RP Training Group Ride - 7th/8th March



  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Numbers so far:

    Rich-Ti (El Capitan)
    The Emu
    Art Vandalay

    Have I missed anyone (apologies if I have :oops: ).

    Notable Absentees:


    Haven't heard from Fuji Mackers yet and is littleroadie going to make his/her debut?

    Crickey, we've never been so organised, must be the Cuppa that's up for stakes 8)

    The long grazed legged one
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    phips wrote:
    Berns12 wrote:
    Whats the run this weekend? Are we aiming for just BH or doing 3-4 hills?

    Usually depends on how many punctures we collect en route to The Downs ;)

    Edit: Pictures?! What was I talking about. I meant *punctures* :oops:

    I'll be editing that back to pictures for my excuse come quebrantahuesos :lol:

    The long grazed legged one
  • RC21
    RC21 Posts: 166
    I have a replacement front wheel coming which is getting delivered to my work. . . . it should be here by Friday - if it is, I'll come along :)

    I haven't ever actually made it to Box Hill yet :? Hopefully I can this time and actually set a PB :wink:

  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    Berns12 wrote:
    Whats the run this weekend? Are we aiming for just BH or doing 3-4 hills?

    Usually get in Pitch Hill, Holmbury St Mary and Leith Hill before we scale BH.

    I'd be keen one day to do a ride further to the west of the North Downs to take in the hill up from Cranleigh (I've named it Winterfolds hill, as it goes by Winterfold House, wood and heath) but maybe for another day..
    It's the vibe of the thing.
  • wow, weather looking great for the weekend. Pity I will be painting/sanding/varnishing probably for the whole weekend, but small chance I may be good for Sunday, so will check late on Sat if anyone is keen for a spin on Sunday.

    Nevertheless have a good ride, and enjoy the sprint up Boxhill.
  • This may be mentioned somewhere else on the Bikeradar forums, but I have registered for this (www.thevirtualvillage.com ) . There is an application to set up an exploratory drill site near Coldharbour, which would more than likely hugely disrupt things. Have a look if you have a spare min!
  • Berns12
    Berns12 Posts: 198
    looks like its going to be a good sized group this weekend...with Ryan hopefully coming along as well!

    I am out of shape having been out of the bike the last 2 weekends, so I think it will be hard to beat my PB on Box Hill (yes getting my excuses in now). However I look forward to the "warmer" weather, maybe I can just do arm and leg warmers this weekend and leave the jacket home!

    see y'all on Saturday!
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Just checked the weather - was already really up for this but now I'm busting a gut to get out! Should be a good one folks, I'm really looking forward to a good crowd and and a good spin this weekend! :D

    Don't forget there's still a few of us up for a Sunday run out too so let's keep the options open for that one - my current plan is a KW run (maybe with Wilf & Chris?) but I'm open to other suggestions 8)
  • chrisw28
    chrisw28 Posts: 187
    Yeh I'm absolutely dying to get out aswell! :D Rich do you want me to come to RP for the meet or are you planning to head out through HC? I don't mind either, but if you're coming through HC it gives me a bit more time in the morning to get my stuff together (teenager...its hard getting up in the morning! :roll:)

    I'm up for a KW run on sunday too, but I'm not a fan of the tea stop which can sometimes be a little too long for my liking. 10 minutes is a good tea stop IMO but 45 minutes of chatting is a bit much (only happens sometimes). But yeh if we are low on numbers for sunday too I guess I will join you on the KW run. :D But I would rather do another RP training ride! We'll see who's up for it again on saturday.
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    chrisw28 wrote:
    Rich do you want me to come to RP for the meet or are you planning to head out through HC?
    Teenagers... :roll: :wink::lol:

    No worries buddy - 9:30 @ HC should do the job 8)
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Oh, and if it helps anyone else, HC = Hampton Court. Just make sure you're there for 9:30 as we'll only make a flying visit to collect Chris on the way through! :D
  • cc10
    cc10 Posts: 38
    Hey, How fast do you need to be to come play?

    Have only just started riding but am getting a tad bored of laps of the park, but have no sense of direction so have been reluctant to venture out alone! Is it just super speedy guys or are there a few chicks that come along aswell??
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    cc10 wrote:
    Hey, How fast do you need to be to come play?

    Have only just started riding but am getting a tad bored of laps of the park, but have no sense of direction so have been reluctant to venture out alone! Is it just super speedy guys or are there a few chicks that come along aswell??
    Hi cc10 - good to see another potential recruit! 8)

    Ok so here's a rough guide - and I say rough as the others might have differing views on this. The most important thing to remember before I start is that we will not drop anyone on a ride, and someone will always ride back with a slower rider so that they're never left alone.

    Roughly speaking then, and in terms of the Richmond Park lap...

    :arrow: Lap Richmond Park (RP) in 25mins or less and you'll be ok to come along
    :arrow: Lap RP in 21-23mins and you'll be on par with around half of us
    :arrow: Lap RP in 18-20mins and you'll be on par with the other half, and most likely on the front for most of the ride
    :arrow: Lap RP any quicker and we might be a bit slow for you unless you're looking for a recovery ride!

    We usually target in the region of 100k (60 miles ish), and will average 25-28kph (15-18mph ish) depending on the route and number of hills. Personally I'm looking to start upping the distance on our regular rides as I need to be doing around 80 miles+

    That said, if you've not built up your distance yet and know the area pretty well you might find that you join us for as long as you're comfortable and then turn back (as long as you let someone know that is!). Ryan (RC21) has been doing this as he has a 10 mile ride before he gets to the park so by the time we're 20 miles into the ride he already has a 60 mile round trip (if that makes sense?).

    Hope that helps? :? 8)

    As yet we've not had any 'chicks' come along but we're far from adverse to the idea! :D
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    cc10 wrote:
    Hey, How fast do you need to be to come play?

    Have only just started riding but am getting a tad bored of laps of the park, but have no sense of direction so have been reluctant to venture out alone! Is it just super speedy guys or are there a few chicks that come along aswell??

    Well perfect reason to come and join us, the whole ethos behind these runs was because that park was getting a tad congested and errr.... tedious. :roll:

    We're not that quck (avg of around 17mph) but we will go over some climbs and we usually ride for anything from 80 to 100 ks depending on how everyone is feeling on the day.

    We'll never leave anyone behind, and there's a good group this week so you should also get some good protection which should ease things.

    Apart from our banter, some of the country lanes along with the fresh air is well worth the extra effort.

    Hope to see you out, and any questions feel free to pm me.

    The long grazed legged one
  • cc10
    cc10 Posts: 38
    Ok sweet, should be good speed wise, it'll be my first reasonable distance but there's no time like the present! If its cool with you guys it would be great to tag along, if it seems a bit too far I'll just do a u turn and head back! :)
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  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    cc10 wrote:
    Ok sweet, should be good speed wise, it'll be my first reasonable distance but there's no time like the present! If its cool with you guys it would be great to tag along, if it seems a bit too far I'll just do a u turn and head back! :)

    Cool, look forward to it.

    The long grazed legged one
  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    phips wrote:
    Personally I plan on sitting on Felgen's wheel for as long as I can hang on ;)

    I'll bring along a few extra bungy cords to strap to him.. :lol:
    It's the vibe of the thing.
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  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    phips wrote:
    Myk-ee wrote:
    phips wrote:
    Personally I plan on sitting on Felgen's wheel for as long as I can hang on ;)

    I'll bring along a few extra bungy cords to strap to him.. :lol:

    Good plan. I can give up pedaling altogether then :D

    Would we need to attach some flashing orange lights to signify we're under tow? :shock:
    It's the vibe of the thing.
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Myk-ee wrote:
    Would we need to attach some flashing orange lights to signify we're under tow? :shock:
    James can wear one on his head at the front and I'll start working on a red & white striped jersey with 'LONG VEHICLE' signs across the back for whoever is hanging on last! :wink::lol:
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Yeah but if you do that then you wont be doing any work and then wont be doing any training - I am sure that wont help when it comes to Le Fred or Fray Bentos. Plus I will have to charge for the excess wear on my drivetrain as a result of pulling you suckers along :D
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • gbs
    gbs Posts: 450
    :( what a shame but this wk/end is not possible but will lookout for other opportunities. Enjoy, although the weather will surely not match today.

    PS am a lurking newbie so any advance warning re distance/duration/ave speed would be useful
    vintage newbie, spinning away
  • gbs
    gbs Posts: 450
    To Rich Ti

    Am slow on uptake this evening - have just spotted yr posting earlier this week so my qn of a few minutes ago has been well answered.javascript:emoticon(':oops:')
    vintage newbie, spinning away
  • Petromyzon
    Petromyzon Posts: 221
    Is there room for another long-time threadwatcher? I normally ride solo on saturdays but would love to meet some new people and try some new routes. Obviously the grupetto is looking a little chunky so would understand if not appropriate.

    I'd be another 9.30 @HC man..... do you meet on the Esher side of the bridge?
  • cc10
    cc10 Posts: 38
    Will have to bail on tomorrow as have just buggered my knee playing tennis :( But will get it sorted in the week and get a decent practise run in so I can hopefully come join in the next week or two?
  • chrisw28
    chrisw28 Posts: 187
    Petromyzon wrote:
    Is there room for another long-time threadwatcher? I normally ride solo on saturdays but would love to meet some new people and try some new routes. Obviously the grupetto is looking a little chunky so would understand if not appropriate.

    I'd be another 9.30 @HC man..... do you meet on the Esher side of the bridge?

    Hello, I don't think the group size is big enough to cause any problems yet so yes, feel free to join me at Hampton Court, I'll be there a little early (9.25, i advise you do the same, it's not fair on Rich and the rest of the group if we keep them waiting). I usually sit on the kingston side of the bridge, just outside the main entrance. I'll be wearing kingston wheelers kit so you should be able to spot me!
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  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    phips wrote:
    I can't make my mind up if 10º is 3/4s or full legs.

    I don't own 3/4's so no dilemma on my part. Is it really only going to be 10 degrees? Well as long as its sunny that will do me - I think I got spoiled last week on hols.
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • Petromyzon
    Petromyzon Posts: 221
    chrisw28 wrote:
    Petromyzon wrote:
    Is there room for another long-time threadwatcher? I normally ride solo on saturdays but would love to meet some new people and try some new routes. Obviously the grupetto is looking a little chunky so would understand if not appropriate.

    I'd be another 9.30 @HC man..... do you meet on the Esher side of the bridge?

    Hello, I don't think the group size is big enough to cause any problems yet so yes, feel free to join me at Hampton Court, I'll be there a little early (9.25, i advise you do the same, it's not fair on Rich and the rest of the group if we keep them waiting). I usually sit on the kingston side of the bridge, just outside the main entrance. I'll be wearing kingston wheelers kit so you should be able to spot me!

    Coolio, thanks, I'm 90% sure I'll be there and if I am, it will be at 9.25. I'll be wearing Dynamo kit and I'll see you on the Kingston side.