Girl cyclist under a lorry blackfriars bridge 12/09



  • Patrick

    Pass on our thoughts to the family, must be a terrible time for them. You rarely see that side to an incident where a cyclist is injured, just the initial headline (if at all) and that's it. Behind each one is a personal tradegy for friends and family that stays with them.

  • Yes, do tell them that there's an entire forum of cyclists (including myself) offering their condolences.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    Thank god i missed this, i ride over blackfriars every day but i've never noticed it to be bad. Although i go over it at around 8.10 so i probably miss the majority of the traffic. But i always thought it had a good layout, but then im oblivious to cycle lanes and just ride the road as i see it.

    I hope to god this girl is going to be ok.

    I never cut up HGVs, i try not to go past buses on the inside as well.