Your rants here.



  • redvee wrote:
    idiot white Van/pick up driver who pulled out on me last night as i was less than 6 ft from him. thankfully I had the brakes covered and was anticipating hiom doing it, the disc brakes on the MTB worked as they should and i stopped. he shouted I shouldn't be on the road and should be on the pavement. .

    my shiny chepo £20 vid cam came into its own and this morning i have you tubed it sent the link to his boss and had an apology all by 9.30 am . the best was when his boss called back and said the guy had denied it and was a little redfaced when the video was played to him .

    Link to the vid?

    I deleted the video from Youtube after the company dealt with it so sharply . wouldn't want them getting negative publicity after they have sorted it quickly and properly
    Veni Vidi cyclo I came I saw I cycled
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Fecking City-Link, waited in all day and missed the sun and they turn up at 17:00, if I'd known they were going to be that early I would have gone out on the bike but sods law dictates that as soon as I was 10 miles away then I'd get a phonecall from the driver. Never mind though, I've got another 12 mth warranty on my Edge 705.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Not a rant cos I don't care that much really - but this to the numpty in the hideous blue Featherstone CC kit on the nice white Planet X carbon in Leeds city centre this morning.

    a) jumping red lights is jumping red lights no matter how slowly you do it. If you are going to do it that slowly, get off and walk across legally
    b) there is no point jumping lights if the sequences are such that it just gets you to the lights you can't jump at the wrong time. Despite going through 3 red lights, I still easily caught you at the fourth and would have passed you but for the traffic and my turn off.

    I mean, what's the point? At least jumping red has a point if it gets you there sooner. If it actually slows you down it makes you look really stupid.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • marchant
    marchant Posts: 362
    Not so much a rant as a venting of frustration: Damn you, slightly oval chainring! If it wasn't for your slight high spot getting the chain tension on the SS right would be done, rather than having to settle for a compromise.
  • idiot white Van/pick up driver who pulled out on me last night as i was less than 6 ft from him. thankfully I had the brakes covered and was anticipating hiom doing it, the disc brakes on the MTB worked as they should and i stopped. he shouted I shouldn't be on the road and should be on the pavement. .

    my shiny chepo £20 vid cam came into its own and this morning i have you tubed it sent the link to his boss and had an apology all by 9.30 am . the best was when his boss called back and said the guy had denied it and was a little redfaced when the video was played to him .
    What camera is that?
    Invacare Spectra Plus electric wheelchair, max speed 4mph :cry:
  • idiot white Van/pick up driver who pulled out on me last night as i was less than 6 ft from him. thankfully I had the brakes covered and was anticipating hiom doing it, the disc brakes on the MTB worked as they should and i stopped. he shouted I shouldn't be on the road and should be on the pavement. .

    my shiny chepo £20 vid cam came into its own and this morning i have you tubed it sent the link to his boss and had an apology all by 9.30 am . the best was when his boss called back and said the guy had denied it and was a little redfaced when the video was played to him .
    What camera is that? ... _id=110352
    Veni Vidi cyclo I came I saw I cycled
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,246
    Last night was not good: running late at work due to a bit of last minute 'oh could you just do this for me? it needs to go out tonight' from my boss, then just as I left the office I realise the back tyre is flat. Back into the office to change the tube to find that my spare tube was not patched properly last time, and an attempt to replace the patch tears the tube completely. Couldn't find the source of deflation in the original tube so put it back on and re-inflated - seemed to hold air so set off, but does appear to have a very slow puncture.

    Later, heading down the slope from Clapham Common to Balham, I pass a chap whose chain jammed causing him to skim the kerb, so I stopped to check everything was OK. All was fine so I set off again with a bus following about 20-30 metres back. Just as I pas the bus stop at the bottom of the slope, the bus pulls alongside then cuts me up as it pulls into the stop. As I pass the driver's window, he shouts something about checking before I pull away from the kerb. Ah, so you knowingly cut me up then?
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • flicksta
    flicksta Posts: 157
    To the 3 blokes who took a tow from me for literally 8 miles yesterday during the London Phoenix Easter Classic - MTFU.

    8 whole miles without a single stroke at the front, I even think they were laughing about it. I was so irritated I blew straight past the feed station to drop them. I just can't understand it.
  • SimonAH
    SimonAH Posts: 3,730
    To the little piece of left over scrotal sack living three doors down from the house I am selling (and have just accepted a f*&^%%ng offer on) for stealing my back fence last week and erecting it as your own you little sh1t. Thus opening the back of my garden and house to the lane, thus allowing in a horde of window licking, valley mutant, inbred kids who have caused thousands of damage as they enjoy their summer holiday by daubing my garden and outbuildings with paint they stole by breaking into my shed.

    And as vandalism to a second (empty and an hour and a half drive away) house I have no recourse to claim on any insurance. So now I am not only paying two mortgages but also having to spend my freetime and additional cash to repair the damage.

    I’ve left you a note to say that the fence had better be back in place and better than new by Saturday or I will be coming to your front door with what passes for a policeman these days. Or my chainsaw. Nah, probably a policeman, but I’ll be thinking about the chainsaw and making little rwwwm rwwwm noises inside my head.
    :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
    FCN 5 belt driven fixie for city bits
    CAADX 105 beastie for bumpy bits
    Litespeed L3 for Strava bits

    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
  • Tricycleboy
    Tricycleboy Posts: 373
    Fu%£ing Ribble Cycles.

    Every time i phone the dumb bas£%£rds, they tell me the frame i ordered is going to take longer than the last time. Originally ordered it to improve the bike for a tour in memory of a colleague taking place next week, and now no way gonna be ready in time, or even quite probably, here in time.

    Why did i not trust the the slanging they have received everywhere on the net and gone elsewhere. Even if the thing, when it eventually turns up, rides like a pinarello i'll never order from the piss-poor gits again.
  • northstar
    northstar Posts: 407
    BMW Driver, you can point your podgy arm at the cycle path as much as you like but you wern't so gobby when I caught you up at the mini roundabout.
    Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    Fu%£ing Ribble Cycles.

    Every time i phone the dumb bas£%£rds, they tell me the frame i ordered is going to take longer than the last time. Originally ordered it to improve the bike for a tour in memory of a colleague taking place next week, and now no way gonna be ready in time, or even quite probably, here in time.

    Why did i not trust the the slanging they have received everywhere on the net and gone elsewhere. Even if the thing, when it eventually turns up, rides like a pinarello i'll never order from the wee-wee-poor gits again.

    Cancel the order, get a refund & go elsewhere. I guess you paid by credit card so if they don't play ball use the credit card guarentee. Once the realise they are loosing orders they may change thier ways. Vote with your feet.

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    SimonAH wrote:
    To the little piece of left over scrotal sack living three doors down from the house I am selling (and have just accepted a f*&^%%ng offer on) for stealing my back fence last week and erecting it as your own you little sh1t. Thus opening the back of my garden and house to the lane, thus allowing in a horde of window licking, valley mutant, inbred kids who have caused thousands of damage as they enjoy their summer holiday by daubing my garden and outbuildings with paint they stole by breaking into my shed.

    And as vandalism to a second (empty and an hour and a half drive away) house I have no recourse to claim on any insurance. So now I am not only paying two mortgages but also having to spend my freetime and additional cash to repair the damage.

    I’ve left you a note to say that the fence had better be back in place and better than new by Saturday or I will be coming to your front door with what passes for a policeman these days. Or my chainsaw. Nah, probably a policeman, but I’ll be thinking about the chainsaw and making little rwwwm rwwwm noises inside my head.
    :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    Where the heck was this? Merthyr?
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    SimonAH wrote:
    To the little piece of left over scrotal sack living three doors down from the house I am selling (and have just accepted a f*&^%%ng offer on) for stealing my back fence last week and erecting it as your own you little sh1t. Thus opening the back of my garden and house to the lane, thus allowing in a horde of window licking, valley mutant, inbred kids who have caused thousands of damage as they enjoy their summer holiday by daubing my garden and outbuildings with paint they stole by breaking into my shed.

    And as vandalism to a second (empty and an hour and a half drive away) house I have no recourse to claim on any insurance. So now I am not only paying two mortgages but also having to spend my freetime and additional cash to repair the damage.

    I’ve left you a note to say that the fence had better be back in place and better than new by Saturday or I will be coming to your front door with what passes for a policeman these days. Or my chainsaw. Nah, probably a policeman, but I’ll be thinking about the chainsaw and making little rwwwm rwwwm noises inside my head.
    :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    Crikey. Little bastards. I hate people sometimes. Who nicks a ruddy fence?

    After almost 9 months in London, and about to return to Gloucester permanently on Thursday night, I emerged from the flat to find that some utter wizard's sleeve has done a similar thing to my bike. Paint all over the drivetrain, rendering it totally unrideable, rear tyre flat, paintwork on the frame all bubbling up - it only had to be there for two more nights and then it would have been back in my shed!

    Oh well, it needed a service anyway. Just a slightly more extensive one now.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • SimonAH
    SimonAH Posts: 3,730
    Sunny Treorchy.

    Believe it or not it was a lovely street when I bought the house twelve years ago. Then the council closed down a sink estate and re-housed the, ahem, people dotted around my area. Turned the place into bedlam.

    I've been going up once a week to check on the house and pretty much don't want to get out of the car it depresses me so much.
    FCN 5 belt driven fixie for city bits
    CAADX 105 beastie for bumpy bits
    Litespeed L3 for Strava bits

    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
  • eyko
    eyko Posts: 68
    Tried to explain a situation involving myself and a women in a car entering the main road, reread what I wrote I couldn't understand a word of it. Suffice to say she was a numpty.

    After that I then met a cyclist going the wrong way up a one way street one the phone, didn't affect me directly but annoying none the less.

    Then a ped decided to run out into the road right in front of me.

    A full set; motorist, cyclist and ped.

    Figured the rest of the ride would be fine after that. So I proceeded to met another motorist who allowed me to discover what it feels like to have the rear wheel go air born when cycling, And a cyclist so annoyed at getting overtaken they proceed to retake their position dangerously in traffic, RLJ, then go slow up a hill (bump?) were I can't over take due to traffic.

    Had a great ride in this morning though.
    FCN 7
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,246
    SimonAH wrote:
    Sunny Treorchy.

    Believe it or not it was a lovely street when I bought the house twelve years ago. Then the council closed down a sink estate and re-housed the, ahem, people dotted around my area. Turned the place into bedlam.

    I've been going up once a week to check on the house and pretty much don't want to get out of the car it depresses me so much.

    It's enough to make you come over all Daily Mail and start setting man traps. I get particularly wound up about mindless damage to property.

    Similarly depressing (although with some positive notes) was the programme last night about the restaurant set up at HMP High Down to help rehabilitate offenders, and give them some useful skills so that they stand a better chance once they are back outside. Not sure I could persevere with some of the inmates who seemed hell-bent on making their lives even more miserable than they already were.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    rjsterry wrote:
    the programme last night about the restaurant set up at HMP High Down

    i seen that too, i gets under my skin the prison service were you have prisoners allowed to have creature comforts in their cells etc an the young guy who go the job at the michelin starred restaurant at the end of the show.

    i bet there are thousands of kids who would have loved that job so why does a criminal get it? i understand that criminal trying to turn them selves around etc but still....
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,246
    mudcow007 wrote:
    rjsterry wrote:
    the programme last night about the restaurant set up at HMP High Down

    i seen that too, i gets under my skin the prison service were you have prisoners allowed to have creature comforts in their cells etc an the young guy who go the job at the michelin starred restaurant at the end of the show.

    i bet there are thousands of kids who would have loved that job so why does a criminal get it? i understand that criminal trying to turn them selves around etc but still....

    When you compared that young guy to the two others featured who seemed doomed to a life inside - largely because they couldn't see much of an advantage to being out of prison - then that he's been helped to find a job can only be a good thing. I don't think the restaurant (one of Giorgio Locatelli's I think) was exclusively recruiting from prisons. The figure of £40K per annum was mentioned to keep someone locked up.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    40,000!!! sweet jesus

    again last night watching QI an they mentioned how many items were produced in American prisons. because they dont have to pay the workforce much they can compete with Mexico something like $40 odd million worth per year is produced

    makes you think really, how much of the countries deficit could be worked off by those stuck on the inside
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • ndru
    ndru Posts: 382
    A bloke on some sort of a road bike almost side swept me when he forced his way onto the cable street cycle track. Then he squeezed in between me and a woman in front of me. When challenged about his behavior he mumbled that "it's Tuesday not Sunday" and that he "needs to get to work on time". No wonder he was in that much of a hurry - he lost a day somewhere plus if you want to make it on time - leave 5 mins earlier - nothing you'll do will save you that much time. Of course he then jumped the red light...
    You sir are a cnut.
  • georgee
    georgee Posts: 537
    I don’t care if some krout is marrying a toff, get your fecking horse sh*t off the carriageway and reopen the bike lanes please.

    Give me a guillotine and roll on the Republic.
  • nich
    nich Posts: 888
    I have a lovely commute into work, store my bike in our office basement, return to bike for the commute home this evening, and what do you know, the rear wheel is jammed up against the frame.

    Spin the wheel a few times, and yep, it's totally buckled. Play with a few of the spokes and one of them comes off with no effort at all.

    Since it was fine when I put the bike in the basement this morning, I can only assume someone (maybe me) buggered the rear wheel by leaning stuff up against it.

    Anyway, I was not to be outdone. I just had to loosen of the rear brake a bit (ok a lot!) and ride home very carefully!.

    Grrrrr. Luckily I'm an N+1 type of guy, so the other bike will get a go tomorrow :)
  • thelawnet
    thelawnet Posts: 719
    Was just crossing the road spotted a cyclist in hi-vis coming along the nearside lane of the (short urban 40mph with traffic lights every few hundred yards) dual carriageway, spinning away near the edge of the road. White van took the invitation to try and overtake him within the lane when there was another perfectly good lane available to the right.

    Remember folks, take primary!
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    nich wrote:
    I have a lovely commute into work, store my bike in our office basement, return to bike for the commute home this evening, and what do you know, the rear wheel is jammed up against the frame.

    Spin the wheel a few times, and yep, it's totally buckled. Play with a few of the spokes and one of them comes off with no effort at all.

    Since it was fine when I put the bike in the basement this morning, I can only assume someone (maybe me) buggered the rear wheel by leaning stuff up against it.

    Anyway, I was not to be outdone. I just had to loosen of the rear brake a bit (ok a lot!) and ride home very carefully!.

    Grrrrr. Luckily I'm an N+1 type of guy, so the other bike will get a go tomorrow :)


    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • jzed
    jzed Posts: 2,926
    Wind - you not aware your only meant to go in one direction - choose it and stick to it as opposed to heading straight at me no matter which way I go

    Red lights - give me a break - let me enjoy some wind in my hair whilst I still have it.

    Man on Klein - try and stop at lights - you're close to joining Giant Man and the aussies - plus its pretty annoying consistently going passed you. Yes you got a way at the last set but I was back on your heals and turned off to get some extra miles to hit my monthly target.

    IT - why is it every time I have a computer problem and have it fixed I end up with two new problems.
  • cyclingpast
    cyclingpast Posts: 111
    nich wrote:
    I have a lovely commute into work, store my bike in our office basement, return to bike for the commute home this evening, and what do you know, the rear wheel is jammed up against the frame.

    Spin the wheel a few times, and yep, it's totally buckled. Play with a few of the spokes and one of them comes off with no effort at all.

    Since it was fine when I put the bike in the basement this morning, I can only assume someone (maybe me) buggered the rear wheel by leaning stuff up against it.

    Anyway, I was not to be outdone. I just had to loosen of the rear brake a bit (ok a lot!) and ride home very carefully!.

    Grrrrr. Luckily I'm an N+1 type of guy, so the other bike will get a go tomorrow :)

    Someone dropped an outboard motor on the rear wheel of my bike at work yesterday, completely fecked. No-one will own up to it. Needless to say I'm not impressed...
    Giant Defy 3
    FCN 5

    All wrenching and no riding makes me frickin' angry...
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    To the t1t on a Borris Bike outside Victoria coach station at 0645 this morning: please signal or look over your shoulder before veering wildly to the right. You were 2" from taking out my front wheel and I don't understand why you looked surprised when I called you a d1ckhead.

    The headwind can fcuk right off as well.
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    Rubbish ride in this morning. Way too many cars. I blame this stupid wedding. At least, I get an extra day of holiday out of it.
  • nich
    nich Posts: 888
    I've just bombed it home real fast pushing myself to the limit. Excellent ride.

    Problem though is that I thought it was friday, and I was gonna treat myself to a curry.

    Instead it's thursday, which means a fast game of non-stop badminton.

    My legs are done for, woops :)