Bored? want to play a game?
wears a beard0
back to front
-Spider-0 -
on sunny Fridays0
if there's an
Ride Daily, Keep Healthy0 -
order for paint
-Spider-0 -
stripper from below0
the very deep0
conversation about the
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frigid female ferret0
stuck up a0
tall coconut tree
Ride Daily, Keep Healthy0 -
who cannot quite0
lick her nose0
because it's stuck0
where monsters lurk0
underneath my bedLive to ski
Ski to live0 -
With my porn0
star rolling in0
thick cut marmalade0
drizzled with honey0
nut cornflakes and0
Goats milk poured0
from a cold
Ride Daily, Keep Healthy0 -
fire, with pink0
Floyd's Dark Side0
of Jimmy Saville0
now then, nowLive to ski
Ski to live0 -
is the time0
to soar above0