Bored? want to play a game?
"ANKLES?" she shouted0
at nora battyCotic Soul rider.0
who was drunk0
on Compos homemadeJustice for the 960
human powered vehicle.0
tomato soup when0
building relationships is0
very tasty with0
toasted otter and0
barbequed over a0
low naked flame0
powered by organic0
carrots put up0
the rear ofJustice for the 960
an emperor penguin0
covered in chocolateJustice for the 960
spread and silk0
ribbons wrapped aroundJustice for the 960
its very long0
antique hunting horn0
blown by aJustice for the 960
blowfish on stilts0
whilst playing theJustice for the 960
and watching tv0
with Mick Jagger0
and his rolling0
tongue trick whichi like bike0
got stuck to0
a frozen pipeJustice for the 960