Bored? want to play a game?
a turnip shaped0
like a largeJustice for the 960
football manager's head0
that somebody hadJustice for the 960
peeled open with0
a small rustyJustice for the 960
jammed as heJustice for the 960
poked it intoFCN = 4.5 Roadie, hairy legs, half a beard (say goateeeeee!)0
the soft juicyJustice for the 960
alien from Lycra.0
City Arizona, the0
only way toJustice for the 960
travel is by0
a helmet because0
you can feel0
free and easy0
come easy go0
to the leftJustice for the 960
of his right0
to eat biscuits0
from the tinJustice for the 960
that was left0
empty after the0
between a monkeyJustice for the 960
keeper and his0
wife who wasJustice for the 960
having it off0