Chain Reaction Bikes



  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    radav68 wrote:
    we received an email saying that whilst not advertised as such the bike was supplied "loose" and therefore they would offer no further assistance.

    I think that's the key to it right there. I'm very suprised they are behaving in this way as they don't appear to have a leg to stand on...
  • Particularly given they haven't changed the description since they alleged it was mis described.
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  • zanes
    zanes Posts: 563
    Particularly given they haven't changed the description since they alleged it was mis described.

    I was just thinking this, might be worth the OP taking a screenshot of the page or doing "File>Save As". Just in case, although I really can't understand CRC doing this.
  • pmd
    pmd Posts: 13
    I couldn't help but laugh at the massive red chain reaction cycles advert to the side of this thread
  • Tis a pretty crappy price as well if they intend it to be built up.
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  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I'd not stop ordering from a shop based just on one complaint from just one person. If you did that - you'd never be able to buy from anywhere.
  • Typical CRC nowadays.

    I ordered a wheel from them last thursday, still processing, the first e-mail stated that it would be dispatched asap on monday, then phoned them again today and it still hasn't gone.

    The guy said he'd sort it out and yet still no delivery e-mail...
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Not that typical - I ordered stuff last night (before reading this !) and had an email this morning saying it was despatched.
  • Will be interesting to see how/if this gets resolved. I recieved a reply to the email i sent to CRC directing them to this thread and they seemed to agree with me that something needed to be done to sort this issue.

    My last 2 orders ive placed with CRC for next day delivery havent been delivered next day, usually 3-4 days despite there being no obvious problems (ie all items showing in stock) etc. Both times theyve been apologetic but theres only so many apologies ill accept before i get bored and go elsewhere (especially when its regarding the same issue!)
  • We received a call from CRC expressing their apologies and that the missing parts will be dispatched today along with a goodwill gesture of a £30.00 voucher. So hopefully this will bring about a satisfactory conclusion.

    I'll visit on the weekend to complete the bike (I do have the tools, he didn't) so fingers crossed for a sunny weekend to enjoy his first ride.

    I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for your suggestions, offers and input in trying to resolve this issue.

    Buying a bike is not like purchasing white goods, we love and cherish them and rely on them to get us home when our legs have blown! Hence the disapointment when the parts arrived after saving for the last six months to buy the bike.

    Thanks again for lyour help, may all your roads be smooth ones.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    A £30 voucher (i.e. it didn't even cost them £30, and they get the money back when you buy) seems poor recompense for not having a professional bike build as expected. £30 would not even buy one professional quality tool!


    But I suspect people deserve the customer service that they are prepared to accept. . . .
  • Alphablue, I understand your comments.

    However, the guys almost 70, he just wants to ride his bike. Sure he could spend the next two weeks arguing the toss over compensation but he doesn't want the hassle.

    Obviously, if it was yourself in this situation you would of course be free to act as you saw fit
  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,822
    Once the bike is hopefully built-up and no initial problems with it then I'd send them a letter laying out how disappointed you were with the service and way that the problem was dealt with. If you like you could indicate that it has put you off from using them in future and having spoken with others it has had a similar effect on them too. I've used them a few times and got on ok but this issue will stick in my head like it has with others on here too.
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    This is how any half decent company should have dealt with the problem.

    Acknowledged the mistake, arranged for a next day courier to bring the bike back to CRC, got a mechanic onto it as top priority and had it shipped back out same day if possible. Bikes arrives back with customer fully built this time within 2-4 days.

    No need for this thread and no problem.

    A £30 voucher is a joke
  • PeteMadoc wrote:
    This is how any half decent company should have dealt with the problem.

    Acknowledged the mistake, arranged for a next day courier to bring the bike back to CRC, got a mechanic onto it as top priority and had it shipped back out same day if possible. Bikes arrives back with customer fully built this time within 2-4 days.

    No need for this thread and no problem.

    A £30 voucher is a joke

    Personally I'd say courier with fully assembled bike, takes non assembled one back.
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  • antlaff
    antlaff Posts: 583
    Are CRC competing with Mr Hinde &co??? Terrible service - you think with all the negative publicity they would correct this properly with a fully built bike and a £30 voucher!!!

    My last order with them was not processed until I spent 25mins on the phone after waiting a week and then had 2 wait another 2 weeks as the order went missing!! I have spent thousands with wiggle and never a prob!!
  • Personally, never had a problem with them - I'm a price based buyer, so they meet my main criteria... ;)

    I'd be pretty p*ssed if I was the OP though!
    "And the Lord said unto Cain, 'where is Abel thy brother?' And he said, 'I know not: I dropped him on the climb up to the motorway bridge'."
    - eccolafilosofiadelpedale
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    PeteMadoc wrote:
    This is how any half decent company should have dealt with the problem.

    Acknowledged the mistake, arranged for a next day courier to bring the bike back to CRC, got a mechanic onto it as top priority and had it shipped back out same day if possible. Bikes arrives back with customer fully built this time within 2-4 days.

    No need for this thread and no problem.

    A £30 voucher is a joke

    Personally I'd say courier with fully assembled bike, takes non assembled one back.
    If they had done this, promptly, without quibble, they would have gone from zero to hero, and instead of this nasty taste in the mouth, the OP would probably have completely accepted their mistake in good spirit and be singing their praises.

    Just to show how it can be done, I bought a bike from Merlin, it arrived with an out of true wheel (probably happened in transit), straight away they gave me £15 to get the LBS to true it. Then I decided the XT V brakes were squealing unacceptably, they collected the bike and returned it the same week with XTR v's fitted. foc. I was frustrated with the initial delay in riding my new bike, but I will always recommend them for how they resolved the problems. CRC take note.
  • I guess if the OP is happy/content then thats what counts on this ocassian. I cant help feeling though a £30 voucher is a bit weak. I'd have liked to have seen someone from CRC customer services post up here explaining what went wrong, why it went wrong and what corrective actions they would implement to stop it from happening again. Atleast it might go towards putting other potential customers minds at rest.

    As another person has said though, it appears damage limitation after the event in the form of a £30 voucher is easier/less hassle/quicker to do! :? :?
  • PhilofCas
    PhilofCas Posts: 1,153
    Planet X will knock £30 off if you opt for self build, so CRC's offer isn't far off the mark.

    CRC have been faultless with me over the years.
  • PhilofCas wrote:
    Planet X will knock £30 off if you opt for self build.

    Presumably they do this:

    a) if you ask them to and;

    b) not retrospectively when they feel like it.

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  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Own goal for CRC here I reckon. They might not realise how visible to the rest of the users on BikeRadar their pathetic 'compensation' is. What sticks in my throat is the apparent (because we haven't heard the other side yet, maybe never will) refusal of CRC to make amends!
  • Hang so they're not supplying or going to build his bike parts up? :?
    Say... That's a nice bike..
    Trax T700 with Lew Racing Pro VT-1 ;-)
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    Hang so they're not supplying or going to build his bike parts up? :?
    Amazingly, no. Just going for the £30 voucher insult joke.
  • wow...CRS is on black list forever. And considering I'm going to spend £1500 a bike.. :roll: and then maybe another one also Cyclo-cross :roll:
    Say... That's a nice bike..
    Trax T700 with Lew Racing Pro VT-1 ;-)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I've never had problems from CRC but, well, 30 quid is a bit of a slap in the face!
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    NapoleonD wrote:
    I've never had problems from CRC but, well, 30 quid is a bit of a slap in the face!
    worse still, it's £30 to spend at CRC.
  • Does anyone know what might be going on at CRC? They've always given me excellent service and delivered amazingly quickly, but it sounds from all the feedback on here that they've lost the plot...

    +1 to the £30 voucher being a very poor response, they're lucky the OP is being so understanding about it

    I'll think twice before using them again
  • jordan_217
    jordan_217 Posts: 2,580
    CRC customer service is a joke. I've not bought from then since an issue involving a faulty pair of shoes 18 months ago. Obviously less money at stake than with a bike but the format was pretty much the same ie; they fu** up, deny they're at wrong but then offer a voucher of an insulting amount, as a 'goodwill gesture'. Disgusting.

    Interestingly enough the voucher offered to me was £30. I wonder if that's the default amount that their customer services reps are allowed to offer to make unhappy customers go-away?

    If the OP is happy with a £30 gesture then great, he's had a satisfactory resolution. I'm +1 to a £30 pound voucher being an insult though.

    After a couple of poor experiences with faceless, online retailers I now try to buy from my LBS whenever possible. Their service is spot on and I've always got a name and face to approach when things do go wrong. No quibbles, things are just sorted there and then and I'm a happy chappy. They way I'd expect when I'm parting with my hard-earned cash.
    “Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.”
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    a £30 voucher to you will be only 10-15 quid for them.

    Ask for money off rather than a voucher. (and more than 30 notes too!!)