Bored? want to play a game?
sat on the poor..0
fellow between his0
left and rightJustice for the 960
sticking out like0
when they got0
sunburnt to death'Collapse the Light into Earth'0
, so he appliedJustice for the 960
a strong adhesive0
and sat onJustice for the 960
which pulled hisJustice for the 960
feet into the'Collapse the Light into Earth'0
wheels and madeJustice for the 960
wobble all the0
place until heJustice for the 960
fell on his0
arse and wentJustice for the 960
the cow dung0
his wife hadJustice for the 960
Just spread on0
hairy lazer cannon0
on his little0
but very powerfulJustice for the 960
Sex shooter, but'Collapse the Light into Earth'0
out popped his0
collection of balloonsJustice for the 960