Bored? want to play a game?
Which was the0
his mauve colnago0
the one with0
a broken wheel0
and a bent0
banana or two0
used as handlebarsJustice for the 960
with liquorice cables0
and tangerine tyres0
filled with juice0
extracted from 1000
oranges and lemons0
said the bellsJustice for the 960
whisky induced rambling0
but so youngJustice for the 960
alien from planet0
zog who had0
not yet found0
the way home0
after getting drunk0
on russian vodka0
with a sailorJustice for the 960
who had a0
funny walk and0
a strange way0
of going toJustice for the 960
bed at night0
wearing nothing butJustice for the 960