Are you a Daily Mail reader?



  • bikey2009
    bikey2009 Posts: 121
    alfablue wrote:
    I don't have a link - I think you are being a bit weird :? Its not very funny. Go and sleep it off now.

    I think you have come in a bit late on this topic.

    maybe will pick this up later today........bye :D
  • bikey2009
    bikey2009 Posts: 121
    bikey2009 wrote:
    alfablue wrote:
    I don't have a link - I think you are being a bit weird :? Its not very funny. Go and sleep it off now.

    I think you have come in a bit late on this topic.

    maybe will pick this up later today........bye :D

    Sorry, not late just off topic.
  • bikey2009
    bikey2009 Posts: 121
    Well, are you a Daily Mail reader?
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    bikey2009 wrote:
    seataltea wrote:
    It's the UK tabloid equivalent of FOX News.

    It makes the old and poorly informed afraid.

    It reinforces ageing stereotypes.

    It is a shameful example of journalism in 2010 and thankfully will be dead by the end of the decade.

    Don't now much about fox news, except that fox produce the simpsons.

    In England we have the "Independant" newspaper, but whenever I've read it it seems very pro the green party and its' policies.
    Fox news is a shamelessly partizan organisation which passes off rhetoric and opinion pieces as news, and runs interviews which make Sky's sound unbiased.

    Hey, guess who owns them all?
  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    As already stated, the Daily Mail has been seen to be anti-cyclist and inciting racial/class/political hatred in any of it's publications. Hence; if someone does the same on here they will be called a Daily Mail reader...

    That is all you need to concern your self with bikey2009.
  • jimmypippa
    jimmypippa Posts: 1,712
    Not safe for work, and changes frequently:
    “The Mail. Racist in public so you don't have to be.”
    ~ Advertising on The Daily Mail

    “I thought they'd be saying Hitler's a racist next.”
    ~ KKK on The Daily Mail being racist

    “An inspiration to us all.”
    ~ Fox News on The Daily Mail

    bikey2009, if you want to clean up your accounts, why don't you ask a moderator/admin how to do this by sending them a PM?
  • skins2
    skins2 Posts: 78
    colintrav wrote:
    IMO the Daily mail ... has no set agenda of presenting fact based journalisim

    Spot the oxymoron?

    Which popular newspaper does have an agenda of presenting fact based journalisim? I'd love to read one but I don't believe it exists or, indeed, there's even a market for one.
  • jimmypippa
    jimmypippa Posts: 1,712
    Skins2 wrote:
    colintrav wrote:
    IMO the Daily mail ... has no set agenda of presenting fact based journalisim

    Spot the oxymoron?

    Which popular newspaper does have an agenda of presenting fact based journalisim? I'd love to read one but I don't believe it exists or, indeed, there's even a market for one.
    Contact the Readers' editor
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  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    bikey2009 wrote:
    I'm not secret,

    Bike radar does not allow you to change your user name or account. If you wan't to change your name you have to create a new user account.

    Bzzzzt - not the case at all, they kindly changed my username for me.
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    _Brun_ wrote:
    bikey2009 wrote:
    Is there anything more pathetic than having a 'secret' idenity on the internet?

    You really have to question some peoples mental state
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • prj45
    prj45 Posts: 2,208
    I read the Daily Mail (mainly the website) because I find the hatred it spouts very funny.

    Witness the story a while back where a cyclist hit and injured (maybe killed?) a young child.

    Before it obviously had any facts it had written that the cyclist was riding on the pavement, and left the scene, latterly both found to be false.

    So it appears it just made up some stuff to appeal to the haters basically.

    And if you think the stories are hateful just take a look at some of the comments. A recent case where some stowaways died led to things like "good, two less mouths to feed" etc...., with a lot of green arrows.

    The funniest thing it does though is write stories that implicity blame the Labour government (speed humps, rubbish bin collection etc..., social issues) but then you find out that the council responsible is a Tory one. If somebody highlights this on the comments page (amongst all the "labour are ruining the country" comments) the post gets lots of red arrows.

    It's bizzare.

    Still I don't blame it for writing such hatred, I blame the consumers for wanting it, it's only supplying a demand, just like drug dealers do.

    Worth keeping an eye on these sites:

    And reading this:

    With a blistering final section on the Daily Mail (even if the rest of it is a bit rambling).
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,376
    bikey2009 wrote:
    I'm not secret,

    Bike radar does not allow you to change your user name or account. If you wan't to change your name you have to create a new user account.

    Bzzzzt - not the case at all, they kindly changed my username for me.

    I'm sure it's possible if you have a good reason ... t=12596210

    However I'm also pretty sure the mods don't want to be swamped by requests to change usernames

    There are rules on multiple accounts but I believe the mods turn a blind eye if people are funny rather than trolling.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • bikey2009
    bikey2009 Posts: 121
    jimmypippa wrote:
    Not safe for work, and changes frequently:
    “The Mail. Racist in public so you don't have to be.”
    ~ Advertising on The Daily Mail

    “I thought they'd be saying Hitler's a racist next.”
    ~ KKK on The Daily Mail being racist

    “An inspiration to us all.”
    ~ Fox News on The Daily Mail

    bikey2009, if you want to clean up your accounts, why don't you ask a moderator/admin how to do this by sending them a PM?

    That link made me smile, especially the "Daily Mail common topics" section :D

    One feature of the paper that winds me up is the use of questions to headline articles, also in the Express the use of totally skewed phone in questions for its readers to express their opinions eg "Should all immigration be stopped now!" :shock:

    Neither paper is worth the time spent reading it.
  • prj45
    prj45 Posts: 2,208
    bikey2009 wrote:
    One feature of the paper that winds me up is the use of questions to headline articles, also in the Express the use of totally skewed phone in questions for its readers to express their opinions eg "Should all immigration be stopped now!" :shock:

    The use of "Now..." in headlines is a classic Mail tactic.

    I.e. "Now cyclists are to be allowed to go through red lights when turning left".

    Note how the "Now" communicates a long list of perks that that "cyclists" "enjoy" to wind up the reader who is already mad at "cyclists" for all the stuff they "get away" with already. If you get what I mean.
  • bradford
    bradford Posts: 195
    Yeah right!! A Daily Fail reader!! :twisted: :twisted:
    Why would i want to read a anti cycling,tory,moron paper like that! only good for wiping yer arse on!
    Fork off!! :twisted: :twisted:
  • jimmypippa
    jimmypippa Posts: 1,712
    bradford wrote:
    Yeah right!! A Daily Fail reader!! :twisted: :twisted:
    Why would i want to read a anti cycling,tory,moron paper like that! only good for wiping yer ars* on!
    Fork off!! :twisted: :twisted:
    “The perfect newspaper: soft, strong and super absorbent”
    ~ Oscar Wilde on The Daily Mail
  • NGale
    NGale Posts: 1,866
    The Daily Mail makes me angry just seeing it on the shelf let alone actually reading it.

    I am afraid I am a Telegraph reader these days, yes I know it's tory leaning, but I do tend to go for the quality of journalism which at the moment I think only the Times and The Telegraph have. I am able to cut through the bull of the politics, I have enough sense and education to do that unlike many Mail readers who have to be told to be outraged about something and who have to be told what their opinion is.

    In fact off on holiday thanks to one of the Telegraph reader offers :lol:
    Officers don't run, it's undignified and panics the men
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    NGale wrote:
    I have enough sense and education to do that unlike many Mail readers who have to be told to be outraged about something and who have to be told what their opinion is.

    Are you saying my education was substandard?
    I like bikes...

  • I buy and read the Daily Mail every Saturday. I used to make do with the free papers during the week.
    Funny how those (except one) who put the DM down don't say what paper they read !
  • no hell (rearrange)
  • no hell (rearrange)

    You read Hello magazine :lol:
  • bradford
    bradford Posts: 195
    jimmypippa wrote:
    bradford wrote:
    Yeah right!! A Daily Fail reader!! :twisted: :twisted:
    Why would i want to read a anti cycling,tory,moron paper like that! only good for wiping yer ars* on!
    Fork off!! :twisted: :twisted:
    “The perfect newspaper: soft, strong and super absorbent”
    ~ Oscar Wilde on The Daily Mail

    +1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol:
  • jimmypippa
    jimmypippa Posts: 1,712
    I buy and read the Daily Mail every Saturday. I used to make do with the free papers during the week.
    Funny how those (except one) who put the DM down don't say what paper they read !

    OK: I read the Gruniad, Independent, or Telegraph.


    My inlaws get the mail
  • prj45 wrote:
    And if you think the stories are hateful just take a look at some of the comments. A recent case where some stowaways died led to things like "good, two less mouths to feed" etc...., with a lot of green arrows.

    I've said it on here before, but whilst the comments under Daily Mail stories can certainly be entertaining, I would warn that too much time spent reading them can be damaging to your mental health, and could lead to you too becoming the type of swivel-eyed lunatic the DM obviously appeals to. The most bonkers recent example I can remember is when there was a short feel-good piece about Derwent Water in the Lake District completely freezing over, complete with a stunning picture of said lake. A well-balanced person might have wished to comment on how beautiful parts of our country can be, or told of how their neck of the woods looked pretty under a blanket of snow too. But no, most of the comments were about how it proved that global warming was a complete con cooked up by socialists and how Gordon Clown and his Zanu-Liebour party would probably try to put a tax on nice views now. Truly unhinged.
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,376
    nasahapley wrote:
    ... most of the comments were about how it proved that global warming was a complete con cooked up by socialists and how Gordon Clown and his Zanu-Liebour party would probably try to put a tax on nice views now. Truly unhinged.

    Wouldn't get that sort of view here on the Commuting Forum.

    No one goes off message here.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • bikey2009 wrote:
    I'm asking the question because i've noticed that some responses to posts that question, or are critical to some local goverment actions are slated by some bike radar members accusing them of being "Daily Mail" readers.

    I don't buy any regular daily paper myself, why do you think they are focusing on one particular paper to label peoples responses to their topics?

    Daily Mail is a nazi paper and whoever buys it might as well hand over the money to the BNP or any other neo nazi party out there. They supported the British Fascists and were quite cozy with Hitler himself in the run up to the war.

    And as a cyclist, on principle I will never read it. I'd rather read a dictionary cover-to-back than that nazi garbage! :x
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    I read the Daily Mail once. It told me:

    That it was more likely that I would mug, than say my best friend.

    That its my fault the unemployed family in Mitcham don't have a job. This, despite the adults of said family fully admitting that benefits (at the time) work out to be more financially viable than getting a job.

    It's my fault that taxes are so high.

    My muslim friend is part of the 'axis of evil' and he wants to bomb me.

    My gay friend is the root of all evil.

    Bad pollution is also my fault because as a cyclist I hold slow vehicles down causing them to drive in either 1st or 2nd gear making the engines work harder and pump out more harmful gasses.

    The property market is skewed because as people like me move into nicer areas, people who previously live there move out. We drive down the value and because there is such a high demand for new properties, property prices increase.

    Polish people, despite being true workaholics and actually fullfilling a construction contract on time are the sole reason Wembley went over budget and why England's olympic facilities (being built) won't be ready on time. It's also there fault, for working so hard, why other builders and construction workers are out of work.

    My IQ and my potential for 'intelligence' is genetically lower than others.

    Yeah you gotta love the Daily Mail. How and why it exists astonishes me.

    I read the Sun. I read it for Zoe from London, Dear Deirdre and the sport. Any other news stories I read off the internet or and the BBC website.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    I buy and read the Daily Mail every Saturday. I used to make do with the free papers during the week.
    Funny how those (except one) who put the DM down don't say what paper they read !

    Why's that funny?

    redddragon, it may not be your education but something's gone horribly wrong.
  • attica
    attica Posts: 2,362

    I was with you until the last two lines, why'd you have to go and ruin it all by metioning the Sun?

    My mother reads the Daily Mail, she only started after my father died - he wouldn't have it in the house.
    The scaremongery in that paper has made my Mum change her behaviour. She regularly feels outrage about the most inconsequential tosh when it's been sensationalised by that rag, not to mention her fear of homosexualimmigrantpaedophiledrugtakingdangerousdogsonbicyclescausingclimatechangeandthenstealingourjobsandclosingtheschoolsandhospitals.

    Makes my blood boil
    "Impressive break"


    ...I can taste blood"
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    Attica wrote:

    I was with you until the last two lines, why'd you have to go and ruin it all by metioning the Sun?

    All papers write for their own personal agenda/perspective. The Sun seems to write very positive Arsenal articles, I presume the editor is an Arsenal fan. They also in general have decent sports articles (on football and boxing). I like Dear Deirdre as that's how my mind is set....

    I very very rarely read anything else within its pages.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game