so whats so bad about Lance



  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Kléber wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    coulcher wrote:
    This doesn't mean Armstrong's guilty of doping but his approach to it was hardly helpful (witness continued Ferrari association).
    I have a friend who got caught trying to smuggle pot out of Mexico. She spent a few years in a Mexican slammer. Have another friend who ran an illegal gambling operation and spent about 6 years in federal prison. Both of these people were my friends before they went to jail and they remain my friends to this day. And I didn't have anything to do with their crimes. To me a friend is a friend.
    Sure Dennis. But if you built that friendship by being part of the dope smuggling ring or illegal gambling ring, then I'd think twice before voting for you if you stood for Mayor of Toledo. In a job where being "clean" is important, your childhood friends don't matter, it's the people you worked with on the way up that can say something.

    But, aren't you assuming that I'm guilty because I was simply their friend. Key word in
    your post "IF". I know it doesn't look all that good for me but I was their friend and saw them socially before and after. As an afterthought, here in the U.S., it IS illegal for police to associate with convicted criminals, but not for me. All this may sound a bit simplistic, but still....... I can see how it would cause "problems"(to say the least). In any case I need all the friends I can get. Mayor huh? Interesting.

    Dennis Noward
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784

    You're missing a point here. Lance was a customer of Ferrari's. It's not like he was just his friend who got caught doing something naughty, he was paying him to be his prepatore.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    iainf72 wrote:

    You're missing a point here. Lance was a customer of Ferrari's. It's not like he was just his friend who got caught doing something naughty, he was paying him to be his prepatore.

    I know. Yet IF they collaborated to "dope" in years past it would be extremely stupid
    of Lance to even consider using him again, but their are no laws that say they can't
    see each other socially. I know all this sounds a bit naive on my part but I still tend to
    associate with my "ex-con" friends and Lance may choose to do the same. I was commenting more on the point of his "continued Ferrari association". Like you and I he's allowed to have the friends he chooses. Even if it looks a little, well, .......

    Dennis Noward
  • dennisn wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:

    You're missing a point here. Lance was a customer of Ferrari's. It's not like he was just his friend who got caught doing something naughty, he was paying him to be his prepatore.

    I know. Yet IF they collaborated to "dope" in years past it would be extremely stupid
    of Lance to even consider using him again, but their are no laws that say they can't
    see each other socially. I know all this sounds a bit naive on my part but I still tend to
    associate with my "ex-con" friends and Lance may choose to do the same. I was commenting more on the point of his "continued Ferrari association". Like you and I he's allowed to have the friends he chooses. Even if it looks a little, well, .......

    Dennis Noward

    Take this analogy if you will;

    Suppose during Barrack Obama's campaign last year he kept a close friendship with someone who's field of expertise and profession was to write computer programs to cheat votes and fix elections. It would be inexcusable for Barrack to maintain even a social relationship with this man purely through association.

    Therefore, it would be similarly inappropriate and irresponsible for Lance to have any sort of 'friendship' with Ferrari, purely because of his background.

    And supposing Lance was/is clean, whats he gonna have in common with Ferrari? "Oh by the way michael, thanks for making my job so much harder each year by making sure my rivals have the best possible blood preperations."

    The difference with you and your "ex con" friends is that there are no conflicting interests- you may not agree with there illicit activities but they are hardly unforgivable crimes. You are probably happy to turn a blind eye on a few silly mistakes because your friendship runs deeper.
  • He ain't gonna turn him out of the fold in any case in case old Dr F starts to turn over a few stones. I actually respect LA's refusal to criticise caught dopers vociferously. At least he's not being possibly hypocritical. (He may also be in a very small greenhouse with a very large rock)
  • GoLance
    GoLance Posts: 28
    Not knowing anything re. Lance (but having heard the rumours) - is it possible that he did any of his TDF wins "clean"? - if so, which ones? - any candidates? or is it the case that if he doped the "year before" he'd still be gaining an unfair advantage when he won a "clean" one? - or, is the concensus that he doped for all 7 wins?

    I am still waiting for him to fail a legitimate test that will get him suspended.
    Waiting?, so you're sure he's a doper? *Makes angry face at computer screen*
    'You are not worth the chair you are sitting on with a statement like that...and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive you.'
    (Lance Armstrong)
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    GoLance wrote:
    Not knowing anything re. Lance (but having heard the rumours) - is it possible that he did any of his TDF wins "clean"? - if so, which ones? - any candidates? or is it the case that if he doped the "year before" he'd still be gaining an unfair advantage when he won a "clean" one? - or, is the concensus that he doped for all 7 wins?

    I am still waiting for him to fail a legitimate test that will get him suspended.
    Waiting?, so you're sure he's a doper? *Makes angry face at computer screen*

    Are you FloydFan? I miss him.
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • GoLance
    GoLance Posts: 28
    Timoid. wrote:
    GoLance wrote:
    Not knowing anything re. Lance (but having heard the rumours) - is it possible that he did any of his TDF wins "clean"? - if so, which ones? - any candidates? or is it the case that if he doped the "year before" he'd still be gaining an unfair advantage when he won a "clean" one? - or, is the concensus that he doped for all 7 wins?

    I am still waiting for him to fail a legitimate test that will get him suspended.
    Waiting?, so you're sure he's a doper? *Makes angry face at computer screen*

    Are you FloydFan? I miss him.

    If you're referring to me, nope I'm afraid I'm not. I don't like FL. :)
    'You are not worth the chair you are sitting on with a statement like that...and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive you.'
    (Lance Armstrong)
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Ah. Floydfan. Those were the days of REAL debate!



    Strava is not Zen.
  • Manaru
    Manaru Posts: 18
    GO LANCE!!!
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Manaru wrote:
    GO LANCE!!!

    You forgot to type "away"
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • GoLance
    GoLance Posts: 28
    iainf72 wrote:
    Manaru wrote:
    GO LANCE!!!

    You forgot to type "away"

    Erm, I think I've found my first Lance hater on this forum! :?
    'You are not worth the chair you are sitting on with a statement like that...and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive you.'
    (Lance Armstrong)
  • GoLance
    GoLance Posts: 28
    Manaru wrote:
    GO LANCE!!!

    'You are not worth the chair you are sitting on with a statement like that...and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive you.'
    (Lance Armstrong)
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    GoLance wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:
    Manaru wrote:
    GO LANCE!!!

    You forgot to type "away"

    Erm, I think I've found my first Lance hater on this forum! :?

    Not read Aurellio's posts yet then :lol:

    I would agree with Ian's sentiments! I was reasonably happy to see Lance back at first, he seemed to be presenting himself as a new athlete who would be more open face difficult questions, and who would prove his cleanliness with the aid of a certain Dr Catlin. Now it's 4 months into his comeback season and he's got rid of Dr Catlin, been involved in a shower incident, and avoided answering honest questions in a pro cycling interview.
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live