Bored? want to play a game?
erection coming fromJustice for the 960
outer space, thundering0
do, they come0
in size 12Start Weight: 128 kilos (20.2 st) (April 17th 2009)
Current Weight:119 kilos (18.7 st) (June 18th 2009)
Target Weight: 92 kilos (14.5 st) (sometime mid-2010, hopefully sooner)0 -
shoes, bigger than0
kayaks, her nose0
was big as0
a witches hatJustice for the 960
and her broomstick0
but not herJustice for the 960
cat ran away0
from the hairyJustice for the 960
biker on drugs0
who had justJustice for the 960
snorted on some0
stinging netles thatJustice for the 960
stung his nose0
then he wipedJustice for the 960
his arse with0
the stinging netlesJustice for the 960
and he wondered0
if ring sting0
will give youJustice for the 960
a funny look0
or just aJustice for the 960
bad hair day0
so he cutJustice for the 960
his toenails and0
ate them, then0