Bored? want to play a game?
in a flash0
Kevin exploded, guts0
everywhere, someone call0
on the battlefield0
dr to putJustice for the 960
a cold compress0
around the endJustice for the 960
of his tackle0
bag. The other0
one doesn't look0
like a bagJustice for the 960
of spuds, more0
like a bag0
full of dead0
good dvd's, most0
pirated from those0
car boot salesJustice for the 960
along with the0
fake condoms, fagsJustice for the 960
stockpiles of Tamiflu0
and a doseJustice for the 960
of chicken flu0
contracted from a0
chicken while having0
sex with aJustice for the 960
genetically modified chicken0
, using a boiledJustice for the 960
haddock and some0
of yesterdays stale0
cod too, what0