Your Top 5 Mountain Biking Tips



  • 1: Don't be tribal... ride road, cross, track, XC, downhill and enjoy them all.
    2: Relish climbs as much as descents.... don't just grind up in the granny with a glum look on your face or chatting to your mates... attack them, climb hard and get stronger.
    3: Falling off is all part of riding.
    4: Point your braking finger to avoid riding on the brakes.
    5: You're not a real rider until you've done the 3 peaks cyclocross.
  • 1) if you haven't got at least 3 bikes, you haven't got enough !
    2) ride a bmx for a while, theres no bike better to train on
    3) don't trust your bike with bike shops, calling "bike shop" to tell them your swingarm has fallen off 15 miles into a ride while it's hammering down to tell them how rubbish they are won't spare you that long walk back
    4) forget whatever heap of junk you're riding, as long as everyone who moves over for you on their orange patriot 5's or commencal meta's spots that "saracen" or "carrera" badge on your downtube, they'll be the ones feeling the pain
    5) remember that when you've overtaken, that a well placed fart can add to the humiliation of being forced over by a saracen riding trail hooligan
  • Great thread. Trying my best not to repeat previous points:

    1. Carry zip-ties and a small roll of duct tape in addition to a muli-tool etc. Congratulations you are now prepared to repair almost anything

    2. Like clearing those tricky downhill obstacles, on climbs if you decide halfway up that you're not going to make it, you're doomed.

    3. Road bike miles are easier to get in and you'll notice the benefit in fitness on the mtb - more distance, less fatigue and more energy and focus on those techie bits.

    4. Go on a skills course. You probably have loads of bad habits, or will benefit greatly from nipping them in the bud from the outset.

    5. Sorry to quote lance here but "it's not about the bike". I love my kit as much as the next guy/gal, but your great asset is your body and mind. Go out and ride, get those miles in and have a good time!
  • 1. Just ride it. It'll be OK.
    2. Don't be seduced by fashions when buying bikes and kit. Just use what works for you.
    3. Trail centres are fun but "wilderness" riding is so much more satisfying.
    4. Don't worry about the weather - just take the right kit.
    5. Be super nice to walkers.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    3. Trail centres are fun but "wilderness" riding is so much more satisfying.

    Where are you finding wilderness, Africa?
    Uncompromising extremist
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,306
    1.wear a helmet
    2.if you say "one last run" it could be your last run ever, instead say "a few more runs"
    3.always take food and drink with you
    4. carry at least a pump, puncture repair kit/spare tube and a multi tool/allen keys
    5.don't listen to what others say about how you ride or what your wearing. if some one says that your rubbish just ignore them, your out there to have fun, not to argue. i hardly ever argue with anyone on the trail. it's a waste of valuable riding time
  • check out every female bikers arse by riding behind and claiming fatigue

    check out every female horserider while being gentlemanly and polite

    keep your mouth closed in parks and suchlike where dogeggs are likely. We all talk crap but no need to swallow it

    only ride things beyond your limit if females are watching

    wear a bloody helmet