Bored? want to play a game?
which was made0
of toilet paper0
which was already0
slightly soiled and0
smelling like someone0
had left aCycling weakly0
log in it0
when they last0
used it toJustice for the 960
wipe their dirty0
mouths, because theyJustice for the 960
talk out of0
the corner ofOct 2007 to Sep 2008 - anticlockwise lap of Australia...
French Alps Tour 2006: ... =1914&v=5R
3 month tour of NZ 2015... -
the road where0
the lazy sods0
do nothing but0
drink tea all0
night lonnng, ooo0
he stepped on0
dog poo and0
felt it between0
his toes as0
he slid down0
the slide, which0
was left atJustice for the 960
the dog pound0
to be putJustice for the 960
up for auction0
at the lowest0
price, unless theyJustice for the 960