sign up http://www.quidco.com/user/491172/42301

    Cashback on wiggle,CRC,evans follow the link
  • SimonAH
    SimonAH Posts: 3,730
    Whilst I fully agree that any discipline will attract an equal share of the rude and ignorant I think it's more of a cross-platform issue. Just as mini drivers wave to each other and motorcyclists nod I find that on my road bike Roadies acknowledge me more than when I'm on my flat barred Fixie. And perversely I rarely get a smile from an MTB no matter which bike I'm on - but I used too when I had an MTB myself.
    Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave.
    FCN 5 belt driven fixie for city bits
    CAADX 105 beastie for bumpy bits
    Litespeed L3 for Strava bits

    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    The only thing that amazes me about them is that quite a number of them don't wear helmets, which I think is insane.
    Probably adds too much weight.
  • redmen
    redmen Posts: 13
    deadkenny wrote:
    The only thing that amazes me about them is that quite a number of them don't wear helmets, which I think is insane.
    Probably adds too much weight.

    probably can't get them to fit 'cos their heads are to big
  • deal
    deal Posts: 857
    redmen wrote:
    ive read a few posts on here about MTB'S v roadies etc and have had a laugh, but the other day i was out on tow paths, bridle ways etc then onto a proper cycle path when i seen a "roadie" coming, as we went to pass i nodded to let on and the look and snarl he give me was unreal, if he would have stopped i would have chinned the prick 'cos there was no need for what he did, i know theirs a few ex roadies on here and im not having a go at them but why are most of them pricks..... rant over

    sounds like you are both assholes tbh :twisted:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    deal wrote:
    sounds like you are both assholes tbh :twisted:

    There does seem to be an incredible amount of priggs drawn towards the church or roadie-ism. Not the guys out on a casual rides, but the proper knobbers dressed like ballerinas in their "team" kit.
    You know the ones... they have Deutsche Telecom, or Orange, or whaveter else kit on, and are probably having a mid life crisis.
    Anwyay, they seem to be grumpy towards everyone else.
  • redmen
    redmen Posts: 13
    edited October 2010
    and why's that Deal?
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    I don't get how there are so many threads about this, why on earth does everyone have such a fragile ego?! It's pathetic.

    There are pricks who ride bikes, you sound like one, there are pricks who don't, no one's forcing you to spend time with them, or to even acknowledge them!

    Anyway I've said it before and Ill say it again, the collective group I find rudest is the weekend warrior radgnarlcoredudefest mountain bikers who wear body armour to stand in the car park and stroke each others c0cks!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    njee20 wrote:
    mountain bikers who wear body armour to stand in the car park and stroke each others c0cks!
    Hey, always wear protection :lol:

    Seriously though, I think you're getting mountain biking confused with "Dogging" or something.
  • Chip \'oyler
    Chip \'oyler Posts: 2,323
    redmen wrote:
    ive read a few posts on here about MTB'S v roadies etc and have had a laugh, but the other day i was out on tow paths, bridle ways etc then onto a proper cycle path when i seen a "roadie" coming, as we went to pass i nodded to let on and the look and snarl he give me was unreal, if he would have stopped i would have chinned the prick 'cos there was no need for what he did, i know theirs a few ex roadies on here and im not having a go at them but why are most of them pricks..... rant over

    Bless. You need to get that Harry Ramsden's off your shoulder
    Expertly coached by http://www.vitessecyclecoaching.co.uk/

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  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    If you wear body armour for dogging I think you're doing it wrong :-)
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960

    I wave back at everyone I pass on a bike. But did you ever think that by coming on forums and calling all Roadies c0cks and such is merely widening the divide between roadies and MTBers? With that sort of attitude it's no wonder some people will treat you with disdain.

    You don't see threads on the road section about how all MTBers are 'this' or 'that'.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Aaah, the holier than though attitude...

    I find that, just as there is in all walks of life, there are some knobs and some decent people.

    I personally say hello to every cyclist I pass, I don't expect all of them to retort. Anyone who wants to chin someone for not saying hello back falls firmly into the knob category. Maybe the rider was snarling as he was at the end of a hard interval. Maybe the rider knew you and thought you were a knob because you chinned his mate for not saying hello back?

    If you worry about people not saying hello then it's you who has the problem. Do you say hello to every pedestrian you see when you are walking in the street? (I do when walking through my village though...) Do you walk over and chin those that don't reply?

    I also don't give two sh1ts what people choose to wear. I've seen roadies in full kit who could barely turn 12mph. I'm not bothered whatsoever. I've seen very slow people in full body armour riding round Llandegla, so what?

    They are supporting the great sport and pastime of cycling.

    It makes me happy.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Pokerface wrote:
    But did you ever think that by coming on forums and calling all Roadies c0cks and such is merely widening the divide between roadies and MTBers
    Yes, and long may it last :lol:

    Now, run off to your weird little corner of the forum. We're talking ABOUT you, not to you.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667

    Now, run off to your weird little corner of the forum. We're talking ABOUT you, not to you.

    The road forum is actually more highly populated than the MTB one. This is the weird little corner.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    And yet you still come round here.
    Welcome to the zoo.
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966

    all roadies are dull, but not everyone that rides a road bike is a "roadie" a roadie is a diferent breed.... he has carbon, and Sky lycra, and uses energy gells and is all serious and stuff.

    a road bike rider can infact be a mountain biker : a giant kid, has a laf, and does big skidzzz and stuff.

    I like bikes and stuff
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    Bleeding hell how often does this subject come up these days it seems to come along more often than a SRAM v Shimano or SPD v Flats.

    I was out early for a ride this morning the last 3 miles were a tarmac drag into the wind uphill on 2.25 tyres. A bunch of roadies went past they all nodded and said hello I didnt have the breath spare to say a word the best I could manage was a nod. No one threatened to come and chin me even though a 6 week old kitten could have floored me.

    As for the OP grow up threatening to chin people just makes you look like a spoilt 10 year old.
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • redmen
    redmen Posts: 13
    edited October 2010
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Aaah, the holier than though attitude...

    I find that, just as there is in all walks of life, there are some knobs and some decent people.

    I personally say hello to every cyclist I pass, I don't expect all of them to retort. Anyone who wants to chin someone for not saying hello back falls firmly into the knob category. Maybe the rider was snarling as he was at the end of a hard interval. Maybe the rider knew you and thought you were a knob because you chinned his mate for not saying hello back?

    If you worry about people not saying hello then it's you who has the problem. Do you say hello to every pedestrian you see when you are walking in the street? (I do when walking through my village though...) Do you walk over and chin those that don't reply?

    I also don't give two sh1ts what people choose to wear. I've seen roadies in full kit who could barely turn 12mph. I'm not bothered whatsoever. I've seen very slow people in full body armour riding round Llandegla, so what?

    They are supporting the great sport and pastime of cycling.

    It makes me happy.

    yeah i do let on to most people 'cos thats what im like and i didn't say i would chin him 'cos he never let on, and i wouldn't of give a sh1t if he just drove past but he never he stared and snarled which wasn't called for in my book thats why he would of got chinned
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    let on? Drove past? "that's what I'm like" chin him?

    Oh god, you're a chav, aren't you?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    NapoleonD wrote:
    It makes me happy.
    I'll make you happy in a minute...
  • Squillinossett
    Squillinossett Posts: 1,678
    edited October 2010
    double post.. :lol:
  • Well, thought I would pop by to add my little bit in..

    And I feel I can, as when I first joined BR many years ago, it was as a mber, not a "Roadie"

    I, and all the people I have ever been cycling with would always and do always give a friendly nod to other cyclists. Sadly you will get some very elitist individuals who will not acknowlage back (they do this too other roadies as well as MBers...) But do not tar us all with the same brush :?

    I always feel we should be moaning about poor drivers, not each other.
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