Bored? want to play a game?
be filled withJustice for the 960
liquid nitrogen for0
them to startJustice for the 960
underneath the0
sea just ofJustice for the 960
from where they0
for old welliesJustice for the 960
in his pockets0
so he couldJustice for the 960
get a hole0
side of hisJustice for the 960
banjo so he0
what was behindStart Weight: 128 kilos (20.2 st) (April 17th 2009)
Current Weight:119 kilos (18.7 st) (June 18th 2009)
Target Weight: 92 kilos (14.5 st) (sometime mid-2010, hopefully sooner)0 -
his back, a0
on a tractor0
windows in it0
as they hadJustice for the 960
all been broken0
doing a rain0
corridors of powerTail end Charlie
The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.0 -
and they claimedJustice for the 960