How healthy/fit are you..

RealMan Posts: 2,166
edited April 2010 in MTB general
A lot of people mention about post ride pints and the like, and a few have mentioned they smoke/used to smoke. Never really been a thing I've done with any of my clubs.

I have never met a cyclist who smokes (or at least would admit to it). Most of the cyclists I know are very healthy people. So how healthy are you?

Smoke: no.
Alcohol: yes.
Food: sweets and chocolate now and then, but no mcdonalds or anything like that.
Drink: squash, orange juice, water. Never tea or coffee or fizzy stuff.
Exercise: at least 6 or 7 times a week, always at least 2 hours.
Other problems: Used to run a lot, and it gave me a knee injury, so have been unable to run for a few years, but its starting to get better.

Willy wave: got to stage 17 of the bleep test last month, best I've ever done on it.

I consider myself healthy, but I know I don't obsess about it, and I probably could be healthier if I really could be bothered. Could you be healthier? Do you care about your health?

And do you think roadies are generally more healthy then mountain bikers? I think they're definitely generally fitter, but not sure about health. Lets also see how long it takes for someone to say something stupid like "all those lycra clad roadies do all day is take drugs".

EDIT: Just got this idea from another thread. What's the maximum you've got your heart rate up to (if you ever use a heart rate monitor)?

Max HR: 211.


  • Smoke: No
    Drink: Not for ages
    Food: Average diet, could probably cut down on sweets. Lots of fruit though!
    Drink: Probably too much caffeine, have the occasional ginger beer/cherry coke.
    Exercise: almost 0 during the week, but thats to change as it gets a bit warmer, plenty at the weekend.
    Other Problems: i'm lazy and have a dodgy knee. My work is sat behind a desk too.

    Willy wave: My c*ck is massive.

    I reckon i'm fairly healthy... could do with losing a few lb but I gain muscle fairly easily so I always end up putting weight on :lol:

    All the lycra clad roadies take drugs, which means they're fitter :wink:
  • underdog
    underdog Posts: 292
    Smoke: Yes, heavily
    Alcohol: yes, but not very often, though when I do I can drink a bottle of whiskey to myself
    Food: sweets and chocolate now and then, am vegitarian so no Mcdonalds or the like, though I do love a pizza
    Drink: Tea and lots of it, have recently taken to only drinking water during my 12 hour shifts in work.
    Exercise: other than out on the bike then very little compared to when I had the time to surf when I wanted to without a family to consider.

    Do I care about my health, I think I have the fear that comes with an increase in age, I have two 8 year old children, and in the summer I will have a new son, so I spend more time thinking wanting to be around longer for them as they get older, but that's a general health thing, not a fitness thing.

    I ride a bike because I enjoy it not, not to keep fit as such.
  • bike-a-swan
    bike-a-swan Posts: 1,235
    smoke: no
    drink: yes. ale tastes nice. down the pub maybe a couple of times a week.
    food: whatever I want,within reason and in moderation
    drink: probably average 1.5 cups of tea a day over a week. Otherwise water
    Exercise: 30-40miles mtb most saturdays, 20-30 road early on a sunday. the odd bit of running in the week (although I'm trying to get my early morning habit back), and cycling if the weathers nice/I have time/someone to go with. Also fencing.

    Don't worry too much, as long as I feel healthy it's good enough for me. That said, I'm gearing myself up to ride lots and quickly this summer so I'm thinking about it but not worrying!
    Rock Lobster 853, Trek 1200 and a very old, tired and loved Apollo Javelin.
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    That said, I'm gearing myself up to ride lots and quickly this summer so I'm thinking about it but not worrying!

    I'm taking on Ventoux and d'Huez in the summer. Poo is coming out. I don't think I'm fit enough. However with all this nice weather been getting lots of training in, and if it keeps up, I think I'll do alright. But if I get injured and miss out on a few weeks, I'll really be worried.

    bigbenj_08 wrote:
    Willy wave: My c*ck is massive.

    Can't be that big if you're still able to wave it.. :wink:
  • Laurence25
    Laurence25 Posts: 334
    Smoke: No
    Drink: Yes all tho not alot
    Food: I eat my greens :wink: overall healthy eating habits but could cut down on chocolate
    Drink: Mike Orange juice water and sports drinks at the gym
    Exercise: Gym at-least 3 times a week average 4 MTB every day i can (Obviously :wink: ) And i want to start running but im not the best runner , i am sure one a week would not hurt.

    As for protein shakes and the like i don't believe in them ! what is the point , i just don't no ! and i no i am not the fittest i could be but i am happy so hey who cares !
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    Smoke: Never. Disgusting habit.
    Alcohol: Haven't had a drink during the week for years, every other weekend i'll go on a bit of a bender but thats the most I can handle now.
    Food: My metabolism is absolutely ridiculous so I can get away with eating anything and not put on a pound. Literally the last time I was out of work all I did was sleep till the early afternoon, eat biscuits, crisps and pot noodles and sit on the computer all day and I lost a stone and half from lost muscle mass. I really struggle with gaining weight, but I still love fruit and veg and normally get a good 3-4 portions a day minimum.
    Drink: Dont do coffee anymore, dont do fizzy drinks. It's all about Oasis, chocolate milkshake and gay flavoured Twinigs tea for me.
    Exercise: Well I work on a building site so I get a good physical workout every day. Got into a good habit of doing a few sets of sit ups and push ups before I get in the shower every night. Gym twice a week and on the bike every weekend.

    Overall i'd say i'm of an above average/high level of fitness. My cardio needs some work but my endurance and recovery time is great, so even if I do gass out it only takes a couple of minutes before i'm ready to rock again.
  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    I'm fitter than all of you. Internet fact.

    Sorry, what's the point of this thread?
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I have recurring glandular fever and M.E. which has hit my riding hard, but still get out a bit.

    Smoke: no
    Drink: too much
    Exercise: is tricky
    Food: I don't eat sweet stuff.

    I used to be incredibly fit, and once took my RHR at less than bpm.
  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    My mum has ME and I know what a b*itch it is. She hasn't been able to get down the stairs since Thursday.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Sounds a bit more severe than mine. Mine used to be a lot worse, was housebound for a long time - is hard to get a grip on it as too much exercise can make you worse.

    Hope she finds a way through it.
  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    She's had it for the best part of 20 years, so we're used with it by now.

    Had some improvement over the last few years though, less need for a wheelchair just to go round the shops etc.

    Glad yours isn't so bad, wouldn't wish it on anyone.
  • Smoke: When drinking. I'm also partial to the odd cigar.
    Drink: 5 or 6 pints of Guinness a week, a few bottles of wine on the weekend.
    Eat: I try to be healthy but I make my living in burger vans..... "you do the math" :D

    Exercise: Nothing really apart from the biking and some freeweights. I'm overweight, I smoke and drink and I'm the wrong side of 30 - I really struggle uphill but I still enjoy it, I mainly mountainbike for the good crack with mates and the downhills. I'll probably have a massive coronary up Cwmcarn some time - not a bad way to go.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Aye it is a bugger! My specialist says it sometimes just disappears on its own accord, but recognized mine was tied in with something else. Was a coincidence, as he had just written a research paper on the exact combo of diseases and diagnosed me very quickly!
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    D-Cyph3r wrote:
    Got into a good habit of doing a few sets of sit ups and push ups before I get in the shower every night.

    I've tried to get into that habit, but I just can't keep it up. I got into the habit of stretching every day for about half an hour, but only managed to keep it going for a few months.
    supersonic wrote:
    I have recurring glandular fever and M.E. which has hit my riding hard, but still get out a bit.

    I used to be incredibly fit, and once took my RHR at less than bpm.

    That really sucks, but its great that you still get out a bit. Did you mean to add a number before BPM? :?
  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    That was lucky! It was only last year that they realised my Mum's was tied into something called Bechet's disease. Only took about 18 years or so.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    18 years bloody hell.

    Aye, forgot them number, are rather the top row of number keys doesn't work lol. Was meant to say 40 bpm.
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    I'll probably have a massive coronary up Cwmcarn some time - not a bad way to go.

    No, not at all. If I ever get to like 80 or something and am getting to the point where I'll be unable to do anything other then sit and watch tv, I'll go try and do a backflip on a bmx or something. Better to go out doing what you enjoy doing.

    supersonic wrote:
    Aye, forgot them number, are rather the top row of number keys doesn't work lol. Was meant to say 40 bpm.

    1. Bloody hell, that's fit.

    2. You need a new keyboard lol, half your keys don't work. What is it now, brackets, numbers and exclamation marks? :D
  • mrfmilo
    mrfmilo Posts: 2,250
    Smoke: Nope
    Alcohol: Nope
    Food: Generally good, have an addiction to Haribo though.... : /
    Drink: Mainly water.
    Exercise: Quite alot. On the bike nearly every day, football, push ups etc.
    Other problems: Knee's can be dodgy at times :?
  • furby
    furby Posts: 200
    Laurence25 wrote:
    As for protein shakes and the like i don't believe in them ! what is the point , i just don't no ! and i no i am not the fittest i could be but i am happy so hey who cares !

    Go read up, go do some training and then rethink that. :wink:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    im pretty healthy, im rarely ill. i always recover completely from injuries. ive just started a new healthier eating plan, i want to get to around 17.5 stone.

    im pretty fit for a 19 odd stone monster, could definately be alot fitter though but im plenty fit and more than strong enough for my job. that said, i get paid to be so.

    i train at least 4 times a week, either a couple of hours of squash or run for an hour at a time followed by some weight training. i will cycle once a week at the moment as i have got out of the habit but i dont consider this to be training, its a hobby.
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Last week:

    Saw old git pushing his bike, fag in his mouth.

    Yesterday, saw young "radical dude" type on skateboard, lighting up before a DH.

    Finally, saw a guy/gal just parking their lovely 1,000cc motorbike, full leathers, looked cool.

    Then...they lit up. Not so cool then?
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    Splottboy wrote:
    Yesterday, saw young "radical dude" type on skateboard, lighting up before a DH.

    Mountain board? Or was he just mental? :D

    But I agree with you, people who smoke instantly go down in my opinion. Its just stupid, and it makes you look a bit of a dick.
  • Smoke: Nope
    Alcohol: Nope
    Food: Eat my fruit and veg but love sweet things, if its in front of me I eat it - chocolate, cakes etc. I can resist buying sweet stuff but once its in the cupboard I know its there and want to eat it.
    Drink: Mainly squash and one coffee a day.
    Exercise: Depends on uni work but am getting out three times a week at the moment (about 80 - 100 miles a week) and just done my first sportive in the new forest. Try and do push ups and sit ups three times a week.
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    Was that sportive this weekend (or the one before..)?

    Was going to do that, but was busy, how was it?
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Real Man: Looked like a long based skateboard to me, on a concrete cycle track in Bangor.
    It runs down to a REALLY busy roundabout, so hope his brakes worked!

    Just hope he wasn't donating his lungs...
  • Smoke: nope
    Alcohol: of course :lol: pub couple times a week, every other weekend im on a bender :wink:
    Food: i do eat quite healthy . . . when the girlfriend is around :shock: but otherwise i practically live on pizza, chicken and cheese salad baguettes, maybe a take away every now and then
    Drink: orange juice, water, diet coke, ribena and tea
    Exercise: working as a mechanic so have a pretty physical job anyway, i ride 2 laps maybe 3 if im feeling good of follow the dog every saturday, football and gym once a week.

    i wouldn't consider myself as a super fit athlete but im not gaining any weight and can exercise for a fair time which is fine by me 8)
    Scott Reflex 20
    Trek Fuel EX 8 2010

    Work hard . . . . Play hard !
  • XCMark
    XCMark Posts: 55
    Smoke: no.
    Alcohol: Rarely.
    Food: Healthy apart from being a chocoholic.
    Drink: Water, tea, fruit tea, squash.
    Exercise: run 60 - 80 miles a week, spend about 9 hours on the bike (5 of this is the commute)(also get 90 mins a day training time during work hours, which is nice.).
    Other problems: I have an artificial shoulder that stops me doing a lot of upper body stuff, swimming, etc.

    Willy wave: I run a sub 1.15 half marathon and sub 2.45 marathon.
  • JamesBrckmn
    JamesBrckmn Posts: 1,360
    Smoke: no, never
    Alcohol: i'd drink quite a lot of beer/cider if i was old enough to buy it, but i wouldn't binge drink
    Food: quite healthy, homecooked stuff.
    Drink: quite healthy too, but i'm addicted to robinson's peach squash
    Exercise: cycle 6 miles (to/from school) most days
    Other problems: i've had problems with my back before, had a muscle spasm, btu it doesn't affect mtbing, and i've got quite a few scars from various things (walking into a door frame when i was 4, now got a harry potter style scar on my forhead, a branch fell on my cheek another time, almost into my mouth, i tripped going down an up escalator once, got a scar on my ankle) and i've fallen off a fair bit, but haven't broken anything, just had lots of bruises and cuts
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    smoke: no
    alcohol: well im a student so i drink far too much, got a drinks tracker on my phone and even on a casual meal ill be a fair over the daily limit, even managed to go off the chart at one party :shock: :lol:
    food: distinctly average, a fair bit of chocolate, but not too bad, have layed of the mcdonalds alot this year too :D
    drink: squash, 5 glasses of pure orange juice a morning, tea
    Exercise: walk the 4 mile round trip to college everyday, 7/8 mile cycle to work on saturday, 20+ miles on a sunday, although ive been out alot more since the weather got better.

    have a dodgy knee and lower back atm, so im not pushing too hard, well im trying too but the temptation to floor it is always too much, my RHR is about 50 bpm, which i think is pretty good, so i guess im pretty fit :D
  • andyrm
    andyrm Posts: 550
    Smoke: No.
    Alcohol: Yes - but it's a take it/leave it thing, went 6 weeks without a single beer recently and didn't feel any urge.
    Food: Eat pretty healthily, lots of pasta/salads etc but partial to some good junk at times. And ice cream seems to be a real obsession for me these days.
    Drink: 6+ pints of water a day, trying to cut coffee down.
    Exercise: Fast 15 minute walk to/from work each day, at least 2 x 3 hour midweek rides, big ride Sunday. About to start playing 5 a side with work again.
    Other problems: None really - surprisingly healthy and lack of permanent damage from 12+ years when I worked in the music/club industry and all the harmful things it entailed. A clean brake from that lifestyle 12 months ago and rediscovering mountain biking seems to have me fitter than I have a right to be at 32.....