Richmond park and clubs

Posts: 37
So I just got a lovely new Specialized Dolce, and in my excitement agreed to do the Triathlon relay next year. I know it's only in August, but I decided to get in early and do some training in richmond park. - at the moment I'm cycling from clapham, doing one lap (going for 2 tomorrow!) and then cycling home as I am a little intimidated by all the super-fit people speeding past me as I struggle up the hills (on the easy way round), so my questions are:
1) should I leave Richmond park until later in my training or is that the best way to get into it despite the potential of being thrown out for being too slow?
2) When would be the best time to join a club? I would like to join one but am unsure about the levels of fitness needed.
Thank you!!
1) should I leave Richmond park until later in my training or is that the best way to get into it despite the potential of being thrown out for being too slow?
2) When would be the best time to join a club? I would like to join one but am unsure about the levels of fitness needed.
Thank you!!
Welcome to the throng!
There's LOADS of people on bikes around Richmond Park (RP). You can go weeks without seeing the same person on the same bike, or see the same person every day depending on your timing. There's also a number of clubs that ride from there and around there on a regular basis - namely Kingston Wheelers and London Dynamo.
My suggestion would be to time your lap (or two). The 'Richmond Park 3-lap Challenge' is to do 3 laps in under an hour, so 20mins a lap or less is considered pretty good. Anywhere around 20-25mins a lap and I'd say you're probably good enough to start riding in a group / club.
To take your questions as they were asked:
1) You won't get thrown out of RP for being too slow! It's not a club in itself and nobody has any right to do that - it's a great place to train and I recommend doing your Clapham-RP-Clapham route as often as possible and include as many laps as you can. I noticed MASSIVE increases in fitness and weight loss from just doing 1 lap 2 / 3 / 4 times a week plus a long weekend ride, and I live less than 2 miles from the park!
2) I plan to join a club (probably Kingston Wheelers, but possibly London Dynamo) in the new year to maximise my membership and make sure I know about the club events for the year and have time to sign up etc. It just feels like a good time to join. In reality I don't think it matters and I'm sure most clubs would amend their membership fee accordingly.
I'd also suggest getting along to club rides - again, I've not done this myself yet and plan to ASAP in the new year. You can do a ride or two with a club without joining so I'm going to try both Wheelers and Dynamo rides to see which I prefer and would rather join.
May I also suggest tagging along to one of the embryonic 'RPCC' rides?! We're a small bunch of riders who have started meeting up on a regular basis over recent months, based on the fact that we all train in Richmond Park. We're not uber-quick and will happily welcome anyone and everyone who comes along. Nobody will get left behind and if you know the area you're welcome to suggest changes to the route etc. None of us are proud or egotistical, we're just a like-minded group of riders and are lucky enough to get on very well in the short space of time we've all known each other. You'll find info on our next planned ride here so feel free to come along. Usual distance is 50-70 miles from our start point at Richmond gate (same applies to anyone else watching with interest by the way!).
Cheers and maybe see you out for a spin soon!
Rich0 -
Thanks Rich! I did two laps today and both were just under 25 mins a lap, so will look to join a club at the end of January then!
Thanks for the advice - I think 50-70 miles is a little too far for me at the moment, but may be a good idea to start doing those every other weekend soon...
Thank you again!0 -
No problem! 8)
If it's any use I will often do a shorter ride one day on the weekend coupled with a longer one on the other day - you are more than welcome to join me for the shorter one (well, both for that matter!) if it's of use to you so feel free to drop me a line.
Maybe see you in the Park sometime in the New Year!0 -
Hey Lucy,
I just stumbled across this forum whilst looking for some other cycling forums other than the club one that I use. So a new member on this forum too! Hello to the forum regulars
I ride with a local club and have been doing so for the last year (although admittedly I don't attend many of the sunday club runs due to a lazy weekend lifestyle (I cant get out of bed on a sunday before 10am!!!) got my act together though and started again, right as my membership runs out, DAMN!). I do ride a lot on my own, and started around richmond park, i've only been cycling for the last 11 months and felt pretty unfit which is what made me pick up cycling in the first place. I woulnd't worry about being slower than other cyclists around there, don't care what they think...there will always be a faster rider than you unless you get VERY serious about cycling! Just ignore them for the moment and try and get around the park as many times as you can on your own, last winter I remember riding on my own, at first I struggled with more than 15 miles but gradually took it up to 40-50 miles, just riding to the park, doing 3-4 laps, and riding back home again. Just remember its for fun and your own benefit, you aren't out there to impress anybody! You'll get fitter over time, just keep cycling as much as you can!
My best advice would be just to get stuck in now, the earlier you start riding the faster you will be next summer, not to mention you will feel a lot better in general. If you think you want to try riding with a club pretty much all clubs let you ride along a few times to see if you like the atmosphere, as far as I can tell the guys in KW are all a nice bunch and really helped me get into cycling! Don't force yourself to ride with a club though if you aren't comfortable with it, you'll get to a point though where cycling around RP on your own gets a bit boring and you'll want a cycling buddy or club to ride with. I'm on the lookout for another person to just ride casually with to get myself out of the house since my last cycling buddy has left the sport for something else, and like Rich says there are a lot of friendly people in cycling that would love to ride with another person, so yeh I think riding with Rich sounds like a good idea to get a taster of riding with other people! I'm also gonna be out and about around richmond park in the next few days so if you fancy joining me let me know and i'll help you out!0 -
Thank you all for the advice, it's been very helpful - Rich, Chris, thanks for the offers - that would be really good actually, as it looks far more fun going with other people (although I'm still taken by the excitement of it, so it hasn't got boring yet). Eating so much at Christmas feels so much better knowing you've been out cycling for an hour or two first!
I'm away from today until the end of the year though, so won't be back cycling until 31/1st - let me know if either of you are cycling early New Year and maybe we can have a go. I've also been in touch with the Kingston Wheelers, which hopefully I'll be joining at the end of January. They seem like a very friendly club!0 -
I should be back in London sometime from Fri 2nd onwards - feel free to PM me if you want to get any rides arranged!0
lucyintheskywithdiamonds wrote:Thank you all for the advice, it's been very helpful - Rich, Chris, thanks for the offers - that would be really good actually, as it looks far more fun going with other people (although I'm still taken by the excitement of it, so it hasn't got boring yet). Eating so much at Christmas feels so much better knowing you've been out cycling for an hour or two first!
I'm away from today until the end of the year though, so won't be back cycling until 31/1st - let me know if either of you are cycling early New Year and maybe we can have a go. I've also been in touch with the Kingston Wheelers, which hopefully I'll be joining at the end of January. They seem like a very friendly club!
No problem Lucy, I wouldn't mind riding with you either Rich, maybe we could all meet up for a post-newyear ride? No doubt I will be riding then, very flexible on times so both of you let me know what days/times/locations you want to ride and I should be able to make it out. Any time up until Jan 5th works for me, because then I have a lot of work to do and won't be able to make it out to ride.
Good choice on the Kingston Wheelers too, maybe I'll see you on a club run next year then0 -
chrisw28 wrote:No problem Lucy, I wouldn't mind riding with you either Rich, maybe we could all meet up for a post-newyear ride? No doubt I will be riding then, very flexible on times so both of you let me know what days/times/locations you want to ride and I should be able to make it out. Any time up until Jan 5th works for me, because then I have a lot of work to do and won't be able to make it out to ride.
* When I say 'racing' please don't let this put you off! I'm not super quick or anything, just having a go at racing to see what it's like and as a bit of a personal challenge. Just for comparison, my first timed attempt at 3 laps of RP brought me out at bang-on 70mins, so 23mins a lap. That was in August and I've now got that down to around 20/21mins a lap so I've still not yet broken the 'magic' 60min mark.
Don't forget there's also this ride going from the park next weekend - if that is of interest then do come along. That may happen Sat in which case I won't be there, but if it is on Sunday then I'll be joining the guys for that.
8)0 -
Friday the 2nd, 1pm suits me just fine! Not bothered about the route, up for anything really! Surrey hills sounds good though. Will PM you now0
Also up for Friday 2nd, although if it's very hilly you may need to factor in some waits for me at the top of each hill! Or maybe just leave me with a map and meet me at the end with a big drink :oops:
The ride next weekend (3rd/4th I assume?) - is that for more experienced riders or is it ok to come along and only do part of the ride?0 -
lucyintheskywithdiamonds wrote:Also up for Friday 2nd, although if it's very hilly you may need to factor in some waits for me at the top of each hill! Or maybe just leave me with a map and meet me at the end with a big drink :oops:
The ride next weekend (3rd/4th I assume?) - is that for more experienced riders or is it ok to come along and only do part of the ride?
The weekend ride is for anyone really - if you're happy only doing part of the ride and peeling off then that's cool, as long as you know you're way back so nobody feels guilty when you go! Saturday is looking like the current favoured option for that ride so I probably won't be there. If you do decide to go along be sure to post something on the thread linked above just so they/we know to expect you, and if you go along for only part of the ride make sure to tell the others when you turn back!
Do bear in mind that a group ride will probably mean you ride faster anyway as rider in a 'pack' (even quite a small one) means you have the slipstream of others to help you out. I find this means I'll finish a group ride of 60miles distance feeling much more fresh than if I've done 60miles solo.0 -
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phips wrote:Rich-Ti wrote:Saturday is looking like the current favoured option for that ride so I probably won't be there.
Still, yes, all welcome!0 -
Hi, Rich, Lucy, Mark, Chris, just saw this thread. Let me know too I might be able to make it. Oh and I mght even come out in my new KW kit
I am off on leave until 5th January and am riding intermittently, but trying to keep piling the miles in, and having an excuse to be somewhere to ride with others would be good, as brother in law has just not had time to get out with all his kids here.
*edit* It seems like there are lots of votes for Kingston Wheelers in terms of a club to join0 -
Hello felgen, would be awesome to have you join us on the 2nd, just as long as you aren't looking for a big burnup! Remember we are trying to help each other have a good time cycling, not have a big manly ride-off
But yeh the details are still being sorted out between me, rich and lucy, I will PM you with further details closer to next friday (midweek sometime).
Nice planet x btw!! Very flash! Are you doing the KW club run tommorow? Might see you there if so, I'm riding (probably) the only basso bike there, I'll also be wearing a blue top (no KW kit yet, cant afford it!).0 -
I look forward to seeing some or all of you in the park in the near future.
Snake'Follow Me' the wise man said, but he walked behind!0 -
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phips wrote:If Rich-Ti and felgen are racing on the 3rd, why don't we go for the 4th anyway - and have a steady one with some new faces tagging along? We could, controversially, head for Box Hill first, giving those who want a short option the chance to head back home straight from there - whereas those who want a longer ride could head over to Leith Hill. Via the hard side :twisted:
I'm still up for a ride on the 2nd if this doesn't appeal 8)0 -
I would be up for a ride on the 2nd - the day before I go back to Uni, would be nice to use the legs before a long train ride, plus I really need to get out of RP.
Is anyone going for a ride tomorrow (sunday) morning from RP maybe to the surrey hills or somewhere that wouldn't mind if I tagged along - as I say, i'd like to check out the surrounding area a bit more.
James0 -
I'm flexible but if I'm completely honest the friday the 2nd would suit me sliiiiightly better. But its up to you, not really bothered, I just have a bit more time on the friday as on sunday I have errands :shock:0
voxegam wrote:I would be up for a ride on the 2nd - the day before I go back to Uni, would be nice to use the legs before a long train ride, plus I really need to get out of RP.
Is anyone going for a ride tomorrow (sunday) morning from RP maybe to the surrey hills or somewhere that wouldn't mind if I tagged along - as I say, i'd like to check out the surrounding area a bit more.
I'm out for a ride tommorow if you fancy coming along. Unfortunately I'm not so great with the surrounding area either so I might go for the club run with the kingston wheelers. Not sure yet, open to options!0 -
chrisw28 wrote:I'm flexible but if I'm completely honest the friday the 2nd would suit me sliiiiightly better. But its up to you, not really bothered, I just have a bit more time on the friday as on sunday I have errands :shock:0
Fair enough if you are prepared to ride on the friday, saturday AND sunday then I'll have to join you on the friday! How are your legs going to cope!0
chrisw28 wrote:Fair enough if you are prepared to ride on the friday, saturday AND sunday then I'll have to join you on the friday! How are your legs going to cope!0
By the sounds of it you are much fitter than me! Might be a lot of waiting come next friday!0
chrisw28 wrote:By the sounds of it you are much fitter than me! Might be a lot of waiting come next friday!
I doubt I'll need to wait much, don't worry 8)0 -
Everyone seems pretty sorted for tomorrow then and the rest of the week seemingly....well my offer/request of someone/people to ride with tomorrow still stands0
I sent you a PM voxegam
, I did mention a few posts above I would like to ride with you tommorow
0 -
voxegam wrote:Everyone seems pretty sorted for tomorrow then and the rest of the week seemingly....well my offer/request of someone/people to ride with tomorrow still stands0
Sorry chris, didnt check my inbox...have sent a PM.