Dalby 11th



  • Rich9
    Rich9 Posts: 1,635
    altern_8 wrote:
    Rich9 wrote:
    altern_8 wrote:
    so when do you think you will be ok for anouther ride mate

    Not sure. Got a couple of busy weekends coming up.

    now then mate,hows it going,we did a good ride today(sunday)started in hope and went near derwent res and ladybower,see my post on the peaks......

    we aint going out next weekend as hull city are at home saturday and bro is pissing it up sat night so wont be out sunday........we are thinking of doing dalby friday,dont know if during day or night at mo tho if you fancy that?????

    if you cant make it mate,any idea when youre ok to get pass to get out yet????

    No Idea what i'm upto. Havent been out sicne Dalby :-( . Been really busy and had a few matches to get out of the way (Golf). Going to try get out on saturday morning, but only locally. Keep me informed about where you are planning on going and i'll let you know if i can make it
    2014 Whyte T-129S
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    quake7.2 wrote:
    Hi, I was there on Sunday (just gone) and it was quite boggy on the tops of the red run, but quite useable!

    Never been to the dales!

    Just trying to get more people to go, to cut costs..........

    well best of luck getting anyone to reply to youre posts mate,i aint had much look apart from this one......so where abouts do you go mate(riding)????

    we do dalby/sherwood/moors/dales and peaks,normally do anywhere from 15 mile upto 25 miles,we are maybe going for a ride on friday daytime,just depends if giggsmaster is working or not,if hes working we will prob do a night ride at dalby,we cant make it this sat as we are passholders at hull city,and giggsmaster is pissing it up saturday night,lol,most ppl from hull ive found just go round skidby mill on a sunday morning,havent found that many from hull yet who go out further.........

    get back to me if you fancy doing a bit of night riding mate,its good fun,and lights we have only cost us £24 from tescos,so not that xpensive,and its a good laugh round dalby at night.......
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    rich9 wrote>No Idea what i'm upto. Havent been out sicne Dalby . Been really busy and had a few matches to get out of the way (Golf). Going to try get out on saturday morning, but only locally. Keep me informed about where you are planning on going and i'll let you know if i can make it

    see my above post for friday and this weekend mate,hopefully we might be doing anouther ride on a saturday next weekend after this one depending on hull city being at home mate......we are staying away from dalby if we can,we are looking at doing some rides around 14 miles,trying to find some good downhills and some easy uphills to ride,last weekend did us in,it was hard,bro came off big style,lol,once we got to 12 miles we was ready for home,we aint as fit as we thought :oops:

    we are going to try to do 14 miles without stopping........

    if you can mate,try to get out during the week,even if its about 10 miles on road,it helps me and bro,just try to push youreself so you feel it........

    look 4ward to next ride with you,why dont you ride youre bike next time youre playing golf,lol
  • quake7.2
    quake7.2 Posts: 305
    My mate and I have discussed noght riding in Dalby, do you do one of the coloured runs or choose your own route?

    Sadly at the moment, my mate works latish during the week, so friday or saturday nights would be only ones good to him!

    I am game whenever.
  • quake7.2
    quake7.2 Posts: 305
    Like I said in my previous post, I will be at Dalby this sunday, all being well, you are welcome to come with us!
    I live at kingswood as well.
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    quake7.2 wrote:
    My mate and I have discussed noght riding in Dalby, do you do one of the coloured runs or choose your own route?

    Sadly at the moment, my mate works latish during the week, so friday or saturday nights would be only ones good to him!

    I am game whenever.

    we do part of red route and make it up as we go along,find it gets a bit borring riding same route at dalby all the time so we try to mix it up a bit......as said in post above mate wont be able to make it sunday....and im doing a ride friday,so wont be able to do two in three days.......

    ill keep you upto date when we are going to do anouther night ride mate.......

    i live on the small estate back of asda,on youre left hand side as youre heading towards b.h.e
  • quake7.2
    quake7.2 Posts: 305
    Me too, live near Kesteven.

    Keep in touch!
  • quake7.2 wrote:
    Me too, live near Kesteven.

    Keep in touch!

    Just round the corner from me then.
  • quake7.2
    quake7.2 Posts: 305
    quake7.2 wrote:
    Me too, live near Kesteven.

    Keep in touch!

    Just round the corner from me then.

    Yeah? Give me a shout if you fancy Dalby, going this Sunday....
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    quake7.2 wrote:
    Me too, live near Kesteven.

    Keep in touch!

    nice1 not to far away from me and giggsmaster then.......
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    rich9>have a look at my post for hull and surrounding area mate,going to post rides on there when we are going mate,just so i can try to keep it all in one post......and by all means,anyone else who is interested in joining us,trying to get a few of us going on rides together........................
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    well i wont be able to make it next few weeks,so if anyone is up for a ride with bro/giggsmaster then keep in touch,he needs the xcercise as ill prob go for a ride with him when all is well and still piss him off beating him on uphills,lol,(soz bro but you know its the truth)have a look at this thread>hull and surrounding area,even if you arnt close to hull going to post rides for dalby/dales/moors on here,just keep it simple,lol
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    dalby night ride this tursday....anyone up for it?????