First "proper" crash yesterday

Bhima Posts: 2,145
Never had a crash before but I came off yesterday going 22mph.

My first instinct was to lift my head up to stop it hitting the floor - trouble is, it put massive stress on my shoulder. About 75% of the impact was absorbed by my hip/pelvis though.

Could walk about after it happened. There's no broken bones. However, today I was completely immobilized when I woke up (on the couch - I couldn't get upstairs to bed last night).

Could bend both legs but, if my right leg was lifted off the couch, i'd get an extreme pain in my Gluteus Maximus (bum) muscle and the top of my hamstring. Couldn't use my arms for leverage because of the immense pain in my right shoulder so it took me about 35 minutes to stand up!

Been sat down all day and am just about able to walk (it was easier yesterday though...? :?). Been eating loads of protein-rich foods and a lot of fruit and veg to aid repair/recovery but I reckon i'll be stuck to the couch for the next few days at least.

I was going to be anyway - as I have a lot of work to do for uni!

...but i'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar injury before and, if so, how long would be reasonable before thinking about getting back on the bike?

Been on the phone to my mate (a nurse) and she says the adrenaline yesterday would have acted as pain relief, making it possible to walk easier and the pain today is the main think making it difficult to walk, as opposed to any broken bones/muscles...?

I have a feeling I've damaged either my Gluteus Maximus of Hamstring on that leg but am unsure how, as I seemed to slide along the road, with my legs pretty straight and unclipped almost instantly...?

Either way, i'm going to rest - but it's almost impossible to get into a position that's comfortable! :x


  • Tino4444
    Tino4444 Posts: 281
    Bhima wrote:
    Never had a crash before but I came off yesterday going 22mph.

    My first instinct was to lift my head up to stop it hitting the floor - trouble is, it put massive stress on my shoulder. About 75% of the impact was absorbed by my hip/pelvis though.

    Could walk about after it happened. There's no broken bones. However, today I was completely immobilized when I woke up (on the couch - I couldn't get upstairs to bed last night).

    Could bend both legs but, if my right leg was lifted off the couch, i'd get an extreme pain in my Gluteus Maximus (bum) muscle and the top of my hamstring. Couldn't use my arms for leverage because of the immense pain in my right shoulder so it took me about 35 minutes to stand up!

    Been sat down all day and am just about able to walk (it was easier yesterday though...? :?). Been eating loads of protein-rich foods and a lot of fruit and veg to aid repair/recovery but I reckon i'll be stuck to the couch for the next few days at least.

    I was going to be anyway - as I have a lot of work to do for uni!

    ...but i'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar injury before and, if so, how long would be reasonable before thinking about getting back on the bike?

    Been on the phone to my mate (a nurse) and she says the adrenaline yesterday would have acted as pain relief, making it possible to walk easier and the pain today is the main think making it difficult to walk, as opposed to any broken bones/muscles...?

    I have a feeling I've damaged either my Gluteus Maximus of Hamstring on that leg but am unsure how, as I seemed to slide along the road, with my legs pretty straight and unclipped almost instantly...?

    Either way, i'm going to rest - but it's almost impossible to get into a position that's comfortable! :x


    No have not crashed at speed before but have had a few clipless moments...Thats some speed to be coming off at, how did it happen?

    Speciallized Allez 09...great bike shame about the wheels!!
  • pinkbikini
    pinkbikini Posts: 876
    Hey, here's a tip - see a doctor. Seriously. How can you rely on internet forum advice when no one (qualified) can actually see and assess your injuries?
  • Mark Alexander
    Mark Alexander Posts: 2,277
    I had a crash the other day in the valleys. got carted off to Hospital in the Gurnos. If you're from Wales, you'll get the terror inference! on a back board and in a neck brace. The doc had a nice arse though.

    Most importantly, I didn't let them cut my club kit off and the bike was ok.

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    Pinkbikini - I've already seen a doctor. They have no idea when i'll be back on the bike because they say it's down to the individual. :? So I thought a forum of cyclists who've probably had a similar incident may be able to give me an idea of what the average time might be...
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    In the last 8months or so I've come off twice at 25-30MPH. Apart from the road rash I was fine, and I was able to ride as soon as the bike was sorted.
    I like bikes...

  • pinkbikini
    pinkbikini Posts: 876
    Bhima wrote:
    Pinkbikini - I've already seen a doctor. They have no idea when i'll be back on the bike because they say it's down to the individual. :? So I thought a forum of cyclists who've probably had a similar incident may be able to give me an idea of what the average time might be...

    Ah, OK then. Your discomfort sounded pretty severe to me, so thought it best to recommend you get checked. Don't rush it, get your uni work done, then go for a very gentle spin for 30 mins and see how you go if you really have to. Although personally I would be trying to stretch, try walking, etc - gentle exercise with low risk of falling and making anything worse, at least for a few days before getting on the bike. I'm no doctor though! Heal quickly...
  • Takis61
    Takis61 Posts: 239
    Bad news, I had a similar one downhill in 2005 @60kph - took me several weeks. From the sound of it I think the other forum advice seems good, give it a few days then have a gentle spin, see how it feels.
    Crashed in January on a wet roundabout at around 25kph, was spinning on a gym bike easily next day, though walking was difficult !
    So it depends on the injury.
    Well done for the landing though, both times I landed on my head, 2005 I would have been finished without the helmet !
    My knees hurt !
  • Mark Alexander
    Mark Alexander Posts: 2,277
    there isn't really a hard and fast rule. Ask yourself ho you feel after a few days.try riding down your street. If it hurts..... don't push it. simple :wink:

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • cicatriz
    cicatriz Posts: 411
    Had a few offs yesterday on the Altura trail. Three were quite minor, low speed offs. The fourth one was a major ragdoll off ending up about 15 feet from the track. Was quite lucky that I broke nothing, on myself or the bike, but decided to invest in some armour after that one. Suffered a few cuts and bruises and a couple of sore, possibly cracked, ribs. Got straight back on the bike and was out again today although a bit off pace. Like previous posters I guess it is down to the individual on recovery especially the mental side of things. Lack of confidence can count for a lot.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I had one virtually the same on my way to work in January, got back on and rode the remaining 8 miles to work, worked a 10 hour shift on my feet then rode 18.5 miles home. Then did the same commute the next day. Sore but no broken bones, no problem...

    HTFU and ride!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    On a sympathetic note (I had no choice despite the road rash, sprained shoulder, twisted leg as it was my way in to work) just keep it moving but take it easy. Next couple of days have an easy spin on the turbo.

    First ride outside in over 6 weeks for me soon! Woo hoo!

    Going to ride up and down the estate...
  • brownbosh
    brownbosh Posts: 602
    My two recent ones have both been over 35 mph on concrete. Have you lost much skin? If not or even if you have and can tolerate it i would be on the turbo for 10 mins light spin straight away and 2 or 3 times a day to lessen the effects of the muscular spasm. Stayingg still will only make that bit worse! IF you have lost a lot of skin remember it id an important organ and may need help healing. NHS walk in centres are great for dressings etc.
  • liversedge
    liversedge Posts: 1,003
    I went down on a high speed descent in Majorca recently and thought it was the end of my season. It wasn't. 3 weeks later I'm back to normal apart from some scabs and bruises.

    I wrote up the recovery etc on my blog, cause I found bog all useful stuff via google. I did an FTP test lst week whilst I was still sub-par and results were just about where I was before the crash.

    Check it out here:

    edit: descent not ascent in aboe, d'oh.
    Obsessed is just a word elephants use to describe the dedicated.
  • Sorry to hear about your crash.

    If you have any roadrash, hydrocolloid plasters or, for large areas, Bactigras antiseptic gauze covered with a Mepore self adhesive pad make for much faster healing and less scarring. Ice everything bruised for 3 x 15 mins/day and stretch a lot.

    Easy riding (Active Recovery) is also good as soon as you can move enough to get on the bike as others have said.

    Get well soon!
  • blorg
    blorg Posts: 1,169
    I would go see a physiotherapist rather than a doctor, they are better qualified to assess this sort of thing and will give you a more effective treatment programme (exercises); a doctor will just tend to prescribe some drugs.

    I had a similar experience on Thursday, crashed in a race and most of the impact on my arse, was OK to cycle back that evening but could barely walk the next day. It has been getting better over the weekend although I have been off the bike since the crash.

    Anti-inflammatories (Nurofen) and ice on the brusing every four hours were also recommended. Hope you get better soon.
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    Woke up today and my shoulder/ribs/stomach/neck were all in agony. The leg/arse thing has suddenly got a lot worse! I can barely walk at all now! It took me 20 minutes to get to the bog! :? My average speed has dropped to 0.5km/hr :lol:

    Some pains have disappeared, probably from pain killers, but I reckon it's made all the other smaller pains more noticable.

    I've been told that things will get worse as part of the recovery process though, so hopefully this will blow over...

    Eaten approx 8kg of fruit & veg per day so far. 350g of protein per day too, with about 3 litres of milk and some magnesium tablets to aid bone/muscle co-operation in the healing process.

    blorg - I can't "go and see" anyone right now! :lol: I think that i'll just rest for a few days and, if I still can't walk on Tuesday, i'll have to call someone to come round to mine. Good to hear that things are getting better for you though, it gives me a bit of hope!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Blog updated - Back on the bike properly today WOO HOO!

    35 minutes at a rather slow pace. Freakin' awesome! 6 weeks ago I thought I'd never mount a bike again!
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    You broke your leg?! :shock: Bloody hell! Makes my injuries seem like nothing now... :o

    Did you have massive swelling/bruises? Could you walk on it? If I ever do break my leg in future, it would be good to know the symptoms of it... (There's no specific info on the net) bet that was painful!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    edited April 2009

    Symptoms of a leg broken in three places? Heh heh.

    As I lay on the side of the road I could see my lower right leg go off to the the side at a rather sickening angle and my foot was pointing the wrong way. Dan (Spanielsson) was somewhat :shock: It was like a piece of rubber.
    It was rather painful too.

    Best to read the first entry on my blog for the full lowdown.

    It looked a little like this. Seriously.

    I'll post a link rather than the picture so as not to upset those faint of heart.

    Road rash all down my right hand side but most of this has since healed, I had muscular injuries to my shoulder and lats.

    I was operated on the next morning, having a 13" rod put in my leg and it has been nailed in place,
  • Jeff Jones
    Jeff Jones Posts: 1,865
    Bhima, you need to get yourself to a physio who can loosen you up enough so you can ride again. Once you can do that, it gets easier (as long as you haven't broken anything)

    I had a crash a bit like that and couldn't even walk or get my leg over the bike. Thought I'd broken my pelvis but it turned out that it was just all the muscles in that area going into spasm. A bit of painful but effective massage from someone who knew what they were doing fixed me very quickly, although it took me 10 days to get to them!
    Jeff Jones

    Product manager, Sports
  • brownbosh
    brownbosh Posts: 602
    Last time i needed mrs bosh, a sling, a workstand and a step ladder to get on my turbo but it was worth it. Also be aware getting off is a challenge!
  • tomb08uk
    tomb08uk Posts: 47

    Sorry to hear about your incident.

    How did it happen? Hit a pot hole? Wet and slipped?

    Have plenty of fruit as you are, plenty of water and rest!

    Take it easy.

  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    It happened because some idiot opened a car door on my left as I went past.

    I usually am right in the middle of the lane, but I had to swerve to the left because of a combination of potholes and cars in front slowing down. I was going 26 and decellerating at a very quick rate, so a few meters down the line and it wouldn't have been serious at all...

    The driver got back in the car and drove off straight away, but there's CCTV there so the police are investigating it...
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    Bhima, hope you're feelin' better by now. Top and bottom is you've had a good tumble and your body will take time to recover, which it will do.

    Keep ya chin up my owd, you'll soon be turnin' them cranks again. :wink:
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Hope they get the b*gger that did it!
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    I'm not going to tempt fate!

    Hope you get well soon, get back on the bike as soon as you can!

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Other week I came off at about 18-20mph, I quickly accelerated and tried to get round this sharp corner and I must have leant over too far as both wheels just slipped as if I was on ice and my knee hit the road dead on at probs around 18-20mph, bruised just below my knee and it hurts when I push or stretch it out. I must have slid across the road on my back side for about 3 meters, good job their was no cars, it was in a Morrisons car park :lol:

    I felt a right Tw@t as people where looking at me and I knew I was in the wrong as there was a big sign with a big black bold 5 for 5mph speed limit :oops:
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    3 meters? Nothing. :|

    I slid at least 10! They'd just resurfaced that part of the road so it was like ice! :lol:

    I think that's why it was so easy for the driver to escape as everyone's attention was pointed in another direction. :?

    Can just about walk now. The pain in the ar5e (literally) got a lot worse the other day but is now healing. I think I just crushed a massive amount of muscle, but bizarrely, there's no bruising!

    Collar bone has a yellow bruise - meaning no damage. Hurts like hell though. I think i'll be on the bike by Sunday.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Bhima, I went to a physio through work yesterday, it was awesome (painful though). I've got some exercises to do too and she has said cycling is the perfect way to build strength back up. I have found that my leg feels looser and more mobile already (although I'm still miles away from walking) and I'm much happier.

    It's been 7 weeks since the accident know and the bones are pretty much healed, it's the tendons and ligaments causing the (immense at times) pain now.

    Then again, a 13" rod and 3 nails in the leg followed by weeks of immobilisation will do that to you!

    Is there any way you can get some physio?
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Then again, a 13" rod and 3 nails in the leg followed by weeks of immobilisation will do that to you!

    Is there any way you can get some physio?

    @ NapoleonD - OOOUUCCHH - my stomach's churning a bit.

    Luckily no bike accident (I'm touching wood) but I had physio some time ago to help with a lower back problem. It really helped and for the problem I had the advice was to keep mobile.

    +1 for physio through your GP if possible as it's free that way.

    Otherwise, a sports injury clinic or such like would be a close second, but will cost £££ unfortunately.

    Get well soon guys.

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009