How healthy/fit are you..



  • nwmlarge
    nwmlarge Posts: 778
    Smoke: when drinking and occasionally when working on cars

    Alcohol: once a week on average. Don't drink at home. can get very heavy when on a night out, i don't seem to have a limit or at least of late i haven't found it, 6 pints 6 vodka cokes 6 jager bombs 3-4 shots doesn't seem to leave me in any sort of bad state, well untill the next day then i still feel pissed.

    Food: i eat well, good solid breakfast, decent lunch with plenty of fruit, good dinners, my biggest fall down is opportunity snacking, whereby if there is peanuts or crisps or something kicking about i'll eat it, i have also had to really curb eating crap at the weekend when hanging out with mates.

    Drink: Mainly water; tea/coffee 3 to 4 a day, usually to get me going at work in the mornings, rarely ever fizzy drinks etc.

    Exercise: 3-4 times a week in the gym at work sometimes 5 if i have a quiet week, always for an hour mixed between weights and cardio but mostly weights.
    bike rides tend to be annoyingly scarce but usually 2 a week hope to increase this with the lighter evenings although a buddy to ride with would be good.

    Other problems: i keep pulling a muscle in my neck, my other problem is motivation to do things, once i am doing them i love it but sometimes actually starting them is slow.

    Willy wave: resting heart rate between 42-48 85kg 6’1” age 30
    Still too much of a belly for my liking although the rest is in good shape.
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    Smoke: no
    Alcohol: rarely during the week, but often quite heavily at weekends - but cutting down on that now as it's caused a few problems, genuinely considering T-totalism.

    Food: Average I'd say. Generally cook my own food from fresh, never use 'ready meals' but do have 1 takeaway a week. lots of fresh veg, but bad with fruit (only a couple of pieces a week). Do tend to read the Nutritional info' on must stuff like a saddo in the supermarket :oops:

    Enjoy the odd choc bar though.

    Drink: Mainly water; coffee in the morning, Love Frijj! but rarely drink fizzy stuff (too many calories something that doesn't fill you up IMO)

    Exercise: Commute everyday (rain, shine or snow!) (18miles a day total).
    MTBing on the weekends and one night a week. Gym once a month (need to improve there!)

    Willy Wave: Nothing that special, but have lost 2 stone in 3 months from January to March, which was hard work for me.
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • nwmlarge
    nwmlarge Posts: 778
    thats some impressive weightloss! mostly due to diet?
  • Smoke:never
    Drink: not since my 21st (15 years ago) when my drinks were spiked :-(
    Food: Breakfast, porridge a 2 slices of toast, Lunch, homemade sandwich usually Cheese/Ham with cucumber on wholemeal, banana, apple, low fat yoghurt, Tea always homecooked, with veg at least 3 times a week. I do have a tendancy for sweet stuff at work, but not at home.

    Drink up to 4 cups (small) of tea per day, apart from that squash, fizzy water.

    Fitness, commute to work when I can (18 mile round trip) 70 sit ups every night before bed.

    I have also recently got into the habit of weighing my self evey morning, been stuck at 11st 4 oz, for the past 5 months, occasionally drop down to 11st 2 oz. I'm 5ft 8.5 inches, tummy is gradually getting flatter.

    Always get out when I can with my daughter on her bike no matter how short the journey
  • mikee1979
    mikee1979 Posts: 151
    Smoke: no (Cigarettes at least)

    Alchohol: not during the week, some weekends though can make up for it.

    Food: Fairly good diet, not much junk although I'm like a fiend on crack when the Haribo are out.

    Exercise/Fitness: Mainly biking is my main exercise, commute to work a couple of times a week which is a 26mile round journey with a big hill. Try to do go a fairly big ride on most weekends.

    In general my fitness is getting better but could do with a lot more improvement!
  • mikee1979
    mikee1979 Posts: 151

    I have also recently got into the habit of weighing my self evey morning, been stuck at 11st 4 oz, for the past 5 months, occasionally drop down to 11st 2 oz. I'm 5ft 8.5 inches, tummy is gradually getting flatter.

    Ha, same here I'm stuck on that weight as well!
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,478
    Smoke: no.
    Alcohol: socially
    Food: grilled/ovened during the week. fry up etc on weekeds
    Drink: squash, orange juice, water. Odd coffee at work
    Exercise: only the commute to work (normally ride every day but only ridden twice this month)
    Other problems: 2 dodgy knees from birth (I was one of those kids with black and decker type looking braces)
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    nwmlarge wrote:
    thats some impressive weightloss! mostly due to diet?

    Yep, Diet and forcing myself to commute everyday by bike (i now actually hate the days went I have to take the train) I have to admit I did use Slim Fast :oops: for the first month and I dropped about 7lbs in the first ten days on that stuff - does what it says on the tin! but the key is slowly getting back onto a normal diet.
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • Smoke - When Drinking
    Alcohol - I'm in the military enough said.
    Food - Whatever is on the go that day and who knows at the weekends.
    Drink - Squash/Ice Tea/Water some pop.
    Exercise. Can be nothing one week to 4+hours a day for a week all depends on what is going on.

    I could do with being a hell of a lot fitter, Im always at my fittest when I come back from a bike holiday lol, just no one here who wants to ride and I can only ride so much on my own before I loose the will to live.
    I use all 9 inches.

  • nwmlarge
    nwmlarge Posts: 778
    nwmlarge wrote:
    thats some impressive weightloss! mostly due to diet?

    Yep, Diet and forcing myself to commute everyday by bike (i now actually hate the days went I have to take the train) I have to admit I did use Slim Fast :oops: for the first month and I dropped about 7lbs in the first ten days on that stuff - does what it says on the tin! but the key is slowly getting back onto a normal diet.

    i wish i was a bit closer to work but a 26mile ride to work would kill me for the day let alone the 26 back!
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    forgotrafe wrote:
    re people with ME - do have a look at The Lightening Process. I've witnessed the process first hand and was utterly amazed at the transformation in the person. They didn't have ME, but they say it helps ME sufferers too.

    EDIT: Did a quick google and it's not good what they say about The Lightening Process and ME so I might take my comment back! However, it worked for the person I witnessed, though as I say their illness wasn't ME.

    Just had a look at that, very interesting, especially the notes on adrenaline. I was originally diagnosed with pheochromocytoma which is an adrenaline producing tumour.
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    Yeah it was ( ... t=12684543). It was really good managed the standard route (57 miles) in 3 h 1 min - pretty pleased with the time :D

    Very good time for your first one, well done. Planning on doing more?
  • boneyjoe
    boneyjoe Posts: 369
    Now 41, I know I'd leave my 18yr old self for dust in any endurance sport.

    (that doesn't involve sleeping, drinking or w*nking)
    Scott Scale 20 (for xc racing)
    Gary Fisher HKEK (for commuting)
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    Pork Sword wrote:
    Smoke: Only when I forget to use lubrication...


    Not a kings of leon fan are you?
  • Drinking and Riding = Bad News
    I use all 9 inches.

  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    Age: 47
    Smoke: No
    Booze: Teetotaler
    Food: Mainly salads, brown bread and fish. Very little fried food.
    Lots of fresh fruit, dried fruit and sadly a weakness for Snickers bars..
    Love Cola but have cut right down, lots of fruit juices at home. Work it's water and tea with milk with the occasional [full fat] Cola.
    No addition of sugar or salt in my diet
    Weight: 98Kgs, Rested pulse: 62BPM BP: 124/84
    Exercise: Run for an hour 3 x week, cycle twice weekly at Cannock 6 Miles and almost every weekend, (usually Cannock) 10-12 miles
  • RockingDad
    RockingDad Posts: 239
    Age: 35
    Alcohol: No... well maybe about three glasses of wine a year.
    Smoke: No
    Diet, healthy, have lost 3 and a half stone over the last year and watch what I eat but not on a diet or anything
    Drink: water and juice mainly, the odd pepsi every now and then
    Exercise: every day twelve miles mountain biking one day, light weights the next until....... (see below)

    Other problems, After what felt and looked like an explosion in my left eye I have been told I have permanent damage to the eyesight in my left eye due to high blood pressure that has been put down to work related stress. this is apparently one of the three major issues caused by high blood pressure (the others being stroke and heart attack). Had to have all sorts of other scary tests to see if there was any other vessel damage in my body and told not to excercise due to the risk of a full on stroke. Things are starting to calm down and I rattle when I walk...... :cry: but am now allowed to start light cardio.

    My advice to all, get your blood pressure checked NOW!

    Ahhh i'm off to polish my bike

    2010 Carrera Fury
    1992 Raleigh Equipe
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    I always find the difference when you stop drinking for a few weeks on the bike is amazing. Suddenly you can go further, faster, and easier. However, it seems that at least one mate is having his or her 18th birthday every weekend at the moment, and you just can't say no..
  • RealMan wrote:
    I always find the difference when you stop drinking for a few weeks on the bike is amazing. Suddenly you can go further, faster, and easier. However, it seems that at least one mate is having his or her 18th birthday every weekend at the moment, and you just can't say no..

    Hahahahahah awesome, I thinks it's compulsory to get mashed while on holiday riding at least. Hopefully I don't break to many people this year lol.
    I use all 9 inches.

  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    Skiing is the worst for that..
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346

    Sorry to hear of the damage to your eye, not good but at least you're aware of the situation and can be treated for it and adapt your lifestyle to reduce your hypertension.
    Best of luck and let us know how you progress.
    RockingDad wrote:
    My advice to all, get your blood pressure checked NOW!

    Absolute words of wisdom, I seen my parents suffer through hypertension related to work pressures and lifestyles. Also, hypertension is hereditary so I was fortunate enough to look and learn. From my teens I cut all added salt from my diet and vowed never to drink

    I had my BP checked a few weeks back:
    BP: 124/84
  • RockingDad
    RockingDad Posts: 239
    Cheers Raymondavalon. Went out today for about an hour and a half..... absolutely brilliant!. Fitted the M520's prior, should have gone to SPD's ages ago.

    Oh and amen brother on the 4X4 part of the your sig.... loving that...and my Jeep!

    Stay healthy all :D
    2010 Carrera Fury
    1992 Raleigh Equipe
  • philrw
    philrw Posts: 6
    1. Smoke no
    2. Drink: moderate unless away with the lads!
    3. Food: No special diet but fair mix of stuff, plenty of fruit.
    4. Exercise. 30 road miles Monday to Friday (commuting) - so 150 miles during working week. Then 50-75 miles over weekend - mix of road and mountain biking.

    Max heart rate 212bpm.
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    philrw wrote:
    Max heart rate 212bpm.

    noooooooooooooo :cry:

    How old are you?
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    To all those who smoke, maybe there's hope for you yet..
