Bored? want to play a game?
full of skunk0
from all the0
poo that went0
down his throat0
when the toilet0
was blocked by'Collapse the Light into Earth'0
a great big0
crocodile that somebodyJustice for the 960
placed in the0
great big cistern0
when it wasJustice for the 960
& lost it'sJustice for the 960
tap dance onJustice for the 960
a big turd0
with a flagJustice for the 960
shouting "I'm a0
gay cycling pigeonCampag taste, jam wages.0
and i'm proud0
to take itJustice for the 960
up the khyber"0
pass the sugar0
lumps and the0
bottle of gin0
to wash downJustice for the 960
all the toxic0
bananas that hadJustice for the 960
been stuck up0
a glue sniffer'sJustice for the 960