Old Git On A Bike battles with the wind (2000 miles ridden)



  • Sorry to hear about your tough ride,
    What do medics say about your heart? are you going to need a pacemaker in the future?
    Its a shame there are people like that out there. I've never had that sort of treatment from another cyclist.
    I've just got in from my first ride on my bike since I was hit by a car in january. The rebuild is finally finished, The driver's insurance paid for new wheels, forks, cranks, saddle, front light and headset and I replaced all the mechanical parts except the mechs (the bike was just about to roll over 5000 miles at the time of the crash). Unfortunately its taken ages since there was loads of confusion over what, exactly, the bike shop was supposed to be doing because although I spoke to the manager of the shop at length and wrote it all down, he went on holiday and presumably didn't pass my notes on. I complained when he got back, and I think he was a bit embarrased, so when it turned out I needed a new rear mech, he supplied and fitted a shimano XT rear derailleur (old one was deore LX) for £40.
    I need to work on the setup of the bike slightly, I need a setback seatpost really, but noneltheless tonights ride was excellent. It was only 27 miles ( :roll: I know) but the conditions were perfect and the route was lovely. I had forgotten how much I loved my bike, having ridden my dad's claude butler hybrid sice I recoverd from the accident.
    To make things even better, I'm expecting a compensation payout in the next six weeks which should exceed £1500!
    Keep up your cycling! Just wondering, how (if at all) do you warm up before a ride?
  • What do medics say about your heart?

    I have not really talked to the doctor about it much since they told me I had cardiac arrythmia, I was supposed to go and have one of those 24 hour ecg things fitted about 9 years ago, but I had something else to do that day, so I didn't bother. It's not something that I get all the time nowadays, it has decreased a lot since I stopped drinking coffee quite a while ago and started drinking decaf instead, that made a big difference as I drink about 15 - 20 cups of coffee a day and caffeine made my heart beat go crazy.

    It just comes and goes now, like today, all is normal and then it starts missing beats or giving rapid beats in succession, the worst time it happens is when I am asleep and it misses beats, if feels like someone has punched you in the chest and you wake up with a hell of a start and can't breath for a couple of seconds, apart from that, I can cope with it.
    Just wondering, how (if at all) do you warm up before a ride?

    I don't do any warm ups at all before a ride, I sit here at my computer all day, and when I want to ride, I put my riding clothes on and go out, if I did warm up exercises before going out, I would be knackered at the start of a ride, can't see the point in that, save it for the bike and get warmed up as I go along.
  • Maybe not eating much is making me feel weaker than I actually feel, and riding the bike shows that quickly.

    I ate a bit better during the day before my ride this evening, I had a banana, 3 slices of toast, a bowl of fruit and and fibre cerial, some noodles, a small slice of quiche and a vitamin drink. Went out for my ride and felt like I was going very slow, but the computer said I was doing 12mph, I got to 4 miles, turned around to come home and had a short rest, then decided to go to the 5 mile mark, which ended up with me going to my 6 mile mark, I was ok at that point and rode back without stopping, log for this evening:

    Apr 10th

    Top speed 18.3 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 11.5 mph
    Distance = 12.11 miles
    Time 01:02:39

    Pulse before ride = 68 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 98 bpm's 8:03pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 80 bpm's 8:13pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 78 bpm's 8:23pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 76 bpm's 9:03pm

    Total miles ridden = 368.99
  • Sorry to be a wet blanket mate, but I can't help thinking you should've consulted a doctor before you started this fitness reigeme. You seem to be doing all the right things but your rides are taking you further and further away from home, so If you push too hard and suffer an arrest, help could be some way away.
    From the (very little) I know on the subject, I gather that the condition recurrs irregularly, so although your lifestyle is improving no end you are still at an elevated risk of heart problems.
    I urge you to book an appointment for a check up and cardiogram.
  • Old Git On A Bike
    Old Git On A Bike Posts: 317
    edited April 2008
    Hi James, nah, you're not being a wet blanket, but I appreciate your concern, mate, if I was to go and see my doctor, they would probably prescribe exercise anyway.

    Yes, my arrythmias are irregular, I don't get them all the time, they come and go at any time, I could be sitting here at the computer and it starts, there might be an increased risk that I could have a heart attack at some time in my life, but weigh that up against me sitting here doing no excercise and I would get one sooner, so any bit of exercise I can do on the bike can only be of benefit for me.

    I'm not really far from home when I go for a ride, like with tonights ride, although it's 8 miles, I am never more than about 1.5 miles from home on the promenade cycle path, and there are always plenty of people walking along it, so someone would soon come to my aid should something happen, think I'll be ok, though.

    Just in from my second ride of the evening and I felt as fresh as a daisy, really enjoyed it, complete opposite to the ride last night where I died a death, I didn't want to come in when I did tonight, but it had just gone 11:00pm and I knew the other half was waiting to go to bed after having family round today, I could easily have done at least 12 miles at a strong pace tonight, see, the wind has dropped, it's only about 3mph out there, so for me, I was flying, and was sure I had got over 14mph for my average speed, just missed it at 13.9mph :x , log for tonight:

    Apr 10th (2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 18.0 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.9 mph
    Distance = 8.30 miles
    Time 35:48:3

    Pulse before ride = 72 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 100 bpm's 11:05pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 82 bpm's 11:15pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 80 bpm's 11:25pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 74 bpm's 12:05pm

    Total miles ridden today = 20.41
    Total miles ridden = 377.29
  • Glad to hear you're getting more comfortable!
    I've overdone the excersize today, 32 miles cycling and seventy lengths of my local swimming pool in as many minutes! :shock: My dad's just beaten me at bowling which is rare :twisted:
    I'm determined to stay under fourteen stone, but I want to trade fat for muscle so I'm having to think very carefully about what I'm eating. Dinner consists almost entirely of protein and fibres, Quite hard to think of anything to eat other than macarel salad!
    I'm lucky (or unlucky) enough to live in the middle of surrey so no gusty coastal winds for me to contend with, but theres always the surrey hills if I fancy a challenge.
  • I'm not having much luck getting out at the moment, the winds were bad yesterday, mostly around and over 20mph, saw some people riding by, well, trying to, they were nearly at a standstill, today it's gusting even more, nearly hitting 30mph :x


    Saturday night and Sunday daytime and night are "supposed" to be back down to 5mph - 10mph, should be able to get back out then with a bit of luck.
  • Brighty
    Brighty Posts: 119
    Just noticed this thread, dunno how i missed it.

    I'd just like to say bloomin well done to ya fella for taking so much effort to get in shape, it's not easy as i well know, until a few years ago i'd never done any exercise and was woefully out of shape, diagnosed with hypertension at 30. I'm now much fitter, though certainly no xc whippet at 17st, but feel much better for doing some exercise biking while still enjoy a few beers and a pie or 2. Good luck to ya fella, keep up the good work. your dedication is an inpiration.

  • pyro_maniac
    pyro_maniac Posts: 232
    wel done on your progress so far OGOAB, just found this thread and heave read it start to finish
    i have found it very motivational as i am in a simliar position to you, i am going to be 35 this year, i am 6'2 and 19 stone, i have to do something to improve my health before its too late and the missus and kids cash in the life insurance
    i have just got my new bike, and also a trainer for when the weather is a crap so at least i can still exercise
    i hope to make as much progress as you mate, keep it up and look forward to reading your updates
  • Cheers Brighty, good man for getting on your bike, is your hypertnson under control now that you are riding? Go easy on those pies, mate :D

    Cheers Pyro_Maniac, glad you dound this to be motivational, I'm sure your kids will thank you for it when you are alive for longer due to starting your exercise routine, good luck mate. I see you have got an indoor bike and trainer, I'm thinking along the same lines, been looking at them in my catalogue, you got anything like these links below?

    Saturday night was not the low winds as predicted, neither was Sunday daytime, tonight however, the wind has dropped right down, but because of missing a couple of days, the old legs were aching quite a bit, so, rather than go mad, I came in before I planned, I'll save my legs for tomorrow, log for tonight:

    Apr 11th & 12th: No riding due to strong winds.

    Apr 13th

    Top speed 19.2 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.5 mph
    Distance = 8.81 miles
    Time 39:04:0

    Pulse before ride = 60 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 104 bpm's 10:09pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 84 bpm's 10:19pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 78 bpm's 10:29pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 72 bpm's 11:09pm

    Total miles ridden = 386.10

    I'm thinking about getting either an indoor exercise bike for days when I can't get out, or possibly an elliptical trainer, there is also a 2 in 1 trainer/bike that I like the look of, anyone used those trainers or decent indoor bikes, any good? Something like this:

    2 in 1 trainer

    V-fit Bike
  • pyro_maniac
    pyro_maniac Posts: 232
    i have a trainer that i got from wiggle, its cheaper then an excercise bike
    http://www.wiggle.co.uk/ProductDetail.a ... %20Trainer
    just replace the rear wheel skewer with the one in the box, then clamp the bike in and away you go
    its a bit noisy using a knobbly tyre though, so you may want to change it for a semi slick or road tyre
    cant fault it otherwise
  • huwy
    huwy Posts: 91
    good on yer keep it up - i was a smoker and weighed 25 stone ! Hit 30 5 years ago and realised something had to change kicked the fags got back out on my MTB and now 5 years later lost all the weight and riding 25 mile TT - Just keep it up it gets easier as you get better....
  • @ Pyro_Maniac, sorry, didn't realise you meant a turbo trainer, I had thought about getting one of those cyclops trainers like you have got, but then I was thinking about having to change wheels and tyres to slicks, which means I can't do the offroad bit of my usual route over the pebbles on those, so I would be having to change tyres/wheels every day, that's why I though an exercise bike might be a good alternative for indoors, saves a lot of messing about, then again, I have a bit of a quandry, I was thinking about getting a new bike for using on the road with slicks on it, just something simple with V brakes and possibly rigid forks, which I could also use on a turbo trainer indoors, not sure what to do yet, still weighing things up to see what my best option is.

    @ Huwy, very well done shedding all that weight, and doing 25 mile time trials, it's great to hear things like that and is very inspirational to me, keep it up matey 8)

    The weather looked great today, not a leaf was rustling in the square outside my window, the live weather wind dial was hovering between 0mph - 4mph, sun was shining, beautiful, lets go riding, stepped out of the door, felt fine, crossed over the road to the cycle path and the bloody wind was strong :?, it was slow going and then it started spitting rain, great :roll:, got to Bexhill, sky turned blacker than black and the rain came down heavy, then some sleet and more rain, made my way along the seafront, stopping in a couple of shelters until the worst of the rain went over, got to the 6 mile mark and headed back, the sun came back out and having the wind behind me was great, doing about 20mph+ most of the way home, did just enough distnace to get me over the 400 mile mark before it rained again, log for today:

    Apr 14th

    Top speed 22.6 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 11.9 mph
    Distance = 13.92 miles
    Time 01:09:48

    Pulse before ride = 70 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 110 bpm's 4:50pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 88 bpm's 5:00pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 86 bpm's 5:10pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 80 bpm's 5:50pm

    Total miles ridden = 400.02
  • pyro_maniac
    pyro_maniac Posts: 232
    you wouldnt have to change to slicks mate, i have just swapped me knobblies for a set of halo twin rails, very good on road/path and has just enough grip for very mild off road riding, and they are perfect for a turbo trainer,lol
  • gazza_d1
    gazza_d1 Posts: 53
    Old Git - been lurking and watching this thread for a few weeks now, and feel that your efforts are very inspirational and motivational to everyone.

    I'm in a similar situation. Differences for me are that although I'm 3st over my last fit cycling weight, I was an experienced cyclist with 2 end to ends, and countless other tours. I was an important, and commited member of three clubs, and a main volenteer for my local cycling festival. That experience is helping me back.

    Before getting back on the bike my last ride other than to the shops was almost 5 years ago. A bit of burnout, and other family commitments meant that finding time to get out was nigh on impossible, and I had no motivation. I also moved from a small village to a large urban area, so instead of riding the hills and dales, I was riding around industrial estates, and glass strewn cyclepaths.

    I have photos of me at lands end, ond on top of the galibier and bonette passes in france on my desk at work, partly for inspiration, and day dreaming

    I started again in earnest just before easter, and have suffered through some of the worst weather off the winter, but you know what - it's bloody brilliantly being back on the bike.

    This is the second time I've come back from a long layoff as well - should know better!

    But you know what - WE will suceed, and we will keep on riding, cos I know it's possible as I've been there before.

    I think what you're doing, and have already done is simply fantastic.

  • Hi Gazza, thanks for the kind words and encouragement, mate, I'm sure that as you are now back on your bike, and are an experienced rider previously, those 3 stones of overweight wont take long to drop off you, I take it you mostly do road riding, or do you also go off road?

    Just had a quick ride out tonight, legs were aching a bit, but a few more miles on the clock for my efforts, log for tonight:

    Apr 14th (2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 19.8 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.9 mph
    Distance = 7.58 miles
    Time 32:31:9

    Pulse before ride = 66 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 108 bpm's 10:52pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 88 bpm's 11:02pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 84 bpm's 11:12pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 82 bpm's 11:52pm

    Total miles ridden today = 21.50
    Total miles ridden = 407.68
  • gazza_d1
    gazza_d1 Posts: 53
    Yea, I've always been mainly a roadie, although I have mountain biked since 1988.

    I'm on the black stuff just about all the time at the minute. I' found that bike paths around me are so uneven and rough around my way that they really slow me down. So in the interests of consistant exercise I'm staying on the road. Although I do use them for links.

    Although I have a choice of several bikes, including a tourer, racing bike, MTB, I'm mostly going out on my 20" wheeled moulton these days. It's shod with 1.75" tyres, so it's kinda similar to a hybrid which is about spot on for the riding I do and intend to do for the forseeable future.

    As for turbos (just picking up on other conversations in this thread) I have one and hate the bloody thing - I find it completely soul destroying. Hard work as well. I used to go out in the dark in the winter rather than use it. I think that there is absolutely no subsitute for going out and riding. Even when it's crap weather cold and wet, it's great when you finish and come back into a nice warm house.

    I'm trying to go out every couple of days to give my legs some time for recovery.

    I'm logging all my rides on Nokia sports tracker beta, so anyone can have a look at how I'm doing (gazza_d on there).

    happy riding
  • Looks like you are spoilt for choice with those bikes, lucky sod :D
    I'm on the black stuff just about all the time at the minute.

    You want to leave the Guinness alone mate, it's fattening :lol:

    I'm surprised you don't like the turbo trainers, thought you would have been in to those being more of a roadie type rider, though I can understand that it must be boring when riding one indoors, and as you say, there is no substitute for going out riding, but I'm more of a fair weather rider, you mght have noticed I'm not a big fan of riding when it's windy, so having something indoors would be great for me.

    Just had a nice ride, shame there are so many old people living in Bexhill, first bit of proper weather and the seafront promenade is swarming with grannies in hats, hundreds of the buggers :lol:, constantly having to snake my way along the path to avoid them.

    I managed to go over 20 miles for the first time today and really enjoyed the ride, only a light breeze today, gorgeous riding weather, I weighed 12 stone 11 pounds when I went out, when I got back, I was 12 stone 8 pounds, I sweat like a pig when riding, just shows how much you can lose on what I suppose is a shortish ride, compared to some of the rides other people do, log for today:

    Apr 15th

    Top speed 20.0 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 12.5 mph
    Distance = 20.46 miles
    Time 01:37:45

    Pulse before ride = 60 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 96 bpm's 4:37pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 82 bpm's 4:47pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 78 bpm's 4:57pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 78 bpm's 5:37pm

    Total miles ridden = 428.14
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,503
    woohoo 20 miles! exellent very well done mate :) i hope your legs arn't too sore tomorrow though. i think today may have been the best day so far this year a little blowy but very pleasant for riding.

    the crossroads are doing well btw, no punctures with a fair few dry and mild xc riding on them, the perfect tyre for me? ummm nah just a little bit more grip off road would be better for loose stuff maybe a 2.0 width crossroads with horizontal grooves in the rear centre tread would be perfect, lovely on all the lanes on the island though which i do spend alot of time on :)
  • gazza_d1
    gazza_d1 Posts: 53
    20 miles brilliant - major milestone.

    Guinness, ohhh loverly stuff, although I'd sooner have a pint of proper english real ale. Mind you I barely drink - pint or two a week if Im lucky.

    I'd kill to go out tonight. It's lovely, but the wifey's bad after a severe asma attack earlier today, so I'm a bit reluctant to leave her just in case. Never mind there's always tomorrow.

    If you sweat on a bike ride, you will need to stand a trainer in the bath!! I have never sweated as much as when I have used mine.

    WInd is ok if it's not too strong, it's the rain I hate. Makes yer cold, I wear glasses so I cannot see properly, and it makes the roads slippery

    I love all of my bikes. should post some piccies sometime
  • abbots_mike
    abbots_mike Posts: 280
    @ dunker: island being the IOW? i have grandparents over there and love the place but have not yet persuaded my parents to load the bike up when we make a trip. is the riding good all over, or any specific spots? i have a long summer coming up 8)
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,503
    it's good all over :) nearly every road has a bridleway going off it in some direction, a good idea to check it out on google earth if you wanna explore. probably the most famous trail is the Tennyson Trail with three? steady climbs upto about 200 metres i think and great views, it's about 20 miles from the start to finish i think.

    os explorer map 29.


    nice easy climb hehe
  • punkypossum
    punkypossum Posts: 660
    Where has OGOAB gone? Hope he's not fallen off his bike! Was quite enjoying his regular updates - plus it gave me some extra motivation to go out for some training rides myself with Amsterdame on the horizon (till I got stopped by flu that is :( )
    One day, I'm going to buy a cottage in a small village and become its idiot!
  • Hi Punkypossum, I'm still here, my legs and backside were a bit sore the day after I did the 20 miles, so I decided the next day would be a rest day, I was due one anyway after only having something like 4 non riding days in the last 26 days, but due to high winds in my area, it has meant I have have been forced of the bike for the last 2 days on top of my rest day :evil:, it was gusting at 36mph earlier on, it's still gusting at up to 28mph now, not good at all, it's supposed to be down to 10 - 20mph tomorrow daytime and 5 - 10mph tomorrow night, I'll try and get out in the day if I can, and if not, I'll go out tomorrow evening, $*#@$%# wind GRRRRRRRRR :x
  • I managed to get back out tonight, it's still a little bit breezy, but nothing like it has been, only about 10 - 12mph at the moment, I was expecting to do a bit further than I did, but I was getting a burning/pulling pain down the back of my leg, it's from the backside to the middle/inside of the thigh, so I stopped after 8 miles, I had that pain before, not sure if it's a muscle pulling pain, ligament or a nerve :?, log for tonight:

    Apr 16th & 17th & 18th: No riding due to 1 rest day and 2 days of strong winds.

    Apr 19th

    Top speed 22.4 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.3 mph
    Distance = 8.44 miles
    Time 37:56:2

    Pulse before ride = 60 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 104 bpm's 10:58pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 86 bpm's 11:08pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 76 bpm's 11:18pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 72 bpm's 11:58pm

    Total miles ridden = 436.58
  • Old Git On A Bike
    Old Git On A Bike Posts: 317
    edited April 2008
    Just had my night ride, pretty much identical to last night in distance and time, also getting that pain down my leg again in the same place, must look in to getting some padded shorts and see if they help, log for tonight:

    Apr 20th

    Top speed 19.1 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.6 mph
    Distance = 8.46 miles
    Time 37:12:1

    Pulse before ride = 58 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 114 bpm's 10:55pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 88 bpm's 11:05pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 82 bpm's 11:15pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 74 bpm's 11:55pm

    Total miles ridden = 445.04
  • Cps
    Cps Posts: 356
    Hi OGOAB

    I've been following you thread for a while now and its good to see your sticking it at it.

    My only comment would be that you seem to maybe stuck in a rut

    Please don't take it the wrong way, but you seem to be doing the same route at the same performance level and as such now you seem to have it well dialled. But I think, and I am no expert, that you need to mix it up just a little to move to the next level.

    To do this you either need to lengthen the route, find a different route or introduce some interval training into your routine.

    As I say I am no expert on these matters, and have absolutely no idea of the other health issues you may have, but know from my own recent re introduction into a proper keep fit regime that you can plateau and require new regimes to proceed with your movement to achieve your goals.

    From and older git than yourself, keep it up and you will reap the rewards for your efforts!!!
  • Old Git On A Bike
    Old Git On A Bike Posts: 317
    edited April 2008
    Hi Cps, I couldn't agree with you more, mate, although I don't have much choice of routes around here, St Leonards is a pretty hilly area, so I have to stay on the flat along the seafront, my legs and lungs couldn't cope with too many hills, yet, my only option is to extend my route beyond Bexhill.

    I was looking at Google maps yesterday, and from where the cycle path ends at Bexhill, it is all on road cycling from there, the roads around there are very busy, but I have found some quieter back streets that lessen the time spent on the main road to places like Cooden Beach and Pevensey, if I can get to pevensey, that will give me a round trip of about 24 miles, that and further should be within my reach pretty soon, but I will need to get some slick or semi slick tyres on my bike first.

    I found the address of a bike shop which is just around the corner from me, not sure if it's still there or not because my other half said she hadn't seen the shop there, I'll give them a ring in the morning, and if they are still open, I'll pop round and see what tyres they have got and get them to fit them, should see my times and distance improve with more suitable tyres.

    I had a ride tonight, after 4.5 miles, my lungs were killing me, I could hardly breathe and I nearly came home at that point, that's down to me over smoking for the last couple of days :oops:, but I was too embarrassed to stop, I pushed on and then the lungs opened up nicely, then the legs went numb for a while, I did a few sprints to get me out of the saddle and then I was going along nicely.

    Tomorrow, I am going to cut right back on my smoking again, I must try harder this time, because it's hindering my progress and I could do so much more if I didn't smoke as much, when I'm going along, I can't breath through my nose for any more than 2 breaths at the most, I breathe through my mouth constantly and my breathing is all over the place.

    I was planning on doing 16 - 20 miles tonight, but as I came along from the pier, I saw a bloke on a bike coming up the cycle path slope, he stuck his right arm out, so I assumed he was going to his right, so I went to my right, and he went to his left :?, I was doing about 19mph at the time and then had to swerve further right to avoid hitting him, he slammed his brakes on and his back wheel went right up in the air, we sort of smiled as we passed, but I had lost my momentum then, so I called it a night, log for tonight:

    Apr 21st: No riding, had some stuff to do indoors.

    Apr 22nd

    Top speed 21.0 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.6 mph
    Distance = 12.61 miles
    Time 55:18:7

    Pulse before ride = 68 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 110 bpm's 10:26pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 92 bpm's 10:36pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 82 bpm's 10:46pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 76 bpm's 11:26pm

    Total miles ridden = 457.65
  • Phoned the local bike shop today, recorded message says this number does not accept calls, popped round there after my ride, closed down with all the windows whited out :x

    Just in from my ride, I'll go out an do a few more miles later tonight, log for today:

    Apr 23rd

    Top speed 22.3 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 12.1 mph
    Distance = 12.62 miles
    Time 01:02:1

    Pulse before ride = 70 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 104 bpm's 8:04pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 90 bpm's 8:14pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 86 bpm's 8:24pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 78 bpm's 9:04pm

    Total miles ridden = 470.27
  • Just in from my night ride, bearing in mind I finished my earlier ride about 3 hours ago, and my legs were hurting a bit, I decided to go on a mad one tonight, push myself a bit harder and ignore the pain.

    In doing so, I got my average speed over 14mph for the first time 8), I was helped by chasing another rider, I passed him going in opposite directions, then I had a 30 second break when I turned around at the end of the cycle path, I could see his red light in the distance by then, he had about a minute start on me, so I decided to chase him down, I finally caught up with him at 2 miles, I was flat out then and we nearly collided, there is a massive wide path at that point and he went to the far left of it, I went to the right and was about to fly past him, all of a sudden, he cut right across me to use the underpass, I slammed the brakes on and shouted, back wheel in the air, I leaned in to a bin to stop myself from hitting his wheel, he was very apologetic, if it wasn't for stopping then, my average speed would have been even better :lol:, log for tonight:

    Apr 23rd (2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 21.6 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 14.2 mph (personal best average speed 8))
    Distance = 10.28 miles
    Time 43:15:8

    Pulse before ride = 70 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 106 bpm's 11:30pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 86 bpm's 11:40pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 84 bpm's 11:50pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 80 bpm's 12:30pm

    Total miles ridden today = 22.90
    Total miles ridden = 480.55