Bored? want to play a game?
as dirty harry0
punching your nose0
with a fishJustice for the 960
and chip supper0
with salt andJustice for the 960
if that doesn't0
fill you upCotic Soul rider.0
try some seaweed0
on your poorly'Collapse the Light into Earth'0
painful road rashCotic Soul rider.0
and asking for0
gay pride organizerCotic Soul rider.0
to come andJustice for the 960
service his rectum0
while eating sushi0
from his backside'Collapse the Light into Earth'0
with chopsticks andJustice for the 960
drunk smelly womenCotic Soul rider.0
singing folk songs0
and looking like0
me in dragCotic Soul rider.0
on a cold0
hard plastic vibratingCotic Soul rider.0
banana, when out0
walking the dog0
on your handsJustice for the 960
wearing silk stockings'Collapse the Light into Earth'0
far too tightCotic Soul rider.0
around the ankles0