Get behind Cav for Sports Personality of the Year!



  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    afx237vi wrote:
    Moray Gub wrote:
    afx237vi wrote:
    Personally, I think the list is a pretty good one. The only person I would begrudge winning would be Murray. All the others are there on merit.

    Eh you jest surely ? Murray has won a good few tournaments this year in fact i think he has now won more than any other British player id say he definately deserves to be in there on merit .

    All the others have either won a world championship title, or won what is considered to be the highest achievement available to them in their chosen sport. So Strauss won the Ashes as player of the series, Cav won MSR and the Champs Elysees stage.

    Murray won 6 tournaments, but only 2 of them were top tier events. Don't get me wrong, a semi-final in Wimbledon is obviously impressive, but I don't think that compares to what the other nominees have achieved this year.

    Outside of cycling, tennis is my main sport and has been for years and I've often had conversations with people about Murray and Henman. Whilst Murray has a bigger game than tim, apart from a US Open final appearence where he lost to Federer and a few Masters Events, he really hasn't achieved much more than Henman...yet. He easily has the potential to but we need to see what he can do over the next, say 10 years before really comparing him to Henman. Tim was in the top 10 for most of his career and for now I'm more impressed with his consistancy than Murray's potential.

    Murray is the better player but that might not be enough.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    Moray Gub wrote:
    sampras38 wrote:
    TBH, the whole thing is just a load of back slapping anyway and whilst i'm a huge sports fan myself, I've never really paid too much attention to the award over the years.

    TBH i kinda feel the same way often this award is often dished out for sentimental reasons such as Gazza's tears and rating a sports event higher than it actually is such as the 2005 Ashes win

    Agree 100%

    The BBC and their back slapping...;-)
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    sampras38 wrote:
    afx237vi wrote:
    Moray Gub wrote:
    afx237vi wrote:
    Personally, I think the list is a pretty good one. The only person I would begrudge winning would be Murray. All the others are there on merit.

    Eh you jest surely ? Murray has won a good few tournaments this year in fact i think he has now won more than any other British player id say he definately deserves to be in there on merit .

    All the others have either won a world championship title, or won what is considered to be the highest achievement available to them in their chosen sport. So Strauss won the Ashes as player of the series, Cav won MSR and the Champs Elysees stage.

    Murray won 6 tournaments, but only 2 of them were top tier events. Don't get me wrong, a semi-final in Wimbledon is obviously impressive, but I don't think that compares to what the other nominees have achieved this year.

    Outside of cycling, tennis is my main sport and has been for years and I've often had conversations with people about Murray and Henman. Whilst Murray has a bigger game than tim, apart from a US Open final appearence where he lost to Federer and a few Masters Events, he really hasn't achieved much more than Henman...yet. He easily has the potential to but we need to see what he can do over the next, say 10 years before really comparing him to Henman. Tim was in the top 10 for most of his career and for now I'm more impressed with his consistancy than Murray's potential.

    Murray is the better player but that might not be enough.

    He is 22 or 23 and he has achieved more than TH already that says it all really.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Moray Gub wrote:
    He is 22 or 23 and he has achieved more than TH already that says it all really.

    I reckon if he finished Modern Warfare 2 in 1 sitting then he should win.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Moray Gub wrote:
    TBH i kinda feel the same way often this award is often dished out for sentimental reasons such as Gazza's tears and rating a sports event higher than it actually is such as the 2005 Ashes win

    I'd disagree with you there. Gazza wasn't just for his crying, he was probably the second best player at the 1990 World Cup (after Lothar Matthaus)

    The 2005 Ashes caught the public imagination. It was the first time England had won it for 18 years and the Aussie team had six genuinely all-time great players in their team and were the undisputed number 1 team (unlike this year, when they were largely rubbish).

    I realise all of this was completely lost on the Scots.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    Moray Gub wrote:
    sampras38 wrote:
    afx237vi wrote:
    Moray Gub wrote:
    afx237vi wrote:
    Personally, I think the list is a pretty good one. The only person I would begrudge winning would be Murray. All the others are there on merit.

    Eh you jest surely ? Murray has won a good few tournaments this year in fact i think he has now won more than any other British player id say he definately deserves to be in there on merit .

    All the others have either won a world championship title, or won what is considered to be the highest achievement available to them in their chosen sport. So Strauss won the Ashes as player of the series, Cav won MSR and the Champs Elysees stage.

    Murray won 6 tournaments, but only 2 of them were top tier events. Don't get me wrong, a semi-final in Wimbledon is obviously impressive, but I don't think that compares to what the other nominees have achieved this year.

    Outside of cycling, tennis is my main sport and has been for years and I've often had conversations with people about Murray and Henman. Whilst Murray has a bigger game than tim, apart from a US Open final appearence where he lost to Federer and a few Masters Events, he really hasn't achieved much more than Henman...yet. He easily has the potential to but we need to see what he can do over the next, say 10 years before really comparing him to Henman. Tim was in the top 10 for most of his career and for now I'm more impressed with his consistancy than Murray's potential.

    Murray is the better player but that might not be enough.

    He is 22 or 23 and he has achieved more than TH already that says it all really.

    You're right that he's achieved more sooner than Henman at the same age (Henman got better in his later years), but outside of a Slam Final, can you tell me what Murray has achieved more than Henman, coz I'd love to know?

    He has the game to do it, but he hasn't done it yet, and you can forget him winning Wimbledon anytime soon as there are other players now starting to break through who have already won Slams at a young age such as Djokovic and Del Potro. Murray's best chance was last year at the US Open when Fed blasted him off the court in the final.

    It totally remains to be seen as to whether he lives up to the hype and so far he has yet to do it, bar a few good performances in some best of 3 Masters Events and a Slam final. Henman was in the latter stages of all the Slams at one stage or another, and in one year he appeared in the semis of all 4.

    I think some people conveniently forget what he actually achieved.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    Unfortunately, for Joe Public, Cav's achievements were:

    1) Won a race in Italy that we've not heard of.
    2) Won some TDF stages but finished 131st overall.
    3) Didn't win his Olympic event.
    4) Is not a world or national champion.

    It's a tough sell to a non-cycling fan, when compared to World Champion, Jenson Button, etc.

    Sad, but true. :roll:

    All very true unfortunately, but there's part of me that doesn't think he's that deserving anyway. I was at the Tour this year and we were camped at the top of the Cole De Colombiere climb waiting for the riders to come through and I did smile to myself when Cav came through in something like 110th place. I remember thinking at the time, I know you're only a sprinter but thats a joke. TDF rider my arse...;-)
  • Moomaloid
    Moomaloid Posts: 2,040
    sampras38 wrote:
    Unfortunately, for Joe Public, Cav's achievements were:

    1) Won a race in Italy that we've not heard of.
    2) Won some TDF stages but finished 131st overall.
    3) Didn't win his Olympic event.
    4) Is not a world or national champion.

    It's a tough sell to a non-cycling fan, when compared to World Champion, Jenson Button, etc.

    Sad, but true. :roll:

    All very true unfortunately, but there's part of me that doesn't think he's that deserving anyway. I was at the Tour this year and we were camped at the top of the Cole De Colombiere climb waiting for the riders to come through and I did smile to myself when Cav came through in something like 110th place. I remember thinking at the time, I know you're only a sprinter but thats a joke. TDF rider my ars*...;-)

    I hope thats tongue in cheek...

    Personally i think Cav and Tweddle at the most deserving of the award but when has that ever actually mattered? The award has become a bit of a joke in recent years and whilst i was so happy to see Chris win last year, I still have a feeling that was a bit of political fix.

    It would so amazing to see Cav win it, and what a boost for the sport again, i just hope to god that a cricketer and a Racing Driver don't win it. Gigs has had far better seasons and as someone else said, he only won the PFA award for sentimental reasons. Oduwu is larger than life, what with his colored hair and piercings, but we only ever see at most about twice a year, and after he's competed in his event he goes straight home. Not exactly a personality.

    Murry for me has had a good season, and will be in there... but PLEASE don't let Button or the Cricketer win it...
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    Moray Gub wrote:
    sampras38 wrote:
    TBH, the whole thing is just a load of back slapping anyway and whilst i'm a huge sports fan myself, I've never really paid too much attention to the award over the years.

    TBH i kinda feel the same way often this award is often dished out for sentimental reasons such as Gazza's tears and rating a sports event higher than it actually is such as the 2005 Ashes win

    I'm getting some subtle vibes that you don't like cricket then?

    Like it or not, the most important sporting event of last summer to the British public was the Ashes. Strauss led his team to victory, having pulled them together from a ramshackle crew following the Pieterson-Moores debacle.

    Agree that Murray deserves to be in the hat, but he shouldn't win it.

    I'd give it to David Haye.
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Timoid. wrote:
    Moray Gub wrote:
    sampras38 wrote:
    TBH, the whole thing is just a load of back slapping anyway and whilst i'm a huge sports fan myself, I've never really paid too much attention to the award over the years.

    TBH i kinda feel the same way often this award is often dished out for sentimental reasons such as Gazza's tears and rating a sports event higher than it actually is such as the 2005 Ashes win

    I'm getting some subtle vibes that you don't like cricket then?

    Like it or not, the most important sporting event of last summer to the British public was the Ashes. Strauss led his team to victory, having pulled them together from a ramshackle crew following the Pieterson-Moores debacle.

    Agree that Murray deserves to be in the hat, but he shouldn't win it.

    I dont mind cricket actually but the reaction to a win against what was an ageing Aussie team in 05 was ludicrous i mean open top bus pardades in London for winning two tests out of five in a two team tourney lol we laugh at america for calling its in house baseball tourney a world series well up here we laughed heartily at the sight of Andrew Flintoff et al being portrayed as sporting demi-gods for winning an exclusive two team tournament. As for this years tournament it was probably played between two of the worst ashes teams in the last two decades and where is the sporting glory in relying on the weather to help them out as happened very significantly this year.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    RichN95 wrote:
    Moray Gub wrote:
    TBH i kinda feel the same way often this award is often dished out for sentimental reasons such as Gazza's tears and rating a sports event higher than it actually is such as the 2005 Ashes win

    I'd disagree with you there. Gazza wasn't just for his crying, he was probably the second best player at the 1990 World Cup (after Lothar Matthaus)

    The 2005 Ashes caught the public imagination. It was the first time England had won it for 18 years and the Aussie team had six genuinely all-time great players in their team and were the undisputed number 1 team (unlike this year, when they were largely rubbish).

    I realise all of this was completely lost on the Scots.

    Ok on WC 90 Gazza played probably one maybe two decent games Holland and Germany he was vert average against Egypt and ROI and Belgium . Robert Milla,Claudio Cannigia, Argentina goalie (cant remember his name now) Andrea Brehme were all better imo in that WC i feel Gazza's tears and the reaction to them elevated his perfomances to a level his play didnt merit.

    On 2005 Ashes as i have already said an ageing Aussie team with great players who were past their peak and they were fortunate to win 2-1 and that called for open top bus parades ? all of this is not completely lost on the Scots we watch in amusement take it from me.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • deal
    deal Posts: 857
    A few observations

    Jenson Button - should be nowhere near that list, all he did was beat Barrichello and murder a queen song.
    Phillips Idowu - no Jonathan Edwards
    David Haye - comeback when you fight one of the Klitchko brothers
    Andy Murray - has good record against the elite but has so far failed to repeat those performances when it matters
    Andrew Strauss - cricket....come on its not really a sport is it? :wink:
    Giggs - sports personality inst a lifetime achievement award is it?

    Only people on the list I would consider worthy are, Cavendish and Ennis
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    deal wrote:
    A few observations

    Jenson Button - should be nowhere near that list, all he did was beat Barrichello and murder a queen song.

    Only people on the list I would consider worthy are, Cavendish and Ennis

    Queen song ? I kinda agree re Haye and and id say Tweddle deserves to be there as well.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    Moomaloid wrote:
    sampras38 wrote:
    Unfortunately, for Joe Public, Cav's achievements were:

    1) Won a race in Italy that we've not heard of.
    2) Won some TDF stages but finished 131st overall.
    3) Didn't win his Olympic event.
    4) Is not a world or national champion.

    It's a tough sell to a non-cycling fan, when compared to World Champion, Jenson Button, etc.

    Sad, but true. :roll:

    All very true unfortunately, but there's part of me that doesn't think he's that deserving anyway. I was at the Tour this year and we were camped at the top of the Cole De Colombiere climb waiting for the riders to come through and I did smile to myself when Cav came through in something like 110th place. I remember thinking at the time, I know you're only a sprinter but thats a joke. TDF rider my ars*...;-)

    I hope thats tongue in cheek...

    Personally i think Cav and Tweddle at the most deserving of the award but when has that ever actually mattered? The award has become a bit of a joke in recent years and whilst i was so happy to see Chris win last year, I still have a feeling that was a bit of political fix.

    It would so amazing to see Cav win it, and what a boost for the sport again, i just hope to god that a cricketer and a Racing Driver don't win it. Gigs has had far better seasons and as someone else said, he only won the PFA award for sentimental reasons. Oduwu is larger than life, what with his colored hair and piercings, but we only ever see at most about twice a year, and after he's competed in his event he goes straight home. Not exactly a personality.

    Murry for me has had a good season, and will be in there... but PLEASE don't let Button or the Cricketer win it...

    Yeah, it was a bit..;-)
  • deal
    deal Posts: 857
    Moray Gub wrote:
    deal wrote:
    A few observations

    Jenson Button - should be nowhere near that list, all he did was beat Barrichello and murder a queen song.

    Only people on the list I would consider worthy are, Cavendish and Ennis

    Queen song ? I kinda agree re Haye and and id say Tweddle deserves to be there as well.

    when button crossed the finish line to win the title he was singing 'we are the champions'.

    regarding Tweddle, yes i probably should have included her in the list of worthy contenders but she is still a bit behind Cav and Ennis. This maybe a bit harsh but she only competes in two events these days, floor and bars, an all around competition medal would have put her top of the list.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Timoid. wrote:
    I'd give it to David Haye.

    Did you watch the fight?

    I did it was rubbish - the worst fight I've ever seen. Two people standing a few metres apart from each other, glaring at each other for half an hour.

    Me and the three people I watched it with thought Haye had lost, as did Jim Watt on SkySports.

    If he beats the Klitschkos then I'll take the award to him myself, but not for avoiding a monster from Lord of the Rings - even Frodo managed that.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    Yes I did. The only way to beat a man the size of Valuev it to do it the way Haye did it. Also he is the only one on the list with personality and the first interesting heavyweight for a decade.

    On sporting merit Ennis and Cav stand out, but how many people really know or care about their achievements. Button? Just lucky this year. Hamilton had a better claim last year and lost. Brawn should be nominated ahead of Button.
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • Timoid. wrote:
    Yes I did. The only way to beat a man the size of Valuev it to do it the way Haye did it. Also he is the only one on the list with personality and the first interesting heavyweight for a decade.

    On sporting merit Ennis and Cav stand out, but how many people really know or care about their achievements. Button? Just lucky this year. Hamilton had a better claim last year and lost. Brawn should be nominated ahead of Button.

    +1 for David Haye , just for the T-shirts and the big fight build up. Proper personality. Murray deffo should be in there, great personality . An aversion to losing is the least one should expect from a top flight sportsman. Great competitor and fighter who regularly beats the best in the world. No one competing in pasttimes such as sailing should be mentioned in a sporting arena. I go for Eoin Morgan, or the beach ball.
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    Timoid. wrote:
    Yes I did. The only way to beat a man the size of Valuev it to do it the way Haye did it. Also he is the only one on the list with personality and the first interesting heavyweight for a decade.

    On sporting merit Ennis and Cav stand out, but how many people really know or care about their achievements. Button? Just lucky this year. Hamilton had a better claim last year and lost. Brawn should be nominated ahead of Button.
    Agreed that Haye is a worthy contender, but for better or worse, you couldn't deny that Cav has a personality!
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    I agree with Rich about Haye. Yeah, he has personality, but if you're looking at it from a sporting POV, you must acknowledge that it was an awful fight and he beat one of the worst heavyweight champions in the history of boxing. If you're going for a boxer, Britain has had two other world champions this year who are equally as worthy - Carl Froch and Amir Khan.

    For the international award, what about Manny Pacquiao? Now there is guy who has talent and personality by the bucketload.
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    Froch shouldn't have won his last fight. Khan has no personality.

    Agree on Pac Man though. Absolute legend.
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • deal
    deal Posts: 857
    Timoid. wrote:
    Froch shouldn't have won his last fight. Khan has no personality.

    and no chin. :P
  • Jessica Ennis won the heptathlon but her total points werent as high as in some other years. Her best events though came in the high jump and hurdles, not bad for someone who is 5 foot 4!. :wink:

    I think that Strauss may deserve a bit more credit then he's given. The England team that he inherited at the start of the year appeared to have some pretty big rifts in it and then had a disastrous first test against the west indies. Yet he managed to pull them together to beat the aussies in the summer (with him being top of the batting averages) and become one of the first teams to win a one-day series in south africa. Ok, so i think the first test debacle could have helped him in the long run as it would have helped emphasise that they needed to pull together, etc.

    Button did well to keep things together and his points total ticking over when times were hard. Maybe the changing fortunes of the teams help reinforce the importance of the car you drive rather than having the best ability.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Jessica Ennis won the heptathlon but her total points werent as high as in some other years. Her best events though came in the high jump and hurdles, not bad for someone who is 5 foot 4!. :wink:

    I think that Strauss may deserve a bit more credit then he's given. The England team that he inherited at the start of the year appeared to have some pretty big rifts in it and then had a disastrous first test against the west indies. Yet he managed to pull them together to beat the aussies in the summer (with him being top of the batting averages) and become one of the first teams to win a one-day series in south africa. Ok, so i think the first test debacle could have helped him in the long run as it would have helped emphasise that they needed to pull together, etc.

    Button did well to keep things together and his points total ticking over when times were hard. Maybe the changing fortunes of the teams help reinforce the importance of the car you drive rather than having the best ability.

    Andrew Strauss........heavens no ! that Aussie team was probably the worst to visit these shores since man landed on the moon and England almost made a horses ass of it.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    I thought Michael Clarke topped the batting averages. Agree that Strauss deserves to be in the hat though.

    Brian Moore reckons Murray should get it: ... -year.html

    Scotland and Brian Moore? That's an unholy alliance!
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    According to the Times today, Cav is 40-1 with Button 10-11 fav. ... year-.html
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Timoid. wrote:
    I thought Michael Clarke topped the batting averages. Agree that Strauss deserves to be in the hat though.

    Ok, my bad, i mean he topped the england batting averages :D

    And MG dont worry, i agree that the present aussie team is possibly the weakest in the last 20 years, im simply saying that he deserves a bit more recognition than he is getting
  • Just let let folks know that a cyclist won the Welsh SPOTY, last night. :D:wink:
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Ryan Giggs is a cyclist? :?:
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Isn't Giggs English and from Salford?

    So that makes Geraint Thomas top boyo
    I like bikes...
