Bored? want to play a game?
found beneath his
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trousers, so heJustice for the 960
thought it felt0
like jellied eels
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, that will teachJustice for the 960
the Conservative Party
-Spider-0 -
a thing or0
probably not really0
, they're brain dead0
cross dressers who0
take it up0
with Mr Speaker
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who is also0
pleasures him in0
red leather pants0
and the whips0
and furry handcuffs0
attatched to the0
back of a0
camel having a0
really big dump0
which looked like0
a WW2 bomb0
which then exploded0
all over theJustice for the 960
place, his face0
lit up like0
a firework just0
because he likedJustice for the 960
the taste of