So I went to The Bike Whisperer



  • Cubic
    Cubic Posts: 594
    I'm a roadie rather than a commuter(sorry), but I thought it might be useful to post my experience.

    I went to the BW a couple of weeks ago and have been very impressed with the changes made to my bike. I went to see them because I tend to get problems with my Piriformis muscle in my butt, plus I was having trouble with my knees.

    Scherrit spent a long time tweaking my saddle and cleat position, and also explained in detail the reasons behind the changes he was making. I was able to do the 60 mile Evans sportive in Woking yesterday without any problems.

    I would definitely recommend them if you're uncomfortable on the bike or have an injury. Scherrit and his wife Corinne have a lot of expertise and were really nice too. The three hours I spent with them was really enjoyable plus I picked up lots of little tips and tricks re training, maintenance, repairs etc.

    In short, it was worth the money :)
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Not been to TBW but the recent bike fit I had locally was worth every penny. A few small tweaks here & there, adjust the r/l cleat a bit, a review of my pedalling action (not much wrong there) - end result is my average speed on the commute has shot up by nearly 2mph, and cadence up from high 70s to mid 80s over the same route(s). More importantly though is the sense that the bike fits properly now, and that I'm getting out of it what I put in.

    The old hi-fi analogy fits well here. You can spend a lot of money on what seems to an outsider to be negligible improvements, but totted up the improvement is greater than the sum of its parts. That's what I reckon anyway.

    Suzyb - put your bike back together. It'll be come apparent which nuts & bolts go where as you do the job. At worst you'll end up with something in the wrong place that you'll be able to match with something you recall not being quite right from earlier on in the proceedings. .
  • Oddjob62
    Oddjob62 Posts: 1,056
    I'll probably book a slot when i get back from Canada. Can't get used to the drops on Carly, and would like to get comfortable before i try hitting the track with her.
    As yet unnamed (Dolan Seta)
    Joelle (Focus Expert SRAM)
  • Jamey
    Jamey Posts: 2,152
    Had my fitting there last night and like most people I'm happy and surprised how a few small changes can make a relatively large difference.

    My back pain seems to have just vanished straight away. Ride home from their place was a fair bit longer than my normal commute home yet I arrived at my door with no back ache for the first time in years.
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    Excellent. Going back there at the end of the month for a follow-up :)
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    You can tell that they're doing a good job though - because it is increasingly difficult to get an appointment - they're well booked up. Congrats to them - shows that they are doing something well.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    i had my appointment at the end of april and it was fantastic, cant recommend it enough. i used to get knee pain. then it disappeared, and then ins some ways im pleased because it came back 2 days before i went to see Sherrit.

    He cured it.