Dan Staite



  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    A confession and apology (of sorts) from Dan Staite
    http://www.timetriallingforum.co.uk/ind ... opic=48820
  • Lillywhite
    Lillywhite Posts: 742
    Bronzie wrote:
    A confession and apology (of sorts) from Dan Staite
    http://www.timetriallingforum.co.uk/ind ... opic=48820

    Jeez, he was even at it in the NCRA Handicaps they reckon. :shock:

    B****y good job I wasn't doing the handicapping because I'd have sent him off 5 minutes behind the scratch group. :wink:
  • maryka
    maryka Posts: 748
    Bronzie wrote:
    softlad wrote:
    I'm not asking if you would do it - I'm asking if you had wondered "what if"...
    Yes of course, normally preceded by the question "I wonder how good I'd have been if I'd been born with even a hint of natural ability?"
    Or just "what if I trained better/lharder/more intelligently?"
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    maryka wrote:
    Or just "what if I trained better/lharder/more intelligently?"
    Yes, and that.
    - probably most of us could train more - but there is a balance to be struck between work, family life and riding your bike (primarily for enjoyment) - where you personally decided to draw the line depends on your circumstances and personality
    - most of us could probably train better - how much better is a question that occurs to me a good deal more often than "how much better could I be if I doped"

    Reading Dan's posts, it appears that part of his motivation to dope was just curiousity (ie "how much better could I be if I doped") - along the lines of Softlad's question and the Outside article I linked to earlier
    Dan Staite wrote:
    Worth it depends on your view. To me the ££ isn't so much of an issue so from a sporting perspective it was a mistake, hence the suspension. From an experimentation perspective is was worth it. it gave me the data I needed to answer a few questions of "what if" or "how much is it worth" etc
  • I think I was on form at one point this season where doping would of made me win a race, but as I'm not in that form right now I don't personally care about doping now either. :lol:

    I am not however, sad enough to dope to win a 4th cat race, despite the voice in my head saying it makes the race more fair since I'm a natural climber that's reduced to racing on an airfield..... :cry:

    Oh...and doping is expensive, not even rich enough if I wanted to. :lol:

    Perhaps the more pertinent question: Which delivers bigger results for buck. Doping or new equipment upgrades. :wink:
    The British Empire never died, it just moved to the Velodrome
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    softlad wrote:
    Serious question which some may take offence at, but I hope not:-

    How many people reading this thread are now wondering how much better they might have gone in their local events if they were doped up..??

    Be honest...??

    (please don't confuse this question with an attempt to condone doping - it obviously isn't)

    Couldn't afford it!
  • GeorgeShaw
    GeorgeShaw Posts: 764
    Bronzie wrote:
    Reading Dan's posts, it appears that part of his motivation to dope was just curiousity (ie "how much better could I be if I doped") - along the lines of Softlad's question and the Outside article I linked to earlier

    ... or he could just be re-writing history after the fact.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    GeorgeShaw wrote:
    Bronzie wrote:
    Reading Dan's posts, it appears that part of his motivation to dope was just curiousity (ie "how much better could I be if I doped") - along the lines of Softlad's question and the Outside article I linked to earlier

    ... or he could just be re-writing history after the fact.

    I don't buy it - if it was purely out of a sense of curiosity, maybe he could have backed off and let others through, instead of taking the wins. It would surely have satisfied his curiosity to know that he could have won.....the fact that he didn't do that suggests something slightly more sinister...
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    Its the standard defence - I only did it once guv, honest :shock: :roll:
    More problems but still living....
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    Staite's confession is a load of bull.

    It is obvious from the majority of postings on cycling and rowing forums that he is truly despised
    (a) for doping in amateur events against hard training amateur guys with regular jobs

    (b) for a lack of cooperation and remorse

    His immediate reaction on the rowing website was that the derision of his fellow rowers was "ammunition for his return"

    The fact that the groundswell of opinion of him has not abated has led him to give a half cocked apology for doping in less than a handful of events non of which he won. In fact he maintains everything else was "100% me" still no assistance with the authorities.

    Anyone who buys this pathetic act of contrition is a mug. This guy couldn't lie straight in bed.

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition