Bored? want to play a game?
with the lodgerJustice for the 960
to feel frisky0
she would dial0
who you goingJustice for the 960
to call? ghostbusters0
and slimer theJustice for the 960
ongoing economic downturn0
caused by theJustice for the 960
shortage of orangutans0
after they wereJustice for the 960
- can I just stop you there to say I've just read the last 3 weeks of this story and I'm p!ssing myself laughing -
OK continue -
they bought from0 -
an old lady0
who liked to0
masticate leathery testicles0
of the farmer's0
prize bullocks withJustice for the 960
a dash of0
jam mixed withJustice for the 960
crushed Hob-Nobs and0
peanut butter, whichJustice for the 960
when dry, forms0
a pleasant crusty0
layer of brownJustice for the 960
that's used for0
a kinky butJustice for the 960
-tock scrubbing paste0