Ryedale Rumble 8th Aug.



  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    Hi Stedman

    As I mentioned in an earlier post the Rumble will be on the 7th August next year which is our regular slot. There is no mechanism for planning Sportive Calendars as there is no governing body and so we can only rely on organisers to try and keep some consistency. As new organisers come along they can then gain a feel for what dates are likely to be spare. With the rapid growth in number of events it's inevitable however that there will be some date clashes. As neither the Rumble or the Phil target massive entries to us it isn't really aproblem if they are on the same day and we wouldn't want to suggest it to be one. If riders want to alternate between the two then that's fine by us...so you'll be with us next year then?
  • Really enjoyed the event, did the short route with my girlfriend as her 1st sportive and she got the 2nd fastest time overall, obviously she loved it..

    We'll be doing it again next year and i'll be sure to recomend it to most of my cycling club who didnt enter as they thought it would probably be full.

    Hope you managed to at least break even :)
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    Many thanks to all the organisers...was a great day albeit a tough day on the bike. The weather was kind to us, there was plenty of snap at the food stops & the climbing was (as always) brutal....

    Went a bit quicker this year than last but the lights started to go out after Hutton...still got me a gold but had to work hard for it. I reckon it's a compact chainset for me next year...I'll get a cheapo one in the winter sales & keep it on ice 'til August.

    First class Bob! Always a pleasure :wink:
  • Bob and team,

    Can I add to the list positive feed back about the Rumble this year. This was the first time I have done the event, I did the long route, and I think it is probably the most enjoyable sportive I have done. Great scenery and route, brilliant feed stops (corned beef baps & sausage rolls), signage was excellent, and all the helpers were really friendly. I thought the riders on the event were really up for it, chatty and supportive of each other. Best of all you got me back home after many years absence - I now know why we never went up Rosedale Chimney on club runs.
  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377

    What is wrong with just picking up the phone and speaking personally to Phil on this matter? All that I am simply after is for both these great Yorkshire events to be separated by seven days as we had last year.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Stedman wrote:

    I had also had an excellent ride yesterday in the Peak District on the Phil Liggett event, unfortunately the biggest thing which spoilt the day was that your event was organised on the same day.

    As the numbers were clearly down on both events because of this clash, could British Cycling and CTC please start talking to each other so we don’t have this awful dichotomy again next year! :evil:

    I did the Phil Liggett ride too after some soul searching as to which to chose. And, I enjoyed it so much it will be tough to not do it again if there is a clash. So, dialogue with the CTC might be worth the bother rather than just hoping the CTC will change their dates. With hindsight I should probably have mentioned the issue to Phil when I had the chance.....

    As for the ford - obviously I wasn't there so don't know what that one was like but I did recently come off on a similar ford near Ostmotherley. That area is known to be often affected by rainfall events - look up Hawnby flood on google and see what I mean. I wouldn't trust to a ford up there remaining dry at any time of year. And the route through Hawnby is lovely and the climbs, though brutal, are pretty short.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    Stedman / Rolf F
    You obviously have a loyalty to the Phil and that's great. We don't have a problem with the CTC event or the CTC and we wouldn't say that we are hoping they will change their date back to its previous slot. In a "normal" year we both have similar entry expectations and have courses that are always likely to keep entries at a certain level. Both have a Yorkshire base but then Yorkshire is the largest county and the geographical distance between the two is probably greater than many other examples of where there are two or more events in the country in any given weekend.

    The date for the Rumble is steered by our commitments elsewhere to the wide programme of races that sees most of our team lending our support throughout the year as event organisers and officials. We also have to work with the availability of Ampleforth as a venue which limits us to only a couple of weekends in the college holidays, which is why we stick to the same weekend.

    There isn't really a protocol in compiling the Calendar but if we were to looking to change our regular date we would obviously try to avoid detrimental clashes.
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    I'm glad the organisers got enough riders to make it worthwhile.. I really want to do this ride after hearing so many positive posts about it.. Also , after doing the Etape du Dales 4 times, I appreciate how tough the roads/climbs are up in Yorkshire...
    I see, looking at the times for the full event , that no one went under 6 hrs for the 111 miles.. I realise this is longer than the Etape du Dales - is it fair to say this is even harder than that event ?
    want to bookmark this for next August ...
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    bam49 wrote:
    I'm glad the organisers got enough riders to make it worthwhile.. I really want to do this ride after hearing so many positive posts about it.. Also , after doing the Etape du Dales 4 times, I appreciate how tough the roads/climbs are up in Yorkshire...
    I see, looking at the times for the full event , that no one went under 6 hrs for the 111 miles.. I realise this is longer than the Etape du Dales - is it fair to say this is even harder than that event ?
    want to bookmark this for next August ...

    I'd say it's harder than the Etape due Dales, I've never done it, but I've being in the dales enough to know that most climbs are not as hard as Boltby, Blakey, Caper Hill and Rosedale Chimney.

    If I happen to do this event every year I hope to get close to 6 hours as I'm still improving and I'm no where near my potential. I felt rough on the day but looking back I still think it was fun, it's great doing a ride this hilly, because when you're over 80 miles and you come to a 10-15% hill, it does not bother you that much because you're so used to it from the previous 80 miles :lol: I'll look forward to doing this again next year, hopefully on a decent bike that is lighter.
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    I can't really comment about the Etape du Dales, but can use the White Rose Classic as a comparison as that was one of ours and used similar roads in its early editions. Feedback from that suggests that the Rumble is maybe a tad harder, but then the climbs of the North York Moors are different to those of the Dales as indeed is the scenery and the patience of other road users. We've had very few road rage problems on the Rumble where the traffic densities are much lower. It means for instance that on Blakey Bank and Rosedale Chimney Bank you can usually zig-zag if struggling on a gear. The climbs tend to be links across from one valley to another rather than following ridge lines. This means that they are short but steep with some difficult hairpins. The monument climbs are hard and Chimney Bank is the stuff of legends, but as much as anything it's the accumulation of intermediate short burst climbs that affect the ability to scale the monuments. The exit from Rievaulx is a good example a sharp right hander at the bottom and then you're dropping down the gears and pulling for all you're worth on the bars for a climb that's only a hundred metres or so but will take you into the red zone. These are the climbs that dictate what's left in the tank for the likes of Chimney Bank.
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    thanks for the reply Will - I'm sure you will be a lot faster next year and should crack a Gold :) bobh , thanks for your detailed reply , good stuff ! Like I say, I hope to enter next year- I have got a long wait, but the event sounds like a cracker, and good value too.
    To be honest, I think the Dales have very light traffic, compared to somewhere like Dartmoor where I ride a fair bit, and Surrey is much worse, esp for r rage :x .. Devon 'n Cornwall have loads of v steep , short climbs but I find the Dales ones go on for a lot longer :oops: I was hoping Andy162 ? might chip in with his opinion as I see he got a Gold on this and he has done fast times on the Dales ride ...
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    I'd say it's 10% harder than the Etape. I got round this years Etape in 6h24...my fastest time & although it's s hard ride I was never in "trouble". On the Rumble many a time you're seeing stars on the climbs.

    I clocked a 7h01 on the Rumble. Spending the day before I did the ride nursing a hangover ain't the best prep but even on good legs I'd rate the Rumble as harder.

    Saying that, if you go to a sportive chasing a time all the climbs feel tough. Tan Hill isn't steep but go up it like a madman & it hurts just as much as any of the Moors' hills.
    I rode the Etape on my own & thought "bugger it" & rode hard to get a decent time. On the Rumble I was just happy to get round & a decent time is a bonus.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Maybe next year put Rosedale Chimney in twice eh? :lol:
  • bealess
    bealess Posts: 1

    Would like to thank everybody involved in the organisation of the event - only hope that the final surge of entries meant that it will be viable to run again next year.
    Organisation of the event along with the picturesque location and route was second to none in my own experience (which is limited to this year).
    Would like to apologise to the kind lady at the Helmsley feed stop who went to pick my fellow rider up from a snapped chain straight after the ford (which to my cost, meant I rode the remainder of the ride with algae covered shorts!!!!), only to arrive and find that he had fixed it!
    Again, fantastic route, excellent organisation all round the course - I now have a mark to beat next year.

    Italian all the way
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    thanks for the reply Andy - wow, 10% harder than the Etape :oops: that is a v quick time you did on your own in the ' Dales, so the Rumble must be seriously hard ....
    to be honest - I think of the Etape as the hardest sportive I have done, compared to say ; the Dragon , Polka Dot , Spud Riley, Dartmoor Classic, Tour of Dartmoor, Tour of Black Mountains, Autumn Epic, etc... and I always thought I would not want to do anything harder , eg the Fred or Dave Lloyds Mega ride , but I do like riding up in Yorkshire ( and the Etape du D is getting v pricey), so I must give this a crack next year... Those climbs sound 'kin mental :shock: well done to all who finished it, no matter what time they clocked 8)
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Anyone know who the guy in the HTC Columbia kit was that had a black car following? This car kept on following behind then overtaking and doing all sorts, I kept loosing this guy cause I used my power on the hills, but due to having no power he seemed to catch me on the flats, although he was proper out of sight then next min right behind me with this car I swear he was gonna cut me up coming into the college at the end.
  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377
    Is the Rydale Rumble going to be run again this year.

    Hopfully this year it will be run on the 1st August as the date for the Phil Liggett Challenge is already published as the 7th August and I would like to enter both events.
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    Hi Stedman

    Yes the Ryedale Rumble is being held again. Sorry but we are sticking wth our regular weekend of the 7th August that has to work into the calendars of both Ampleforth College and BC as a good number of the organising team spend their weekends working as officials on races promoted in Yorkshire.


    Bob Howden
    Ryedale Rumble
  • brin
    brin Posts: 1,122
    Thanx for info Bob got date pencilled in :D any idea when entries open?
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665

    I wanted to do both too.... P&F is a club staple...

  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    Between the bottom of Glaisdale & the top of Rosedale Chimney I tell myself I'm never coming back....

    I'll be signing up again.
  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377
    I simply do not understand why when there are two excellent climbing events in Yorkshire and which are both organised for the benefit our sport why these have to be organised again on the same day!

    After last years fiasco I was hoping that this was not going to be repeated, however as a CTC member who has enjoyed riding in both events, I do find it offensive that both British Cycling and CTC have refused to enter into dialogue in order to avoid this clash.
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    Hi Stedman

    Sorry but I really can't see anything "offensive" in a date clash. Take a look at the calendar there are clashes every week. As I indicated on Sunday and also last year as well we are limited in our date options for an event that will have been held on the same weekend for three years now. In spite of when details have been released to the press the date of the Rumble was fixed within two weeks of last years event and the HQ etc booked. The only reason that we haven't made the press release is due to ongoing discussions in respect of a charitable link.

    As you appear to have close links to the Phil , maybe you could suggest a change to them, as they elected to move to this date. I'd understand if they said no as no doubt have strong reasons for having the date as well. It's not such a bad thing in a way that riders have choice, not so long ago there was none and as neither event is targeting massive entry numbers, then I'm OK for us not to be the only show on the road.
  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377

    With respect you are an organiser and it is very easy in that role to become arrogant and lose sight of the interest of other stakeholders. My point is that I would have liked the option of entering both events this year as I did in 2008 and 2009.

    With a target of over 300 riders for either your event or the CTC Challenge Ride, I would not regard these as minor events and with both these events on the same day last year, if I recall you were desperately using this forum to save the Rumble from being cancelled because of this clash. Both these rides are in my top five sportives and precious few climbing events in the same location I strongly feel that these two events should not be held on the same weekend.

    As I understand, the purpose of the Phil Liggett event (after covering costs) is to raise awareness and money for the Cycling Defense Fund that ultimately benefits us all in our chosen sport. Politically I feel that British Cycling should never be challenging this by organising organising the same type of event, on the same day and roughly in the same location. Is the gap between CTC and British Cycling so great that you absolutely refuse to speak to each other over this matter?

    For the record, other than being a member of CTC, I do not have any close link to the Phil Liggett CTC Challenge Event.
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    Stedman wrote:

    With respect you are an organiser and it is very easy in that role to become arrogant and lose sight of the interest of other stakeholders. My point is that I would have liked the option of entering both events this year as I did in 2008 and 2009.

    With a target of over 300 riders for either your event or the CTC Challenge Ride, I would not regard these as minor events and with both these events on the same day last year, if I recall you were desperately using this forum to save the Rumble from being cancelled because of this clash. Both these rides are in my top five sportives and precious few climbing events in the same location I strongly feel that these two events should not be held on the same weekend.

    As I understand, the purpose of the Phil Liggett event (after covering costs) is to raise awareness and money for the Cycling Defense Fund that ultimately benefits us all in our chosen sport. Politically I feel that British Cycling should never be challenging this by organising organising the same type of event, on the same day and roughly in the same location. Is the gap between CTC and British Cycling so great that you absolutely refuse to speak to each other over this matter?

    For the record, other than being a member of CTC, I do not have any close link to the Phil Liggett CTC Challenge Event.

    This is ridiculous! There are so many events on the calendar now that clashes are inevitable. If the Ryedale Rumble were moved it would simply clash with another event. Just because both events are in Yorkshire means nothing. There is a considerable distance between the two events and they take place in 2 geographically distinct areas.
  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377

    I agree that it is ridiculous that we have too many events on our calendar, however I would not expect first class events such as the Fred Whitton Challenge, Etape Caledonia and the Dragon Ride to clash, so why are we being made to accept this clash with these two first class events?

    There is a real danger that the Rumble may get pulled this year as a result of this clash that would be a major blow. Remember last year it only just went ahead at the last moment and there is only a limited number of people that this type of climbing event appeals to!
  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101

    I assume that you have a thread running over on the CTC forum asking the P&F organiser exactly the same questions??
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    Without checking, as far as I remember the Polka Dot, Dragon Ride and Northern Rock Cyclone are usually on the same weekend in June . All high profile events!
    There are always going to be clashes. From what BobH says, it's the CTC event that created the clash anyway by moving to the same weekend as the Rumble.
    As I've said, clashes are inevitable and choices have to be made. It's the price we pay for being lucky enough to have such a full calendar of events!
  • sheffsimon
    sheffsimon Posts: 1,282
    Nickwill wrote:
    Without checking, as far as I remember the Polka Dot, Dragon Ride and Northern Rock Cyclone are usually on the same weekend in June . All high profile events!
    There are always going to be clashes. From what BobH says, it's the CTC event that created the clash anyway by moving to the same weekend as the Rumble.
    As I've said, clashes are inevitable and choices have to be made. It's the price we pay for being lucky enough to have such a full calendar of events!

    I've ridden Polka Dot and Northern Rock in same year - so on different weekends. But I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments.

    I would ensure Stedman had no problems with the clash by slinging his entry in the bin. I attended a presentation by Bob Howden to our local TLI road race league, and one of the things which came across was how much he puts into our sport, and on a voluntary basis. Be appreciative that these events are available due his and others efforts, and if you cant ride everything you want, so be it.
  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377

    It is not altogether true that CTC created this clash as this event was already programmed after the Tour de France and it actually occurred because British Cycling moved the Rumble from July to early August back in 2009.

    My concern is that without a coordinated programme, we are in danger of losing many of the better events, particularly as we are seeing proliferation of many events that are now being described as Sportives.