Is Lance Armstrong a sociopath?



  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    deejay wrote:
    Ms Tree wrote:
    I think you like the sound of your own voice! You could just have condensed that all into one word - he's a bully.
    Me a bully.
    Good lord (if there is one) the wee scotsman I understand (well I've worked there as well) and he has the alternate comedy not far away annually. That he wouldn't understand even if his cow jumped over the moon.
    If I were a bully then I would be sledging people and the only one (except dumbo) has gone back to find I am correct and so not a word of reply.

    Do tell what happened to the England Football did they win something.and schusssh don't talk about the scotish football team.
    I looked in yesterday and saw a real football match and stayed to watch it because the play went to all corners of the field and the ball went from one end to tother all the time.
    As Brucie says, "good game, good game"

    Yup I do post an alternate reply and very seldom do I mention Drugs (except to say juice or Magic) as I leave that to the experts and I don't mind a correction if they justify it.

    That "BUM" Armstrong I have watched and stood next to since it arrived in Europe with a big mouth and a big head to go with it. Then for all his backers expectations it was obvious to everybody he had No chance of winning a GT and amonst his many podiums there were very few on the top step.
    Please check out my favourite Armstrong Ego trip 1995 TDF stage 13.and the look on his face when he lost again. It always makes me smile when it comes to mind and sums up the man I know because 2 men escape and Outschakov won. Beauty.
    (you must have read about it but I doubt it as you know very little about the Texan)
    That was 2 days before FABIO CASARTELI, DIED - RIP.
    Armstrong became a big fish in a minor pond (it was then) and a celebrity over there and if the Media say so then it must be so, for suckers like you.

    There you go, now laugh that off dumb ass.

    Gubby, I feel sorry for you and Cuthbert that the height of your worship is to a Freak

    Another incoherent rambling melt down are pure quality so you are !
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    No, he is the Greatest Cyclist that has EVER lived.

    End of...
  • ms_tree
    ms_tree Posts: 1,405
    Erm! I din't say you were a bully I said TheTwit is. Rambling and not reading.
    'Google can bring back a hundred thousand answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one.'
    Neil Gaiman
  • bearfraser
    bearfraser Posts: 435
    Is he not just a very very good :- Tw@
  • bearfraser
    bearfraser Posts: 435
    If your all looking for a "Yank" to hate ,how about :- "Donald Trump" he's about to build a golf couse and 1500 houses and a resort hotel on some beautifull sand dunes which also is a site of scientific interest(SSI)just out side Aberdeen. Its amazing what the smell of the might dollar does to your average councillar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    Are you weirdly obsessed with all things Lance?

    Looks like it
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    LangerDan wrote:
    By the same "criteria", you could ask if Hinault or indeed Merckx was also a sociopath or whether the nature of Anquetil's riding his way through his extended family was entirely normal either.
    However, I don't expect to see threads about their mental state appear any time soon.

    Does anyone think there's a chance that Hinault ain't?

    This thead is bizarre and pointless btw. Except for Iain's Bernie Bingo Card. Chapeau sir!
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    antfly wrote:
    Cadel Evans is borderline special needs, I reckon.

    I've thought that too actually..
  • lucybears
    lucybears Posts: 366
    Ms Tree wrote:
    I think you like the sound of your own voice! You could just have condensed that all into one word - he's a bully.

    Nah, he's a nice guy - who else would be so respectful to Alberto:
    "There is no disputing the fact he is probably the most talented runner who has ever mounted on a bicycle. I have no problem to tell." ... html?popup
    He can be bribed with a watch ?
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    iainf72 wrote:
    sampras38 wrote:
    Whether LA is liked or not, all I can see is BikingBernie is an obsessive nutter.

    He's even got his own bingo card.


    Do you have a chart or graph to go along with that?
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    deejay wrote:
    Gubby, I feel sorry for you and Cuthbert that the height of your worship is to a Freak

    Since when did I profess to " worship " Lance Armstrong?
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    deejay wrote:
    Gubby, I feel sorry for you and Cuthbert that the height of your worship is to a Freak

    Since when did I profess to " worship " Lance Armstrong?
    Well you gave me a lecture on how you are inspired by his exploits.
    The impression was a big fan boy. ??

    Maybe your growing up and seeing the world for what it is now.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    deejay wrote:
    Gubby, I feel sorry for you and Cuthbert that the height of your worship is to a Freak

    Since when did I profess to " worship " Lance Armstrong?

    Well, you did break THE RULE. And that rule states that "Anyone, repeat anyone, who says anything that MIGHT be interpreted as even remotely being positive, in any aspect, toward LA, will be branded as a fan boy, for life". That's a direct quote from the Anti Lance Brigade membership manual. Sorry about your luck. Wish I could help but the founding fathers of the ALB are on the verge of putting out a contract hit man on me.
    I'll be in hiding.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    antfly wrote:
    Cadel Evans is borderline special needs, I reckon.

    Define "special needs" then I might listen to you.
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    antfly wrote:
    Cadel Evans is borderline special needs, I reckon.

    I've thought that too actually..

    Isn't it just that "he sucks"?
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    DaveyL wrote:
    antfly wrote:
    Cadel Evans is borderline special needs, I reckon.

    I've thought that too actually..

    Isn't it just that "he sucks"?

    People kick about that phrase "special needs" with reckless abandon. I have 2 kids with "special needs", and you, fcuk me off kicking this description around. Try and be a bit more responsible in your descriptions of detriment. Just because "special needs" seems to be a nagative, an insult, it is not. It is a description of someone who needs help because they are not as able as others. MTFU, insult someone properly, and if you want a full and informative explanation, I can give you my address and number in a PM to educate you w@nkers in the correct manner. Fcukwitt cnuts.
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Please don't include me in this - I haven't used the phrase at all...
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    dmclite wrote:
    People kick about that phrase "special needs" with reckless abandon. I have 2 kids with "special needs", and you, fcuk me off kicking this description around

    Every child has special needs!

    Cadel might have learning difficulties. Is that a better description of it?

  • dg74
    dg74 Posts: 656
    I think LA is great, tbh.

    On the other side of the coin, I think every single rider has 'doped' to some extent. So, in my eyes, no rider is clean.

    If I'm wrong I'm wrong but I won't go slating them for it. The Tour is a gigantic effort and riders will need some kind of stimulus to keep going for that length of time.

    But Lance is a big hero of mine. More power to him.
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    deejay wrote:
    Well you gave me a lecture on how you are inspired by his exploits.
    The impression was a big fan boy. ??

    Maybe your growing up and seeing the world for what it is now.

    Yeah. I've been riding a bike all my life and watched the Tour all my life too. Whenever he won the Tour in 99 after beating cancer, I thought that was amazing. As an impressionable 13 year old kid, I didn't read the bad things about cycling. I just wanted to ride my bike.

    Armstrong, like Ullrich and Indurain before him all inspired me to ride my bike. Not much has changed since then.

    Whether they're clean or dopers, I like riding my bike - partly because of these people but mainly because my Dad (who's my biggest hero, FYI!) took me out on the roads that I still ride a bike today, when all my other friends play computer games and get fat.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Richrd2205 wrote:
    It would be nice to see the OP have the courage of their clear convictions & argue a case...
    I wasn't trying to 'ague a case', nor did I make any claim for the scientific credentials of the link I provided, rather I was asking a question, largely because on certain other forums Armstrong is often referred to as being a 'sociopath'.

    Another poster suggested that Armstrong is 'Cluster B type PD, although not necessarily ASPD', but it's not for me to argue for their 'diagnosis'. :wink:

    As to the mental state of other top riders, wasn't it Chris Boardman who described his own need to win as being 'unhealthy and certainly not normal', or words to that effect?

    Bail out , bail out Bernie. This one is definitely not going your way. If in fact you were even trying to make it like that? Hmmmmm, I wonder. Maybe you were just stirring up the pot of sh*t to raise a stink? Well done, if that was your motive.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    dmclite wrote:
    People kick about that phrase "special needs" with reckless abandon. I have 2 kids with "special needs", and you, fcuk me off kicking this description around

    Every child has special needs!

    Cadel might have learning difficulties. Is that a better description of it?


  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,473
    dmclite wrote:

    People kick about that phrase "special needs" with reckless abandon. I have 2 kids with "special needs", and you, fcuk me off kicking this description around. Try and be a bit more responsible in your descriptions of detriment. Just because "special needs" seems to be a nagative, an insult, it is not. It is a description of someone who needs help because they are not as able as others. MTFU, insult someone properly, and if you want a full and informative explanation, I can give you my address and number in a PM to educate you w@nkers in the correct manner. Fcukwitt cnuts.

    Are you for real? Given some of the comments you post over in Cake Stop, how you can slag anyone off on the internet about what they post is frankly risible. :roll:
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    I have myself brought up the subject that Cadel has got some kind of condition.
    I thought it was a type of Autism and I got slated for it.
    We must admit that non of us are neurologists or experts in mental conditions so just because someone says "special needs" that this is not wrong. Some of us are trying to explain Cadel's behaviour with his unusual outbursts and his obsessive compulsive behaviour.
    We are all effected by all types of conditions and some are socially learned, others are brain damage and others are genetic. There are strains of conditions from slight to severe.
    I had a problem when i was born which means I walk on my toes slightly which has come from this hospital cock up. A relative of mine had huge problems when born and now has severe epilepsy and cerebral palsy. We have had the same thing except my condition is neglible and my relative's is huge.
    I think if Cadel has (whatever the condition is) "x" then it would answer some of his behaviour and it seems to not be a severe problem.
    Most of us are effected by something and "special needs" is another Health Problem; such as Diabetes, Heart Problems or anything. It is a bit simplistic to describe someone as "special needs" but it is only an attempt to describe a condition and is not an insult.
    I think it is better to try and understand someone rather than calling Cadel a "fcking tw@t." .
    If someone said my relation had "special needs" then I would say yes and so what?? He's a normal kid with special needs.

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    There's nothing wrong with Evans. He comes from the country - the middle of bleeding nowhere, so he's probably not all that comfortable with big crowds of people jostling around him and probably isn't a particularly outgoing person.

    And he got kicked in the head by a horse.

    And he certainly doesn't have 'learning difficulties'. He's seen as one of the most intelligent and well read cyclists.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • RichN95 wrote:
    And he certainly doesn't have 'learning difficulties'. He's seen as one of the most intelligent and well read cyclists.


    His wife for gods sake, I don't think she'd marry a simpleton - champion bike rider or not.

    He just acts in a way people have an issue with, doesn't mean he has an issue. In fact I find a lot of his behaviour reasonably understandable. The only difference is whilst other riders will think it and not do anything, Cadel will probably say it. I actually quite like Cadel - there's nothing admirable about people who stay quiet and stew inside.

    Lance Armstrong is certainly socially manipulative, you wouldn't want to be around him. Just look at the negativity of twittering by people on his team.
    The British Empire never died, it just moved to the Velodrome
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    RichN95 wrote:

    And he certainly doesn't have 'learning difficulties'. He's seen as one of the most intelligent and well read cyclists.
    I'm not a fan but How many Languages does he speak.
    He chats in fluent Italian for number 2. ???
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • westerburk
    westerburk Posts: 37
    dmclite wrote:
    People kick about that phrase "special needs" with reckless abandon. I have 2 kids with "special needs", and you, fcuk me off kicking this description around

    Every child has special needs!

    Cadel might have learning difficulties. Is that a better description of it?


    FFS stop being a joey Paul :)
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    westerburk wrote:
    FFS stop being a joey Paul :)
    Not funny. And there was nothing wrong with Joey Deacon's intelligence, he simply had cerebral palsy.
  • westerburk
    westerburk Posts: 37
    westerburk wrote:
    FFS stop being a joey Paul :)
    Not funny. And there was nothing wrong with Joey Deacon's intelligence, he simply had cerebral palsy.

    Belm on Bernie