Whats the furthest you've rode?



  • 100km. Tomorrow morning.
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    sub55 wrote:
    sub55 wrote:
    462 miles in the 24h National Championship :)

    Wow - I reckon that works out at over 19 mph over 24 hours - but it would be an even higher average as I assume as you rested at some point for a few hours in the 24. You must be super-fit as I would doubt many fit cyclists would be able to get anywhere near that.

    not especially fit ,just a pyschopath, who enjoys doing the 24hr.
    i did`nt exactlly stop for a "few hours", more like 10 mins ,4 times. so did that milage in 23h20m, came away with a medal for my efforts. i`ve done longer rides in turns of time though.
    I think you are being ever so slightly modest - if you are "not especially fit" where does last leave the rest of us mere mortals!!
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    140 miles give or take - did the China Run audax plus rode out to the start and rode back after.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Mapman
    Mapman Posts: 254
    108 miles soton to bristol,liesurly all day via sailsbury and B roads may 2006 ,loverly
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 300
    80miles last saturday, building up to 100miles.
  • geoff_ss
    geoff_ss Posts: 1,201
    140 miles give or take - did the China Run audax plus rode out to the start and rode back after.

    My wife has ridden the China Run 5 times and has a little trophy from the organiser to prove it. Not bad for a little old lady of 67 (61 to 66 when she rode them). :shock: I'm very proud of her.

    Old cyclists never die; they just fit smaller chainrings ... and pedal faster
  • Wooliferkins
    Wooliferkins Posts: 2,060
    My first club ride was 37 miles, I felt I was in bits but I was elated. Fifteen years later a newcomer to our club did her first 30 mile ride. We all saw in her eyes that strange contradictory thought; "I'm shafted but hugely elated" It still makes me smile. Eight years after my first ride I staggered in with 40 mins to spare on a 400km ride as part of the CTCs DATC competion. Far more tired just as elated. Believe in yourself and you can ride as far as you want. That 400 is my longest ride, it gets me through every difficult ride and a few pants days at the office.
    Help I'm Being Oppressed
  • doyler78
    doyler78 Posts: 1,951
    I normally only commute but my bro and his mate bought bikes so I took them out for a few runs and got the bug for riding out on the country roads out by me on a Sunday. They weren't presenting much of a challenge, not unsuprisingly considering that done no cycling since childhood, so I ended up doing 101km solo and best of all I wasn't totally wrecked at the end. Mind you I ate like a horse and drank like a fish the whole way round. Had to get off and pee twice.

    Plan on getting a proper road bike so that I can do a 100 miler though still can't wear clipless because of foot probs which rather limits me however I do rightly without them but could a lot better with them :( Ah well perhaps physio will resolve my probs eventually :roll:
  • gnvqsos
    gnvqsos Posts: 40
    Cycled from Barmouth to Sheffield via Buxton one summer-about 140-150 miles.Took me about 11 hours on a touring bike.Would repeat with lighter bike and more narrow tyres-and would not stop for a pint in Congleton next time
  • 46 Miles. I too ride mainly solo and find after a few hours I start to talk to myself. This is not good especially for someone planning on sailing around the world! However, before then I'm looking at reaching 100 miles this summer but now on a Trice QNT recumbent Trike.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Furthest in one day - 195 miles doing the Gran Fondo Milan Sanremo including about 15 miles to/from the start/finish.

    One of the most memorable days on a bike I ever had and would love to do it again - the rush of riding with 700 others gutter to gutter from the start to the first climb (about 85 miles in) is not something you forget in a hurry!
  • RIDDEN, what is the furthest you have RIDDEN.

    106 miles - Bourg d'Oisan, Croix de Fer, Telegraph, Galibier. Bourg. 1 Alpe short of a Marmotte.
  • Zygite
    Zygite Posts: 142
    Eastbourne to Herne Bay - 86 miles (solo).

    Flipping loved it. Want to do the 100miles this spring. The more I cycle, the less I want to go to work.
    Cycle killer? Qu'est ce que c'est?
  • Schnee80 wrote:
    1 Alpe short of a Marmotte.

    That's a great way to describe a few people I know... :D

    Oh, my longest ride ever was 70 km, about 7-8 years ago now. I intend to go farther than that quite regularly this summer
  • sonicred007
    sonicred007 Posts: 1,091
    Did the Dunwich Dynamo a couple of years ago... that's nearly 120 miles... and boy did I know it
  • grayt
    grayt Posts: 7
    for a long time it was 99.5 miles as a 14 year old from Leicester to Shropshire solo and on a cooked breakfast and one can of coke (no wonder I fell off my bike halfway through from a sugar low!)

    done just over a hundred miles a few times since and now aiming to get fit enough to aim upwards of 150.

    of course weather conditions make a big difference. Reckon the hardest ride I ever did was 80 miles from Aberdeen to Perth against a persistantly strong headwind.