Rapha Key Fob

turkeytickler Posts: 640
edited July 2010 in The bottom bracket
I like Rapha stuff, I've bought a fair bit in my time but...


... this is up there with the riders journal PMSL


  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    It isn't even Rapha

    PS is a huge cycle fan. I like his stuff.

    I like this, more because it is PS and not Rapha. I'd not buy it, but plenty will.
  • you've lost me - clearly im a luddite....
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    £54 for that? What a rip, even if I was a billionaire I would not waste my money on something like that.
  • Flasheart
    Flasheart Posts: 1,278
    freehub wrote:
    £54 for that? What a rip, even if I was a billionaire I would not waste my money on something like that.

    +1 I thought the same
    The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle. ...Stapp’s Ironical Paradox Law
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    I like that there is a little pouch to keep your key ring in. I thought you just attached your keys to it and stored it in your pocket?
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    F*cking rediculous !!!! Anyone who spends that sort of cash on that needs their head tapping !!

    That's down to Paul Smith, not Rapha !!

    And there's a huge difference between Rapha and Paul Smith. Whether you like the concept of Rapha, or not, it's good quality. The same can't be said for Paul Smith. If you're going to spend £kkk in Paul SMith, it's OK, but not worth the money. But in my experience, whilst it might look good, it doesn't look good for long.

    That said, I'd be suprised if PS could f*ck up a key ring.

    Bring on the comments from PS lovers :D
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
    Probably bought by trialthletes
  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    thats disgusting,

    probably made by some 11 year old living in poverty, people who spend £54 on that should be assamed of themselves rather than smug which inevitably they will be.
  • magicrhodes
    magicrhodes Posts: 123
    Flasheart wrote:
    freehub wrote:
    £54 for that? What a rip, even if I was a billionaire I would not waste my money on something like that.

    +1 I thought the same

    You are both wrong because you would if you were a billionaire. £54 would be less than nothing to you, especially the more time you spent with that amount in your pocket. Yeah you could buy a wallet for a £3 in Primark or whereever but you'd probably go to get something a bit different. Honestly you just come across a bit holier than thou!

    There is a crap load of stuff that you would wax money on if you were a billionaire. Just imagine all the sparkly bit that your bike would gain.. etc.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    edited July 2010
    Flasheart wrote:
    freehub wrote:
    £54 for that? What a rip, even if I was a billionaire I would not waste my money on something like that.

    +1 I thought the same

    You are both wrong because you would if you were a billionaire. £54 would be less than nothing to you, especially the more time you spent with that amount in your pocket. Yeah you could buy a wallet for a £3 in Primark or whereever but you'd probably go to get something a bit different. Honestly you just come across a bit holier than thou!

    There is a crap load of stuff that you would wax money on if you were a billionaire. Just imagine all the sparkly bit that your bike would gain.. etc.

    How about the ugliest saddle in the world from Paul Smith

    http://www.paulsmith.co.uk/shop/paul-sm ... oduct.html

    Guy on ebay was trying to sell one of these earlier in the year for around £1000, although 'only' £175 according to website
    I don't do smileys.

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  • magicrhodes
    magicrhodes Posts: 123
    thats disgusting,

    probably made by some 11 year old living in poverty, people who spend £54 on that should be assamed of themselves rather than smug which inevitably they will be.

    assamed? Ashamed? Erm why? For spending their hard earnt money, which they have paid tax on, to buy a product, which they'll pay tax on. What is the problem? Who are you to decide what people can and can't buy?

    To assume the whole 11 year old thing is just lazy blame people with more money than you stereotyping. It does say that it is made in Italy, now I don't know what the labour laws are there but being with in the EU it is unlikely that it will be child labour sweatshop.
  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    thats disgusting,

    probably made by some 11 year old living in poverty, people who spend £54 on that should be assamed of themselves rather than smug which inevitably they will be.

    assamed? Ashamed? Erm why? For spending their hard earnt money, which they have paid tax on, to buy a product, which they'll pay tax on. What is the problem? Who are you to decide what people can and can't buy?

    To assume the whole 11 year old thing is just lazy blame people with more money than you stereotyping. It does say that it is made in Italy, now I don't know what the labour laws are there but being with in the EU it is unlikely that it will be child labour sweatshop.

    its the 'hard earnt' bit I find extemely hard to believe
  • magicrhodes
    magicrhodes Posts: 123
    cooldad wrote:
    Flasheart wrote:
    freehub wrote:
    £54 for that? What a rip, even if I was a billionaire I would not waste my money on something like that.

    +1 I thought the same

    You are both wrong because you would if you were a billionaire. £54 would be less than nothing to you, especially the more time you spent with that amount in your pocket. Yeah you could buy a wallet for a £3 in Primark or whereever but you'd probably go to get something a bit different. Honestly you just come across a bit holier than thou!

    There is a crap load of stuff that you would wax money on if you were a billionaire. Just imagine all the sparkly bit that your bike would gain.. etc.

    How about the ugliest saddle in the world from Paul Smith

    http://www.paulsmith.co.uk/shop/paul-sm ... oduct.html

    Guy on ebay was trying to sell one of these earlier in the year for around £1000, although 'only' £175 according to website

    Wow, still no amount of money buys taste!
  • robz400
    robz400 Posts: 160
    its the 'hard earnt' bit I find extemely hard to believe

    Yea because anyone with money is clearly just lazy, lucky or criminal!! :roll:
  • Ollieda
    Ollieda Posts: 1,010
    robz400 wrote:
    its the 'hard earnt' bit I find extemely hard to believe

    Yea because anyone with money is clearly just lazy, lucky or criminal!! :roll:

    Ok granted that some people are just born into it or come across millions by luck..... but a large amount of those people actually had to work for it and its paid off for them. Look at Bill Gates or Richard Branson, granted they were born into families that had the money to support them but then they went and made mega bucks and they earnt it! Look at Alan Sugar he didn't exactly just sit around and have money flooding in!
  • Ollieda
    Ollieda Posts: 1,010
    thats disgusting,

    probably made by some 11 year old living in poverty, people who spend £54 on that should be assamed of themselves rather than smug which inevitably they will be.

    Living in poverty......and maybe getting paid 10p or something silly like that a day! It's probably more money than they would have earn't begging on the street that day. If you ever venture over to a country where child labour is heavily used you might be surprised that many of them (ok not all of them!) actually want to be there as its the best way to earn money.

    We always look down from our high horses at other countries that are still developing and we say that they are using their labour force unethically.....all the time forgetting that we did things like shove kids down mines, but I suppose thats ok becuase we've learnt from our mistakes so everyone else should too!
  • robz400
    robz400 Posts: 160
    Ok granted that some people are just born into it or come across millions by luck.....

    There was hint of sarcasm in my post!! I think the above is rare and most people work bloody hard for what they've got.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    robz400 wrote:
    Ok granted that some people are just born into it or come across millions by luck.....

    There was hint of sarcasm in my post!! I think the above is rare and most people work bloody hard for what they've got.


    It annoys me when people tell me I'm lucky because I've got two sportscars, 4 or 5 nice bikes and I also have a couple decent holidays every year.

    No. I'm not lucky. I got my head down at school/college/university and I now give 100% at work. I work[ed] hard to get here.

    I appreciate that I was born into a situation 1000 times better than 90% of the world's population, but anyone with internet access falls into that 10% with me.

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
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  • pitchshifter
    pitchshifter Posts: 1,476
    Homer J wrote:
    Probably bought by trialthletes

    Can someone explain this please?
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    That is awesome, it'll surely make you go faster! Nothing beats my Hello Kitty keyring though, it's freakin' WIN!

  • Ollieda
    Ollieda Posts: 1,010
    robz400 wrote:
    Ok granted that some people are just born into it or come across millions by luck.....

    There was hint of sarcasm in my post!! I think the above is rare and most people work bloody hard for what they've got.

    yep i realised that, i just quoted the whole thing and kind of extended your say.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Flasheart wrote:
    freehub wrote:
    £54 for that? What a rip, even if I was a billionaire I would not waste my money on something like that.

    +1 I thought the same

    You are both wrong because you would if you were a billionaire. £54 would be less than nothing to you, especially the more time you spent with that amount in your pocket. Yeah you could buy a wallet for a £3 in Primark or whereever but you'd probably go to get something a bit different. Honestly you just come across a bit holier than thou!

    There is a crap load of stuff that you would wax money on if you were a billionaire. Just imagine all the sparkly bit that your bike would gain.. etc.

    You don't make money by throwing it away.
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    £145 for a wallet? I could, but wouldnt have anything left to put in it. Tat for Mugs really but each to their own, I have wasted my Money on sh1t that I thought was cool :oops:
  • rdt
    rdt Posts: 869
    freehub wrote:
    £54 for that? What a rip, even if I was a billionaire I would not waste my money on something like that.

    TBH, for mundane stuff like this, you'd often get what you were given by your PAs/shoppers. A bit like when you were a kid and your mum decided what you wore. Except you get to choose the big toys yourself.

    When you only had a few hundred mill, you had someone pick up a Dogma you'd seen mentioned in a copy of Vivo magazine, but you only managed to take it for a spin once. Now you're in the big league, there isn't the time to be out of the loop for an hour on a bike on the road, and anyway, you don't want some pleb overtaking you, your self-regard couldn't accomodate that. To be honest, having gained a few pounds recently, you wouldn't look too sleek either: tailors can work wonders but not with lycra. Your subconscious knows that, though you rationalise it differently. You have less and less time for frivolous stuff, you're too busy working on your power numbers, just not those measured by a Powertap. Just occasionally you remember what it was like to ride out with your pals, but know it can't happen nowadays: you ditched the sycophants way back, while the rest just couldn't handle your success and slowly slinked off: losers. They'll be p1ssed off when they hear you're to be appointed as one of the youngest life peers there's been, ha! Just hope your reputation managers can keep your £2.5 Billion divorce settlement out of the Sunday papers, else those b@stards will be laughing into their bidons come their weekend ride. etc etc. etc.

    Anyway, how about this tasteful £259 matching man-bag for holding your skin refuelling lotions (containing micro particles)?
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    edited July 2010
    Homer J wrote:
    Probably bought by trialthletes

    Can someone explain this please?

    It's a tri specfic key fob. :wink:
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Why do Rapha give the impression they're from the 1960's?
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    MattC59 wrote:
    And there's a huge difference between Rapha and Paul Smith. Whether you like the concept of Rapha, or not, it's good quality. The same can't be said for Paul Smith. If you're going to spend £kkk in Paul SMith, it's OK, but not worth the money. But in my experience, whilst it might look good, it doesn't look good for long.

    That said, I'd be suprised if PS could f*ck up a key ring.

    Bring on the comments from PS lovers :D

    So wrong it's unreal, as a Nottingham boy I am proud to wear PS clothing. It lasts for ages (only just consigned to workshop wear my first pair of PS jeans bought 12 years ago) so no my suits (6 of which 1 is now 9 years old) last well, and still look stylish as opposed to fashionable. Yes I may be a fanboy but I earn it so I will spend it how I want. I can't afford a huge amount of designer clothing but the PS stuff just keeps lasting and stays in the wardrobe, as opposed to the levi's I bought which lasted 2 years or the NIke shite which doesn't last 10 minutes out running these days.
    thats disgusting,

    probably made by some 11 year old living in poverty, people who spend £54 on that should be assamed of themselves rather than smug which inevitably they will be.

    Err so true it's unreal, PS is not Nike. He still has a huge connection with everything that bears his name and visits factories himself to check quality and conditions. This is libel you are aware of course?
    Wow, still no amount of money buys taste!
    So don't buy it, I love the PS stripe as do many of my friends, my GF says I should buy the saddle for my singlespeed commuter, I won't because I would rather save the money for our week in Barcelona next month, either way it's a choice. Personally I think anyone who spends more on their bike than they can truly afford is retarded but hey it's horses for courses.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    You can't buy style, so you lot are boogered.

    You'd not know taste if you licked it.
  • anyway, its a fucking expensive keyring, especially given that the stitching is a bit off...:-P isn't it.... (sorry fob)
  • 1footedninja
    1footedninja Posts: 269
    edited July 2010
    some people have more money than sense - I think I'll buy three!! oh dammit... why not four hey! mmm supply and demand..... it's a richmans world...... blah blah blah

    I love capitalism, such a great reason to justify being 'ignorant' and 'selfish' cos I earned every penny, don't you know!, to covet these lovely 'things' its all about 'me' and 'mine' -sod the rest of the world - I love my 'us' and 'them' attitude! I earned my right to have it! I was born into money don't you know! I pay taxes! albeit it doesnt actually cripple the cashflow such as it does the plebs,and one could always sell the second home if times got hard, daddy has a porsche!!.... I have my keyring/s - life's gooooooooooood

    I was working class yunno - once! not anymore like but hey I have my right to justify everything Ive done cos I earned every penny - honestly , every penny I worked hard for........... Im not a snob, or inverted / diverted / converted / reverted / subverted , anything 'verted' , no chips on my shoulder but the ones I earned by getting ma education and knuckling down - honest! wasnt just about getting in with the 'right' people or anything, honestly I earned every penny, the taxman takes his wedge also...no money tided up elsewhere honest , I'm kosher! - won it on the lottery mate! got it by grafting, ooo you wouldnt believe how much sweat & toil it took me to buy my landcruiser and second home in the lake district!.... Im going out right now to buy something new cos well I can , its the grand capitalist dream it is! you worry about yours, I'll worry about mine...

    ma grandaddy helped to build the dream you know, oo the hardships he went under, and my paw was so poor we ate the scrapings off the coaldust - but we wuz happy!

    I could save though, scrimp and save my hard earned, take my time but I could be able to 'just' afford it, I will feel like I'm worth something, be in with the 'hip' crowd, I must just keep applying myself , I'll make it one day, I'll be up there with the Jones's, I'll have my piece of the pie, I deserve it!

    bit of cowskin, bit of metal, some dyed/coloured thread - swop for varying metallic coinage and bits of paper with varying symbols upon it / or digital transaction - W00T!!

    onanism = biggest practiced religion in the world
    'since the flaming telly's been taken away, we don't even know if the Queen of Englands gone off with the dustman'.
    Lizzie Birdsworth, Episode 64, Prisoner Cell Block H.