Verenti Dragon Ride - Are we up for it ?



  • Abdoujaparov
    Abdoujaparov Posts: 642
    As a newcomer to sportives, thought it was interesting how your effort has to vary so much in a big event. Basically, I found it was pointless riding hard after the feed stations because I wouldn't find anyone to ride with till I was picked up by a faster moving group. I had to ride 5-8 miles on my own after each stop, spending energy while not going very fast. What I probably should have done was taken it a bit easier after the stops so I got picked up quicker or, even better, agreed with a couple of the people I had been riding with to do a quick stop and set off again together.
  • Toby_W
    Toby_W Posts: 217
    High five delivered race sample packs rather than event drums.

    Glad those who made it through early enough to get something are happy, spare a thought for those of us who rode 190km on water and fairy cakes, yes not only had they run out of gels and drink but no crisps either.

    On the plus side when I was able to get a bottel of SIS electrolyte off my wife who was at the Afan visitor centre I finished the last 27 miles in 1:20, rocket fuel.

    Thanks to the club Axiom-????? enjoyed chaining it with you for a bit (Toby Badtri) it was kind of you to let me slot in and I hope I pulled hard enough when I was at the front.


    Dancing on the pedals
  • jackfeeder
    jackfeeder Posts: 269
    I enjoyed the ride and the weather was very kind to us. I agree with a lot of the issues and am sure they could be easily addressed which would make the event much better. Saying that though I know what food/bars/gels/drink my system is used to so I take them with me. I just use the water at the stops for my Torq drink and the snacks to top up my cliff bars and gels. Is doing that much hassle really?
    I was pleased with my ride but my mate had major mechanicals and needed quite a few rest stops which impacted on my time. It was the first 100miler either of us had ever done but I feel I could go a lot better, have to agree to split up next time.
    I really enjoyed the 2nd ascent of the Bwlch, went really well up there which was encouraging - felt at the end that I could have gone for longer.
    I'll be back next year (all the way from Swansea!) and bring a few others as well.
    When are the pics online does anyone know?

    oh and hello to the two nice lady cyclists at the top of the 2nd ascent of the Bwlch, nice to have a little chat - added to the nice view :wink:
    All my life I've wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more specific.
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    Saying that though I know what food/bars/gels/drink my system is used to so I take them with me. I just use the water at the stops for my Torq drink and the snacks to top up my cliff bars and gels. Is doing that much hassle really?

    No, it's not that much hassle, but if that's what they're going to do on this event then they shoudl say so. As I said before I've done a fair few events (more MTB than road, not that it should matter) and they've all managed it.
  • jackfeeder
    jackfeeder Posts: 269
    Yes it would be very nice to have a hot meal after which I got at the Marin Rough Ride and Autumn Epic but I still enjoyed it.
    All my life I've wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more specific.
  • flix23
    flix23 Posts: 72
    To add my tuppence-worth, as a Dragon ride first-timer, I thought it was GREAT.

    The actual route and scenery were fantastic. I loved the climbs and loved the descents.

    I arrived reasonably early, about 7.15am, so no queing for the car park or for the toilets (great idea to have pissoirs). I thought the feed stops were perfectly well stocked - I carry my own preferred brand energy gels/bars but always appreciate the opportunity for some 'real' food, whether cake, bannana or potatoes!

    Signing and marshalling on the route was perfect - the only sportive I've ever ridden where there has been no doubt in my mind as to the correct route.

    I'm sure the sun helped, but I really did have a great day out.
  • Brewsterwmb
    Brewsterwmb Posts: 145
    ah! Is that why i saw riders riding back on the other side of the road after the split?! I bet they got a nice quick time - but is that why they do it? Personal achievement.

    Yeah, also saw riders pockets stuffed with gels and energy powder, meaning the guys later on had nothing. That would have to be addressed next year?
    “Look where you want to go. Not where you are going”
  • Brewsterwmb
    Brewsterwmb Posts: 145
    ah! Is that why i saw riders riding back on the other side of the road after the split?! I bet they got a nice quick time - but is that why they do it? Personal achievement.

    Yeah, also saw riders pockets stuffed with gels and energy powder, meaning the guys later on had nothing. That would have to be addressed next year?
    “Look where you want to go. Not where you are going”
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    ah! Is that why i saw riders riding back on the other side of the road after the split?! I bet they got a nice quick time - but is that why they do it? Personal achievement.

    People were really doing that? That's pretty lame.
  • on-yer-bike
    on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
    The goody bag is a sham. It obviously doesn't cost anything as it is full of free samples. The manufacturers have probably paid the organisers to have their products put in there.

    If you take your own food and drink you may as well do it unofficially and time yourself with a Garmin.
  • sane_man
    sane_man Posts: 3,759
    Galatzo wrote:
    Some great bikes out there, particular favourites include a new all white carbon Principa and some Ciocc and Casati. There were also some very expensive bikes making some awful noises !

    The white Principia was probably my clubmate. He's only just got it as an insurance replacement for the original which was stolen by professional thieves from his garage earlier this year.

    I have to admit that my own expensive bike (Colnago C50) was sounding like a bag of spanners by the end. Gonna have to have to strip that rear hub tonight!
    <i><font color="maroon"><font size="1">I could be happy the rest of my life, with a Cinnamon Girl</font id="size1"></font id="maroon"></i>
  • greeny12
    greeny12 Posts: 759
    MrChuck wrote:
    ah! Is that why i saw riders riding back on the other side of the road after the split?! I bet they got a nice quick time - but is that why they do it? Personal achievement.

    People were really doing that? That's pretty lame.

    It's bad enough cheating in the pro peleton, but in a sportive?? Ridiculous, and totally pointless.

    What are they gonna do, print off the Excel spreadsheet and show it to all their mates??? Makes me laugh just thinking about it...
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  • Hugh A
    Hugh A Posts: 1,189
    edited June 2010
    As for people turning round after the timing slot - I would have thought the split time would be a bit of a give-away, but it makes you think - that people were bothering to do that!

    I enjoyed the day despite creeping slowly all the way round due to a knee injury. I managed to find a box with some energy drink and gels in at the first feed stop but there was no evidence of any at the next two, and as it happens I can't stand cakes and bananas - but eat some anyway as I was so desperate. Just as well I had some drink sachets and bars with me though. some things the organizers don't seem to have ever got to grips with.

    Mind you they are not alone here [even the etape has got it horribly wrong at least twice, running out of water at feed stops!] - I take the stuff because pretty much every sportive I have done has fallen short in some department, but I guess it is impossible to cater for everyones needs anyway. Having said that, the Forest of Dean was pretty woeful in that department last year but responded to criticism and provided some really good well stocked stations this year - so it can be done, even to the point of supplying stuff to us slower riders, who lets face it probably need it more than the guys heading for a gold standard.
    VFM? maybe not but the route and the whole hoot of riding with so many people is what you're really paying for.

    Mind you the car parking business cold be better. we parked in a road nearby toavoid some of the massive queues for the car park and this year I found it easier to remember where I'd put the car.
    I\'m sure I had one of those here somewhere
  • galatzo
    galatzo Posts: 1,295
    Was anyone apart from taking pictures ?
    25th August 2013 12hrs 37mins 52.3 seconds 238km 5500mtrs FYRM Never again.
  • johncp
    johncp Posts: 302
    clanton wrote:
    Anyone got an accurate - GPS - reading of the total distance for the long route? My speedo is undereading and I'd like to work out how much it is undereading - so I can extrapolate what my top speed was!

    If you haven't got a headwind you're not trying hard enough
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    I have a strong suspicion that enough food was provided, but some people saw the feeds as an opportunity to fill their pockets. I've seen this on other events as well.
    Re the people riding out to the split timing point then doing the short route, the mind boggles. They must lead very sad lives. :roll:
  • ynyswen24
    ynyswen24 Posts: 703
    mamba80 wrote:
    I'm sure its very helpful to be told of all these short cuts back to the car parks ON MONDAY morning!
    But the organisers should have marshalled us back via a decent shortcut AND not as many did, trying to x a dual carriageway., not good publicity if someone had been killed on that busy road/roundabout?
    My point is that the organisers are getting poss in excess of £90k, most people helping out r volunteers, and this is, what, their 5th of running the event?
    i was early on the road but running out of water or energy drink is just unacceptable.
    Look around, there r many many more events that are just as challenging but dont have the rubbish that the Dargon has, what about all those grotty towns we had to ride through? [/b]i was really lookin fwd to this evnt but returned back to Cornwall thinking "why did i bother?"
    the Autumn Epic is far far nicer and u get a free hot meal afterwards :D + a couple of bidons!
    On the plus side, i always enjoy riding in wales and once out in the hills , it was beautiful and it was always nice to hear some encouraging cheers from many people on the roadside.

    Mamba: South Wales is, in parts , grotty (I know, I live here...)If you could arrange the hills to be relocated somewhere more fragrant I'd be delighted :D
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    ynyswen24 wrote:
    mamba80 wrote:
    I'm sure its very helpful to be told of all these short cuts back to the car parks ON MONDAY morning!
    But the organisers should have marshalled us back via a decent shortcut AND not as many did, trying to x a dual carriageway., not good publicity if someone had been killed on that busy road/roundabout?
    My point is that the organisers are getting poss in excess of £90k, most people helping out r volunteers, and this is, what, their 5th of running the event?
    i was early on the road but running out of water or energy drink is just unacceptable.
    Look around, there r many many more events that are just as challenging but dont have the rubbish that the Dargon has, what about all those grotty towns we had to ride through? [/b]i was really lookin fwd to this evnt but returned back to Cornwall thinking "why did i bother?"
    the Autumn Epic is far far nicer and u get a free hot meal afterwards :D + a couple of bidons!
    On the plus side, i always enjoy riding in wales and once out in the hills , it was beautiful and it was always nice to hear some encouraging cheers from many people on the roadside.

    Mamba: South Wales is, in parts , grotty (I know, I live here...)If you could arrange the hills to be relocated somewhere more fragrant I'd be delighted :D
  • jackfeeder
    jackfeeder Posts: 269
    I just assumed that the people coming back to the short route had gone the wrong way by mistake. I can't believe that anyone would cheat with the long/short split times - what's the point??!!!
    Does this really go on?
    All my life I've wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more specific.
  • Abdoujaparov
    Abdoujaparov Posts: 642
    Quite a few people have been disqualified if you look at the results list. I guess the organisers must have noted their numbers as they went past which is pretty good of them. They couldn't have done it on the basis of mismatched split versus finishing times because they might have had mechanicals.

    Chapeau organisers!

    Anyway, I see only the top 78 people in the Gran Fondo got gold standard - that's just 4 per cent! Bit stingey if you ask me.
  • Well I had a fab day out, 7.29 for the Gran Fondo, I'm well pleased.

    Thanks to all the marshals - top job. I took my own powder and bars so had no probs at the water and banana stops :D

    The roads were really good and I will definitely be doing it next year........looking for a silver!

    Thanks again for a well organised and run event.
  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    Quite a few people have been disqualified if you look at the results list. I guess the organisers must have noted their numbers as they went past which is pretty good of them. They couldn't have done it on the basis of mismatched split versus finishing times because they might have had mechanicals.

    I think some of those disqualifications would be for going through red lights.
  • dave milne
    dave milne Posts: 703
    3rd year in a row for me. No complaints whatsoever about the organisation, thought it was top notch personally. I only stopped at the middle feed stop for more energy drink. On a personal level I was 2 minutes slower than last year (6:17) and a little disappointed to take a backwards step when I felt like I was going really well but just had a bad day on the bike and very pleased for my capacity to suffer and limit my losses.

    Pluses included a breakneck train of 40+ riders from the section where the two routes come together until Neath pulled along by 2 very strong riders at 25+mph. It all got very hairy coming into the busier roads by Neath and someone wearing a Verenti Dragon ride top went down at high speed right in front of me, looked very painful. My mate who was in front of me also got hit by the wing mirror of a landrover coming head on and spent a couple of hours in hospital getting seen to. Is ok with no bones broken.

    Another guy from our club (Bigfoot) put in an incredible ride and finished 7th (5:47) but the ultimate winner I believe was the 15 year old son of the owner of de ver cycles with 15:40. Now that's humbling.
  • ynyswen24
    ynyswen24 Posts: 703
    Saw quite a few De Ver riders at various points, all going past me... :)
    As far as I recall that 15yr old has got a lot of potential. There was some coverage of him and his dad (a very good rider) in the comic a while back.
    But then, lots of people were going past me. Luckily I got passed by an Ogmore Valley Wheelers rider on Bwlch2 and reckoned that he'd know the climb pretty well so worked hard to keep him in sight and seemed to pass quite a few people and get a good rythmn going over the top. Then everyone overtook me down the other side.
  • Abdoujaparov
    Abdoujaparov Posts: 642
    Did that 15 year old (Germain Burton) actually win? His name comes out top in the results list, but he has a slower time than a couple of others.

    Either way, it's pretty damn impressive for a kid!
  • mr_tricolore
    mr_tricolore Posts: 255
    Well, that's quite a few pages of whining I had to go though before getting to the positive, and fair, comments about this year's Dragon.

    My thought are:
    - considering that the Dragon is of a similar size to some continental sportives, it was very well organised
    - if you think you're going to get "a la carte" service at the feed stations, go and play golf instead.
    - Entry fees for sportives are high because the target market for such events can afford them. You just had to ride through the Dragon Ride's car park and spot the BMX X5 or Audi Q7 to understand why sportives are organised a lucrative events. Entering a 3-legged race on sports day will cost you 50p, but I doubt it will make you feel like you're Lance Armstrong.
    - Don't complain about the trip back to the car park,. All you had to do was to go back the way you came!
    - If you don't like waiting / having to buy your own drinks and gel, get there earlier next time.

    My experience of the event was just superb. I had not suffered like this since the Etape du Tour in 2008 and feel very proud of my 6:56 finishing time for 190km. The feed stations were the best I had seem in a UK sportive (hot potatoes and salt... genius, it just hit the spot!). I would like to see gels being handed over and restricted to one per rider to keep the whole thing fair, but most sportives don't actually provide them anyway.

    And to conclude: what an amazing landscape Wales has to offer! I'm also glad we went through some pretty deprived areas, as I had simply no idea how bad things there in some towns.
    You only need one!
    FGG #2909
  • Mingsta
    Mingsta Posts: 24
    My fourth Dragon (or 5th if you count last year's DNS) and enjoyed it greatly.

    Unfortunately I seem to be a bit cursed with this event. My first dragon in 2006 went smoothly and coincidentally saw my best performance. Subsequent dragon's have seen a string of mishaps such as food poisoning in 2007 and both me and my riding buddie's gear cables snapping within minutes of each other early in the 2008 ride!

    This time was no exception as my freehub developed a problem during the 1st decent of the Bwlch and I had to do the rest of the ride riding it like a fixie. So if you saw a chinese guy in a Cinzano top peddling like crazy on the descents while feathering the brakes, now you know why!

    The marshalling and signage was excellent as usual. My only gripe was the lack of energy drinks. I normally bring my own powders for the smaller sportives, but I expected a bit better from the Dragon and felt somewhat let down for having to do the 190km on water. My toilet bowl will be sueing Lou et al for battery having felt the full force of the 8 bananas that I consumed in the absence of sports drink!

    Is it just me or is the 2009/2010 route a fair bit harder than the previous dragons? I've averaged ~17mph in the past, but for this one (missed 2009) I was practically crawling at 15mph ave despite the smooth roads and favourable winds. Rode it solo this year, but I can't see that accounting for the whole difference.

    The hardest bit was the loop round the brecon beacons...lots of false flats that made you feel like you were treading treacle, while the first bit of tiredness set in with only a third of the ride done! I'd love to come back and do the course with bionic implants/EPO so I could appreciate the stunning scenery more, rather than chewing bar tape!

    BTW - that previous comment about grubby welsh towns was a bit uncalled for IMO. If you're gonna go there and ride, show a bit of respect for the area & locals.
  • friso
    friso Posts: 107
    This was my first Dragon but unfortunatley i couldn't tame it (7.05ish ride time)

    The second Bwlch got to me

    I really don't know what people expect, when i am going to enter an endurance event i don't rely on others to provide the correct nutrition and energy products

    I would expect them to be on hand for emergencies but i certainly would't take the chance so always carry enough for my personal consumption. I also saw hand full of gels and sachets being snatched up. Surly people weren't turning up with not enough gels or carbs? were they?

    I totally agree with the signage at the finish, cycling around that busy roundabout with the goodie bag banging of my spokes was a bit worrying

    The organisation was ok, Verenti have to remember that the best bits about the ride has nothing to do with them, the route and us guys who took part are the only constant

    Although we all have to be acountable for the sucess of the ride, i saw very little in the way of courtessy for car drivers and very little signalling for hazards to other competitors.

    If you want a great ride in Wales with fantastic organisation, instant timing and a tasty hot meal at end do the Autumn Epic in october, its a must do
  • paulcass1
    paulcass1 Posts: 6
    1st time on the Dragon Ride, thought the route was great, climbs weren't silly steep like on Cornwall Tor last month, as good a days training as I'm going to get for the Marmotte.

    Pack never arrived in the post so went to register on Saturday around noon. After getting to J35 spent 15 mins driving around to find HQ as they hadn't put any signs up yet.

    Rode 20km to start from Porthcawl with Lynn from N Ireland who happened to stay in same B&B, got there a bit early which sounds just as well from stories here about jams into the car parks and through that single file barrier thing at the start of the path (is that the only one in the country as I've certainly not seen another?)

    Started off in the 3rd group out and did a decent time (6.49) so I guess I wasn't affected by feed stops running out of drink. Took my own bars etc but I did notice that I didn't fancy anything they had on offer (apart from a banana). Surely they could get a local baker to make up a load of flapjacks? I didn't bother to stop at the last one as there were so many people and I had enough on me to get to the end - but I think if someone told me I should have got there quicker I would have felt like hitting them :x

    As for the cost, well from my single experience it's worth it just for the atmosphere, all that group climbing and bunch riding is great (The Cornwall Tor felt like an Audax in comparison) I mean we can all go and do the route whenever we want for nothing but it won't feel the same or be as much fun - and it will be a lot harder! I'm certainly planning on doing it again next year.

    The goody bag? Pretty pointless, I ate what I fancied and the worst bit was riding round with it trying to find a bin to put it in.

    Hardest part of the day - struggling back to Porthcawl into a hideous headwind having left all my energy on the ride
  • mrdoofer
    mrdoofer Posts: 71
    £30 quid to ride up the Rhigos, look to my left excellent view down into the valley, look up ahead hundreds of multi-coloured jerseys winding off into the distance up the mountain; worth every penny.