RPCC Training Group Ride - Sat 14th / Sun 15th



  • chrisw28
    chrisw28 Posts: 187
    Yeh I'm out this saturday, COME ON GUYS, you know you want to make it out for the RPCC ride :D

    And yeh I'm also not too bad at finding my way around, so no worries.

    Any lurkers/people on the fence about coming along, please come along, you'll enjoy it :D
  • cc10
    cc10 Posts: 38
    Gutted, my completely rubbish work has booked me for a 9am lesson on sat :x so once again my attemp to actually do some form of distance has been completelyfoiled - even worse they've done it for next week as well! so unless anyone is out on sunday for the next few weeks it'll be a while untill I get to venture out of the park :cry:

    Hope you all have a fab ride and if the cycling gods eventually decide to give me a break hopefully I will be able to join you all before the end of the month!! :)
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    cc10 wrote:
    Gutted, my completely rubbish work has booked me for a 9am lesson on sat :x so once again my attemp to actually do some form of distance has been completelyfoiled - even worse they've done it for next week as well! so unless anyone is out on sunday for the next few weeks it'll be a while untill I get to venture out of the park :cry:
    That's rrrrubbish! :(

    All is not lost cc10 - I tend to ride Sat & Sun these days (as does Chris, and a few others have threatened to as well) so I'm sure we can sort something for next weekend and / or the weekend after :D
  • cc10
    cc10 Posts: 38
    That would be fab, I'll keep an eye out, I am determined to get there eventually!!!
  • Art Vandelay
    Art Vandelay Posts: 1,982
    I'm set for Saturday.
    From the looks of it so far we are:
    Myk-ee (you've run out of excuses :wink: )
    Phips - TBC
    Felgen - TBC
    Lurkers etc - 9am at Richmond Gate.
    Box Hill awaits :D
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  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    I'm set for Saturday.
    From the looks of it so far we are:
    Myk-ee (you've run out of excuses :wink: )
    Phips - TBC
    Felgen - TBC
    Lurkers etc - 9am at Richmond Gate.
    Box Hill awaits :D

    Anyway, i never got my cuppa last week :P
    It's the vibe of the thing.
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Myk-ee wrote:
    Anyway, i never got my cuppa last week :P
    I am sure you did get a cuppa Myk-ee it was just used to cure your hangover!

    Hmmm..... tempting, very tempting...
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    felgen wrote:
    Myk-ee wrote:
    Anyway, i never got my cuppa last week :P
    I am sure you did get a cuppa Myk-ee it was just used to cure your hangover!

    Hmmm..... tempting, very tempting...

    What's tempting - the cuppa, the ride or the hangover? :lol:
    It's the vibe of the thing.
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  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    phips wrote:
    Myk-ee wrote:
    felgen wrote:
    Hmmm..... tempting, very tempting...

    What's tempting - the cuppa, the ride or the hangover? :lol:

    Quick! Sweepstake!

    I reckon he'll vote 'hangover' :)

    He's a good, clean living lad so I reckon 'The Ride'..
    It's the vibe of the thing.
  • drewfromrisca
    drewfromrisca Posts: 1,165
    I'll be there folks, please please please be gentle with me!!!
    There is never redemption, any fool can regret yesterday...

    Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave!
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  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    phips wrote:
    There's only one person responsible for your pain ... ;-)

    And we call him the human motorbike :shock:
    It's the vibe of the thing.
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  • Petromyzon
    Petromyzon Posts: 221
    If it is ok with all I'll join in the same place as last week (Hampton Court bridge, Kingston side) as I have a new rear wheel to put on before I go out so the extra time will be useful.

    I don't know if ChrisW plans to do this as well but there is no need to pull in, now I recognise some of you I'll just fall in as you ride by :):)
    See you in the morning!
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  • RC21
    RC21 Posts: 166
    I was holding out to the last minute but i'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow :( Have a good ride all!

    I might be able to make it out on Sunday . . . . but i'm not 100% and may go and do a couple of laps of RP :)

  • chrisw28
    chrisw28 Posts: 187
    Petromyzon wrote:
    If it is ok with all I'll join in the same place as last week (Hampton Court bridge, Kingston side) as I have a new rear wheel to put on before I go out so the extra time will be useful.

    I don't know if ChrisW plans to do this as well but there is no need to pull in, now I recognise some of you I'll just fall in as you ride by :):)
    See you in the morning!

    Yep Tom I'll be at the 'catch-on' point for 9:30 @ HC. See you there! :D
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    phips wrote:
    Myk-ee wrote:
    phips wrote:
    There's only one person responsible for your pain ... ;-)

    And we call him the human motorbike :shock:


    Not what I meant, but that's much funnier :lol:
    Gotta admit that did make me smirk ;) dont worry the surfeit of food leaves my power to weight ratio lacking at present....
    I was tempted to come tomorrow, but I just dont know..... I am sure I will manage a cuppa either way, and I have managed 4 beers so far too :D
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
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  • chrisw28
    chrisw28 Posts: 187
    Ugh, what a ride!

    Some insane box hill times posted by Mr. Vandelay (who claimed he wasn't going for a PB at the bottom of the climb :shock: ) , Tom, and Mark. :D Well done guys, very impressive! Kicked my ass all the way up, I was really feeling it all the way to Box Hill but felt a bit better on the way home, typical :roll:

    I did try to lead you guys down a slightly quieter route back to hampton court, but you all said bye instead :lol: Sorry about that.

    Hope you all got back okay, especially Drew, sorry if we weren't gentle enough, you were looking good up until just before box hill. Hope you can make it out again, the more you do it the easier it will become (unless you sit on ya arse and eat crap through the week like me).
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Come on then - what were these insane Boxhill times?! :shock:

    Who made it out in the end?

    I've had a dreadful day back here in Sussex... :wink::lol:
  • chrisw28
    chrisw28 Posts: 187
    6:44 I believe for Senor Vandelay. Just a few seconds behind (2-4 seconds I think?) for Tom, and 7:06 (?) for Mark. I was too knackered to really pay attention at the top :oops:

    If it wasn't for Mark's brilliant pull up BH I probably would have given up, did you guys hear me moaning?! Gosh I must have been sooo annoying haha.

    In the end it was the guys above, me, mykee, drewfromrisca.

    Damn you Rich, eating posh choccy cake! :lol:
  • Petromyzon
    Petromyzon Posts: 221
    Thanks guys, I thoroughly enjoyed that. Sorry if I was a bit enthusiastic, I know that if I hadn't been on a bike for a winter I wouldn't be making it round the route so chapeau and nice to meet you Drew.

    Pleased with my box hill time but as I could only manage 7.20 something in the week I suspect a whole lot of that was down to Mark's pull.

    Now to sink deep in the the post-ride zombie state :lol::lol: Mark, I only have a Mac to hand so I'm not sure I can install TP but I'd love to have a look at some power data if you have time to post some images 8) 8)
  • drewfromrisca
    drewfromrisca Posts: 1,165
    Cheers for the ride folks. I enjoyed it immensely. Felt good to get back out onto that road. Thanks for all your help on the hills and waiting for me. It was good to put faces to names as well. I'll certainly be perservering and making it a habit. Hopefully I'll see you next week...if my legs ever work again and more of my discs haven't disappeared!!!
    There is never redemption, any fool can regret yesterday...

    Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave!
  • Art Vandelay
    Art Vandelay Posts: 1,982
    Hey Drew - glad you enjoyed the ride. Impressive performance for someone who hasn't been out on the tarmac proper for that amount of time. Liking the personalised Spesh as well.
    82.5 miles for me door to door - Great ride. My Box Hill time was a bit unexpected :D More time to shave off there as well I reckon.
    Phips - you're getting impressively quick on those sprints.
    I'm off to watch the Scotland game down the pub - I hope they have comfy sofas to sink in.
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