Your Top 5 Mountain Biking Tips



  • Fully
    Fully Posts: 257
    supersonic wrote:
    2) Dave Hill should be locked up

    This Dave Hill?


    Indeed he should be, for crimes against fashion. I actually saw him in Costa coffee in Wolves a couple of months back, he still looks and dresses the same :shock:
    Forget your heart, it's your bank i wanna break, it's just yer money i'm after baby...

    A Few Pics
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    Fully wrote:
    supersonic wrote:
    2) Dave Hill should be locked up

    This Dave Hill?

    How the hell did you get hold of my photo???? :shock: :lol:
    Give a home to a retired Greyhound. Tia Greyhound Rescue
    Help for Heroes
  • 1. good fs is better than ht for everyone. its just too expensive for some.
    you just had to say it didn't you :wink:
    3. be careful what you gob off about on the internet about bikes, it will bite you on the bum one day, especially when everyone knew you were talking poo in the first place.
    you should never do that, it's what makes this place so funny!
    3) falling off is part of mountain biking
    amen to that, learning to bail is a top skill

    @guilliano and snottybadger - Top Tips!
    Current Rides -
    Charge Cooker, Ragley mmmBop, Haro Mary SS 29er
  • rhyko7
    rhyko7 Posts: 781
    1) always have something slightly wrong with your bike or you to ensure you have an excuse if your not the fastest lol. :wink:

    2) long stems suck if you like going fast on descents :idea:

    3) heavy wheels and DH tyres slow you down loads on XC, change them and you suddenly realise you are really fit :lol:

    4) 2.1 tyres are a waste of my time, either snake bite or no grip, must use at least 2.2 and the taller the better. :idea:

    5) nutrition is essential for long rides and can eliminate cramp :idea:
    Dont look at it-ride it! they are tools not f*cking ornaments

    my riding:

    Some of my Rides Data/maps:
  • rhyko7 wrote:
    1) always have something slightly wrong with your bike or you to ensure you have an excuse if your not the fastest lol. :wink:

    Fantastic :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  • bay73
    bay73 Posts: 130
    1. Make sure your saddle is the right height when climbing

    2. Never leave the car at the top of a hill. The last run should always be a descent

    3. Dehydration is a b1tch - drink lots of water and then some more

    4. Rabbits do try to take you out

    5. :D
  • 1. wear a helmet, you'll only need it once to make it worth it!

    2. ride with lunatics - it improves your riding better than anything else will

    3. learn a few trials skills - a trackstand and a bunny hop is the minimum.

    4. Learn to fall - you will eventually

    5. Never take advice from one source - there are way too many over confident idiots out there (the WD40 point speaks volumes)

    If all this doesn't make sense then you're probably a roadie...
    Not really active
  • great thread
  • jayson
    jayson Posts: 4,606
    1: A fat bowl of porridge is the absolute best food to eat b4 a ride.

    2: Buy a pump cause if u dont have one u WILL be caught out on the trail one day.

    3: Always assume walkers are the most stupid people ever to walk the planet, if they turn out not to be its just a bonus.

    4: DONT laugh at ur mates when they crash no matter how funny it may actually be..... :wink:

    5: Have fun :D
  • 4. momentum. carrying momentum, not just speed, will help you tackle everything.

    Momentum = mass * velocity, so unless you're emptying your backpack/losing your chain/taking a crap, carrying speed should do. But this is a good tip.

    1 attack position
    2 stay off the brakes
    3 trust the bike to get you through stuff
    4 don't stop in the middle of the trail/round a blind corner
    5 keep the bike in good condition
  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    Forgot to say, fantastic thread... I'm sure a lot of people, myself included, will learn a little something from this!
  • SDK2007
    SDK2007 Posts: 782
    1: Buy Specialized :wink:
    2: Don't buy Orange :wink:
    3: Stay off the brakes
    4: Be confident
    5: Practice
  • you can get fit to ride from spin classes
    FS does not equal better than HT despite what some say. It simply equals a different experience
    carry your own tools on a ride because if you arent willignt o try to fix a problem why should anyone else help you
    bikes solve everything
    ride everyday even if its just up the garden
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • 1: :D your on a mountainbike!

    2: look after your bike and your bike will look after you.

    3: If you didnt spend all your spare money on bike stuff you'd only waste it.

    4: a fed and water'd rider is a happy rider, before and after a ride!

    5: How hard can it be?
    MTB's, SC Blur LTc & Cotic Soul (26" definitely aint dead!).
    Other, Genesis Croix De Fer
  • Stav83 wrote:
    Forgot to say, fantastic thread... I'm sure a lot of people, myself included, will learn a little something from this!

    agreed. I was just about to say the same thing
  • supersonic wrote:
    1) Bikes don't look after themselves. Get some tools and learn how to maintain it.

    2) Buy a bike that works well, not just because it looks good.

    3) Upgrade wisely. Is that 60 quid stem better than a 20 quid one?

    4) Single speed bikes are for the clinically insane.

    5) Enjoy it ;-)

    I completely agree with the above, except I might make two edits:

    4: Always wear protection (minimum of good fitting helmet plus knee pads).

    5: Never ride anywhere without at least a multitool, a spare tube, some water and your mobile.

    and if I am allowed another, 6: After use, a clean bike is a happy bike (and a well performing bike)!

  • nomadicbry
    nomadicbry Posts: 223
    1. wear a lid you'll look like a self absorbed poser without one
    2. hills can be your friends with a little bit of fitness
    3.Trees do jump out in front of you making you crash
    4. the crash rarely hurts and makes for a good story in the cafe afterwwords about how a tree jumped out in front of you
    5. Your 13 year old son will be better and faster than you by the time he's 14
    Enough bikes to open a bike shop but always room for one more...
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    1. Dont be scared of the inevitable. You WILL fall, you WILL bust your shins, you WILL scratch your shiny new bike.

    2. Always go out with a couple of inner tubes and pump.

    3. Eat light before you leave and in small portions while your riding.

    4. A good multi-tool will save you from all but the knarliest off's.

    5. Maintenance, maintenance, maintenance. Make sure the bike is working before you leave and make sure it's working when you get back.
  • Louis84
    Louis84 Posts: 135
    1. Know how to fix, build and maintain a bike. If you don;t know how something works, mess around with it until you understand.

    2. will outgrow your bike to the point when you need a better bike to improve. you may not realise it but as soon as you jump on a bike with higher spec, you will become even better, quicker.

    2. Preperation is KEY. make sure you have plenty of spaires, kit, everything you need to repair/adjust your bike, even if you leave most of it in the car. Nothing worse than needing something you don't have just because you left it at home.

    3. Protection - helmet and pads are a must

    4. Always mock, challenge and try to out-do your friends, competition is GOOD and you will all improve together

    5.Enjoy yourself and look down on those who don't own a bike
  • ExeterSimon
    ExeterSimon Posts: 830
    1) Match your bike to your lycra. Not the other way around
    2) Don't acknowledge any other rider on a bike lower down the food chain than yours.
    3) Don't acknowledge any other rider.
    4) Lance Armstrong is a druggie cheat Texan tw@.
    5) Don't wear a helmet because you're better than that.

    Sorry...wrong forum.

    1) Wear what the hell you want and ride what the hell you want.
    2) Say hello to everyone.
    3) Say hello to everyone again.
    4) Steve Peat is not a tw@.
    5) No helmet. No skull.

    That's better.
    Whyte 905 (2009)
    Trek 1.5 (2009)
    Specialized Stumpjumper FSR Comp (2007)
  • bike-a-swan
    bike-a-swan Posts: 1,235
    Wow, thread resurrection! Now I wonder which forum that could be...
    Rock Lobster 853, Trek 1200 and a very old, tired and loved Apollo Javelin.
  • Torres
    Torres Posts: 1,266
    1) Protection - A helmet is the bare minimum, pad up apropriately for what you're riding
    2) Provisions - Water, Food, Tubes, Tools; Better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them.
    3) Spot your exit - Look where you want to go, not where you don't want to.
    4) Buy, Build and Ride - You can never have too many bikes :wink: You'll love your bike even more if some blood, sweat and tears went in to its creation .
    5) Enjoy it! - :D It's meant to be fun.
    What We Achieve In Life, Echoes In Eternity
  • JonnyN
    JonnyN Posts: 181
    1) Helmet

    "Time you enjoy wasting, is not a waste of time"

    "I'm too young to be too old for this shit"

    Specialized FSRxc Expert 2008
    Kona Stinky 2008 (Deceased)
    Trek Scratch Air 8 2010 (Work in Progress)
  • 1- Don't ask, on MTB forums, whether HT is better than FS, or if flats are better than SPDs, or vice versa
    2- Wear a helmet
    3- Learn how to fix your bike
    4- You'll be surprised by what kind of tough situations your bike can get you through safely when you just relax
    5- Move to Scotland
  • i havent been proper riding for long but ive picked up a few good ones from here and from my riding

    1. pedestrians/walkers are idiots, they will stare at you for a good 30 seconds before realising it would be nice if they could move (this is not for all of them, but assume so, cause otherwise you'll get hurt)
    2. know how wide your handlebars/pedals are. then you know whether your about to hit that tree/wing mirror/stupid person and can move accordingly
    3. learn to fix your own bike. its half the fun of it :D
    4. doesnt matter what your riding, it just matters if you like riding it or not
    5. you will always always always need something else for your bike, and if you dont, you need another bike
  • bones3027
    bones3027 Posts: 152
    5. you will always always always need something else for your bike, and if you dont, you need another bike
    so true :lol: i just bought a new stead today for this very rason
  • thel33ter
    thel33ter Posts: 2,684
    1. Wear protection and make sure your bike is working
    2. Try harder than you should
    3. Go faster than you should
    4. Ride stuff you know you can't
    5. Pick yourself up from the huge crash and try that sick jump/drop/berm/straight line that you weren't paying attention on ect. again
    And now you know, and knowing is half the battle
    05 Spesh Enduro Expert
    05 Trek 1000 Custom build
    Speedily Singular Thingy
  • 1. Do/Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable when riding - People will tell you all sorts of things you should be doing, but ultimately if you don't feel comfortable, you more than likely won't enjoy it

    2. Use your LBS - It's worth buying stuff from your LBS even if it is a few quid more expensive, because when you need something from them they will look after you

    3. Riding alone is great - But riding with other people can be A LOT more fun

    4. Build a bike - I have just finished my first build, and honestly believe it's a great way (if a little expensive!) to learn how it all works. You don't even have to build a new one, take an old bike to bits and put if back together again.

    5. If you are sat indoors thinking about going riding, get out and go! - Even just a half hour blast will remind you why you love it so much!!
  • Oxygen Thief
    Oxygen Thief Posts: 649
    I'm new to mountain biking (6weeks in) and for now I think I'll just leave it was 1 point.

    1. Listen to what more experienced riders have to say.
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    1) It is rain, it will not kill you.
    2) You will crash, it will most likely not kill you (as long as you wear a helmet because when that tree jumps out in front of you, you may accidentally head butt it.)
    3) That spare inner tube is useless when you forget your tyre levers.
    4) Shiny new bits make you go faster and as such should always be seen as a sound investment.
    5) "Under biked" or "Over biked", it doesn't matter what you ride as long as you're out riding. If people choose to judge you for it, that's their problem.