Old Git On A Bike battles with the wind (2000 miles ridden)



  • Cheers Punkypossum, yeah, I'm trying to get out as much as possible, the more I do the easier it will get.

    Just in from todays ride, I'll go out and do a few more miles this evening as well:

    Mar 31st

    Top speed 19.4 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 11.5 mph
    Distance = 15.8 miles
    Time 01:18:35

    Pulse before ride = 60 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 110 bpm's 5.59pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 88 bpm's 6:09pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 84 bpm's 6:19pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 80 bpm's 6:59pm

    Total miles ridden = 225.48
  • Old Git On A Bike
    Old Git On A Bike Posts: 317
    edited March 2008
    Just had my night ride, and that was the least windy ride I have had yet, there was only a very slight breeze, sweet as, and as a result, my average speed went up quite a bit, why can't the weather always be like this.

    Mar 31st (2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 19.6 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.7 mph 8)
    Distance = 7.14 miles
    Time 31:14:8

    Pulse before ride = 76 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 108 bpm's 10:27pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 94 bpm's 10:37pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 88 bpm's 10:47pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 82 bpm's 11:27pm

    Total miles ridden today = 22.94
    Total miles ridden = 232.62
  • woodywmb
    woodywmb Posts: 669
    Slowly, slowly catchee monkey. Easy does it, but do it. You're beginning to see results already. Summer will open up new horizons.
  • Log for tonights ride, windy again, 10mph - 20mph, as per usual, it killed me riding in to the wind at the start, but wanting to keep my average speed up, now that I finally reached 13mph+ the other day, I kept pushing the pedals that little bit harder to maintain speed, though it is draining, but after a while, the legs go numb and it doesn't feel as bad, gave my lungs a good blow anyway.

    I didn't ride during the day today, I'm planning on doing my 18 miles tomorrow as long as it's not raining in the afternoon, and then a bit more tomorrow night.

    Apr 1st

    Top speed 21.6 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.4 mph
    Distance = 7.59 miles
    Time 33:52:2

    Pulse before ride = 68 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 110 bpm's 10:24pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 90 bpm's 10:34pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 86 bpm's 10:44pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 80 bpm's 11:24pm

    Total miles ridden = 240.21
  • I planned to do 18 miles today, but as I was getting close to Bexhill, it started raining, well, a heavyish spray, that combined with the fairly strong head wind in the face, was actually making it hard to see, so I turned around at the 6 mile mark and made my way back to St Leonards, of course, the bad weather then headed out to sea, so I rode an extra couple of miles down to Hastings and back, that will do for today, I'll do a bit more tonight.

    I must add that after hovering at 13 stone for quite a while, I have lost another 2 pounds, I now weigh 12 stone and 12 pounds (180lbs) 8)

    Apr 2nd

    Top speed 19.8 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 11.4 mph
    Distance = 14.35 miles
    Time 01:15:22

    Pulse before ride = 68 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 102 bpm's 6:19pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 86 bpm's 6:29pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 84 bpm's 6:39pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 74 bpm's 7:19pm

    Total miles ridden = 254.56
  • Old Dude
    Old Dude Posts: 6
    Old Git

    For someone else just starting out again after many years off a bike, reading your posts is encouraging. Your first faltering steps, improving with each ride, etc.

    I'm 46, and got a bike to try and get fit again. I'm not overweight, but even us skinny's can be unfit, with elevated cholesterol etc, and I get out of breath too easily.

    Almost 4 months since my last ciggy, I managed this time with the assistance of those little tabs you dissolve under your tongue. Keep trying - each attempt at stopping is a practice run, and the more practice you have the better you get.

    I'm based in Northamptonshire, and unfortunately it doesn't make it into many "good ride guides". So finding fun routes is difficult and that doesn't encourage me to go out. Keep up the posts - I'm not doing as well as you yet, but you are inspiring me to get out there.
  • Log for tonights ride:

    Apr 2nd (2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 17.9 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.8 mph
    Distance = 7.58 miles
    Time 32:45:4

    Pulse before ride = 80 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 108 bpm's 11:07pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 88 bpm's 11:17pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 84 bpm's 11:27pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 78 bpm's 12:07pm

    Total miles ridden today = 21.93
    Total miles ridden = 262.14
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,503
    fitted the crossroads and gave them a 40 mile ride tuesday. first impressions were they feel slightly heavier on the steering compared to my old crossmarks which i think has to do with a larger but smoother contact area. rolling resistance is definetly the least resistance my bike has ever had and riding into that constant 20mph+ wind for more than 20 miles was'nt a complete nightmare and returning was alot of fun with some coasting speeds hitting 35mph hehe. the small amount of off-road was dry-ish gravely river-path and they were ok and not throwing up every grain of grit that my crossmarks did though i doubt they'll handle even a hint of mud well, which is okay cos i don't do mud that much.

    slighlty annoying is the tyre wobble on the rear, it's like a rim buckle with about 1mm-2mm wobble but the rim is bang on true, guess i'll have to fiddle with it a bit. i think they'll be okay for dry/smooth only xc but yet to try them up any off road dry climbs but i reckon they're going to be not too bad. also nice having the armadillo elite casing but time will tell on how well that works.

    i'm guessing come summer when i hit the trails more i might put something more grippier on the rear as the chalky/rocky downs get quite loose and i may need extra grip if i want to leave the saddle but i'll give them a go first. :)
  • Hey Guys, I've been a silent reader of this thread all the way through, and it's great to see everyone progressing so well. It's been a real inspiration to get out myself. ALready managed two rides this week, 18 miles on road on Monday, and 14 off road on tuesday evening. Felt fine after that, but went for a swim last night and had no strength in my legs at all. I could only do half my normal distance, still I'll give the legs a chance to recover.

    Unfortunately I still haven't lost much weight! I'm still around the 16 to 16 and a half stone mark. I must still be eating to much 'cos whilst my legs are getting fit, I'm not losing the fat from my waist! :cry:

    Oh well, I'm sure the summer will encourage me and help me eat salads rather than fattening, warming food!

    Keep it up everyone!
    Proved by testing to be faster than a badger.
    The world's ultimate marmite bike
  • Well Done matey!

    Just read this thread from start to finish. I am also a fat knacker trying to get fit. I am over 20 stone at the minute, although I am 6 foot 5 and its great to see that you are making good progress, it is inspiration to anyone in a similar position to yourself.

    I have noticed a couple of gripes about your gears though, have you had your bike serviced since you first got it? Over time new gear cables will stretch which could be the reason your having a bit of trouble. It might be worth nipping to your local bike shop and asking them to give it a bit of a tune up.

    Keep up the good work, i'll be keeping an eye on your progress, if you can do it there should be no reason why I can't.
  • KonaMike
    KonaMike Posts: 805
    I just read this thread for the first time too and I have to say im impressed by your commitment !! I thought I was doing well for this time of year by getting out once a week but I see now I need to raise my game a bit !

    Keep up the good work :)
  • oily67
    oily67 Posts: 24
    Respect Old Git 8)

    I too am a but on the heavy side and one reason for getting the new bike was to encourage me to do a bit more. The (occasional) commute to work is great - if the weather plays the game - and the rides on my days off are all helping. Combine this with a move to a busier position at work - outside work with plenty stairs and the weight has started shifting. Slowly, but it is shifting. :wink:
    I just hope we get a better summer than the washout last year turned into.
    2008 Rockhopper

    2009 FSR XC Comp
  • I took my usual run over to Bexhill today, I had the wind in my face all the 6 miles back, and I always feel like I am going real slow when it's like that, but a glance at my computer tells me I'm doing around 11mph - 12mph, it doesn't feel that fast, though. The trip was not helped due to the fact that there is now a huge tracked excavator on the pebble beach track, they have dumped loads of sand on the track and flattened it, but the wheels just sink in to the sand in quite a few places.

    On the way back, I got off to walk a particularly sandy bit, and some git wearing an orange visor, cycling shorts and cycling shirt goes past me over the sand as if he's riding on tarmac, it didn't seem to stop him much, it's probably because he's a lot fitter than me and has been riding for years, but I'm blaming my tyres for my inability to ride over it :lol:, log for todays ride:

    Apr 3rd

    Top speed 20.7 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 11.1 mph
    Distance = 12.04 miles
    Time 01:05:05

    Pulse before ride = 72 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 90 bpm's 5:42pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 84 bpm's 5:52pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 80 bpm's 6:02pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 78 bpm's 6:42pm

    Total miles ridden = 274.18

    @ Old Dude, well done for packing the smoking in. Where in Northamptonshire are you based? Surely there must be some routes around that area, it is very rural, at least where I was born in that county it was. I remember an area around the Overstone and Billing areas about 30 years ago, me and my cousin used to ride over that way when we were about 10 years old, we only had a grifter bike between us, and with 2 of us on it at the same time it was a right treck :lol:
    dunker wrote:
    fitted the crossroads and gave them a 40 mile ride tuesday

    @ Dunker, just the odd 40 miles huh, you don't wear an orange visor do you :lol:, glad you got on well with those new tyres, sounds like they rolled really well for you, I have not got around to buying myself new tyres yet, as you know, I wanted something slicker, but I'm not sure that they wont get ripped to shreds of the pebble route I take, I need to think some more about exactly what I need, or possibly changing my route to go on road a bit to bypass the pebble part.

    @ Big Southern Jesse, good man for getting on your bike and getting some miles on the clock. I know what you mean about not losing much weight, it does my head in when I eat sensibly and ride a fair bit, only to see no weight dropping off, that's when I cut right back on my food, today, I have eaten 1 banana and a bowl of fruit and fibre cerial for breakfast/lunch, 1 small garlic chicken kiev with 2 slices of brown bread for my tea, and later on I'll have 2/3 slices of brown bread with peanut butter on it before my night ride.

    I know I have lost inches from my waist, I was about 38 inches to start with, now I can wear my 34 inch waist jeans and they are loose, I even managed to get in to my 32 waist trousers last night, they were tight and only just managed to get them done up, but I reckon it wont be long before I can get them on properly. Keep watching what you are eating and keep putting miles on the clock and the weight will start dropping gradually.

    @ Wheelbuckler, cheers mate, please get on your bike and pedal, I can honestly say I wish I had started riding again years ago, instead of leaving it this long, granted, I'm never going to be some finely tuned athlete, but I'll be damned if I don't manage to be doing 40 miles per day/ride by February next year, that was my aim from the start and I do get possessed about things that I do, I'll get there in the end.

    Yes, I have had a couple of problems with the gears, as you say, it's probably down to the cables stretching. I have not had it serviced since I bought it, and I also noticed a squeak today when the handlebars are turned left or right, the squeak is coming from the bit where the front forks go in to the frame, I suppose I should put it in for a service pretty soon, anyone got any idea how much a service is likely to cost?

    @ KonaMike, thanks for the encouragement, now, I want to see you out on your bike at least 3 days per week, I see your Mrs joined the forum the other day and she wants to start riding, what better excuse is there for you to go out more with the other half in tow :D

    @ Oily67, keep it up, it's a great boost when you seen the weight coming off, roll on the summer eh mate, providing we do get a summer, and not some excuse for one again.
  • Just in from my night spin, my legs were hurting not long after I went out, and after about 4 miles I'd had enough of the wind, but I carried on and when I got near my usual 7 miles or so, I thought I might as well do 8 miles, but I kept going for a bit longer and did just over 10 miles, I might have overdone it a bit because I don't feel too good as it goes, I feel a bit dizzy and my heart is skipping beats a bit, nothing that I'm not used to with my arrythmias, but I don't usually get dizzy with it, my pulse after my 2 rides today is well below what it normally is as well.

    My local weather station at www.hastingsweather.co.uk says the wind is light and variable tonight, and on the live graph on that page, the gusts are not going much above 2mph - 3mph, and a lot of the time it says zero, sorry, but trust me, that's well out, he wants to try sticking his damn wind monitor down on the seafront instead of his roof in the town, log for tonights ride:

    Apr 3rd (2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 21.2 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.2 mph
    Distance = 10.19 miles
    Time 46:06:2

    Pulse before ride = 76 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 94 bpm's 10:50pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 86 bpm's 11:00pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 80 bpm's 11:10pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 78 bpm's 11:50pm

    Total miles ridden today = 22.23
    Total miles ridden = 284.37


    1/2 an hour later and the dizziness has now gone, heart isn't skipping beats now either, just wondering if it's because I haven't been eating much and didn't eat before my night ride, just had my bread and peanut butter and felt better almost straight away :?
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,503
    heh nah no orange visor and don't worry about getting over-taken there's always someone faster, and they always seem to sail past like it's no effort at all strangly. i over did it a bit and suffered a sore knee but it was such nice weather (well sunny atleast) i just could'nt help myself hehe almost home on the flat with a side wind i was limping along at 4mph so it was pretty stupid but lesson learned, more rides with less mileage for the time being i think.

    hopefully i'll get more off-road on the tyres this weekend and we'll see what they're made of and if they really suck i've got my eye on specialized "the captain" for a rear option, hard long lasting 70a centre compound with a central fast rolling knobbly tread, kinda like maxis crossmark but without the +cross in the tread, and puncture protection.

    it's looking like a nice weekend for us down south hurrah! :)
  • Just had a ride out, it's pretty warm and breezy today, I enjoyed the ride back anyway, log for today:

    Apr 4th

    Top speed 21.0 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 11.2 mph
    Distance = 12.80 miles
    Time 01:08:03

    Pulse before ride = 72 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 102 bpm's 3:43pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 86 bpm's 3:53pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 80 bpm's 4:03pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 70 bpm's 4:43pm

    Total miles ridden = 297.17
  • Old Dude
    Old Dude Posts: 6
    Old Git

    I'm based in Wellingborough so not so far from Overstone, I'll check that area out. Billing area not so good - housing estate, golf course, etc around there now.

    I'm mainly riding around Wellingborough itself as we've got a fairly decent cycle path network, probably around 10-12 miles worth (apparently won a Silver National Green Apple Environment award for it in 2004, whatever one of those is :? ), but as the weather and my stamina improve, I'll stray a little further from home.

    I've noticed you posting about tyres and about punctures, you can buy tape that goes between the tyre and the inner tube that's supposed to reduce punctures. Sounds like a good idea to me, I may try it when I've a need to pull the tyre off, seem to recall seeing it at the local Halfords, and that it may have been made by "Slime"?

    Looks like your helping encourage a few of us out and to 'up our game', keep up the good work.
  • Hi Old Dude, long time since I have been to Wellingborough, but the place in Overstone was near, or part of the Overstone Solarium, that's if it's still there, there was a nice wooded area around there for riding in, I wouldn't be surprised if they had knocked that down for housing or a golf course as well.

    Yeah, I have heard of those slime strips, pretty good apparently from what I have read on here, and there is some other stuff you can pump in to your tyre to prevent/lessen puncutres, or is that for when you go tubeless and you put that stuff inside the tyre instead of air, not sure about that.

    I had to cut my ride short tonight, bloody annoying, last night I put 5 brand new Panasonic batteries in my front light, so they had just over an hours use yesterday, and 15 minutes in to the ride tonight before they are completely dead :evil:, that's cr@p considering the light had Varta batteries in it from new and they have done loads of night rides before dying, I am about to send an email to Panasonic to complain about their product, they better send me out some new batteries in the post or send me some vouchers, gits, log for tonights ride:

    Apr 4th (2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 18.4 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.8 mph
    Distance = 4.99 miles
    Time 21:36:3

    Pulse before ride = 68 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 100 bpm's 10:50pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 80 bpm's 11:00pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 78 bpm's 11:10pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 68 bpm's 11:50pm

    Total miles ridden today = 17.79
    Total miles ridden = 302.16
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    Well done OGOAB, thats fantastic progress 8)

    Just a quick word of warning about the Panasonic batteries, we bought a pack for the Wifes digital camera last week and they didn't work.
    When I read the back of the packet it did say that they weren't suitable for high drain applications like cameras, torches etc. They're desogned more for TV remote controls and things like that.

    It may actually pay you to get the cash together for some cateye LED lights for the Autumn, a bit pricey but they're very good and the batteries last for ages so will work out cheaper in the long run than using your existing lights. In the meantime some good Duracells should give you a far better lifespan.

    Keep up the good work,

    Chris :)
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,503

    http://www.fotosense.co.uk/manufacturer ... 13&tabID=3

    had an ansmann charger for my camera and lights batteries for 2 years and it's been a flawless workhorse.
  • @ Panter, yes, you are right about the batteries only being suitable for low energy things, but that begs the question, why do they put a picture of a torch on the outside of the packet if it's not suitable for lights. I'll look in to those Cateye lights for when the winter comes again, either that or rechargables like Dunker mentioned.

    I didn't go out yesterday, had a few things to do indoors.

    Had a ride out tonight, I went to see how my average speed was doing and noticed I had forgot to put the computer on the bike :roll:, so on my way back past home, I nipped in and got it, then rode back to where I had just rode to and from to see the distance I hadn't recorded, which was 2.61 miles, then a couple of times back and forth along the seafront, it was nice out tonight, just a slight breeze but it was very nippy, my toes were numb and my ears were burning, log for tonights ride:

    Apr 5th: No riding, had some other things to do.

    Apr 6th

    Top speed 17.7 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 12.6 mph
    Distance = 7.58 miles + 2.61 miles before putting computer on
    Time 36:02:1 edit: (time is for the 7.58 miles only)

    Pulse before ride = 60 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 98 bpm's 11:05pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 78 bpm's 11:15pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 74 bpm's 11:25pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 68 bpm's 12:05pm

    Total miles ridden = 312.35
  • I had a lousy nights sleep last night, didn't get to sleep until after 5:30am this morning, then my kid was really sick at about 8:00am, that woke me up and I was already knackered, then ended up sleeping until 2:00pm, I didn't feel like going out today, wind is blowing fairly hard on the seafront, I thought twice about going out after getting my riding stuff on, went out in the end even though I felt very drained, might go out and do a bit more tonight, log for todays ride:

    Apr 7th

    Top speed 18.4 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 11.1 mph
    Distance = 8.73 miles
    Time 47:13:8

    Pulse before ride = 64 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 102 bpm's 7:51pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 82 bpm's 8:01pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 76 bpm's 8:11pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 74 bpm's 8:51pm

    Total miles ridden = 321.08
  • The wind has dropped a bit tonight so I went out for another ride, after about 7 miles my backside was getting a bit sore, and also a sort of sharp cramp/pulling pain was going from the backside down through the back of my right thigh, it was making riding uncomfortable, so I only did a bit more before going home, had planned on doing at least 10 miles tonight, but musn't grumble, log for tonight:

    Apr 7th (2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 17.1 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.1 mph
    Distance = 8.30 miles
    Time 38:03:1

    Pulse before ride = 68 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 96 bpm's 11:04pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 80 bpm's 11:14pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 76 bpm's 11:24pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 72 bpm's 12:04pm

    Total miles ridden today = 17.03
    Total miles ridden = 329.38
  • O.G.O.B, (nickname already :lol: ) I am behind you all along, dont let one sceptic put you off this forum and the sport of cycling alltogether.
    I'm only eighteen but I'm trying to lose flab too, my best advice is to do little and often, and in your case, be aware of when you think your pushing too hard. There is a range of devices available cheaply which will tell you your calorie consumption, heart rate etc and cycle computers which will tell you how far you've cycled, your average speed etc, and all these are great motivational tools.
    As for cardiac arrythmia, keep a close eye on cycling technique and relate your RPM to howr BPM. You may find that your best off keeping to a regular, low RPM in a high gear to avoid putting too much strain on your cardiac/pulmonary system.
    Finally, supplement cycling with other excersise to take care of your upper body- I swim regularly to work my arms and upper body. Lay off excessive booze and avoid dinners with too many carbohydrates as these will just be metabolised into fat overnight. confine carbs to lunch and try to excersise for a while a couple of hour later.

    Oh and @ foregoneconclusion: Yes, it appears you are the only person here who thinks this is a bit of a wind up.
    That is all
  • Oh and I'll just add that an average speed of 13 mph is respectable for someone in your situatiuon. Also, I've just noticed that I only read the first page of fourteen and foregoneconclusion is long gone, but all I said still stands!
  • Hi James, I have a basic computer on my bike that tells me how far I have ridden, average speed, maximum speed, current speed etc, I was planning on getting a cycle computer with a heart monitor from Lidl yesterday, but now I'm not so sure I want to see what my heart is doing, I will end up spending too long at the monitor as I'm going along, so it's probably best I don't get the heart monitor at all and stick with what I have got.

    As for my upper body stength, I can see my shoulders, arms and chest have lost weight, I'm going to wait until I have dropped another 1/2 a stone before I start doing some weights again, my diet at the moment is geared to me losing weight, I'm hardly eating anything apart from cereal, bananas, tuna, mackerel, brown bread and the odd penguin type chocolate biscuit, today, I have eaten 1 banana and 3 slices of toast, I'll have some bran type cerial before my ride tonight and that will be my lot for the day, I don't drink booze any more, the last drink I had was 4 cans of lager at christmas, and before that I had 4 lagers in around October last year, my only bad vice that now needs culling, is my smoking, easier said than done.

    Went for my usual ride to the far end of Bexhill and back, it's quite nice out today, just a bit of a breeze with gusts bewteen 6mph - 8mph according to the live weather chart, it's supposed to be down to 2mph at 10:00pm tonight, I'll go out again then and try and do another 10 miles or so, log for today:

    Apr 8th

    Top speed 18.0 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 11.9 mph
    Distance = 12.06 miles
    Time 01:00:33

    Pulse before ride = 64 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 106 bpm's 7:26pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 82 bpm's 7:36pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 76 bpm's 7:46pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 72 bpm's 8:26pm

    Total miles ridden = 341.44
  • Just had my night ride, I felt drained at 6 miles, but I got out of the saddle and did a couple of sprints to get me rolling again, fine after that, managed to do my 10 miles anyway, log for tonight.

    Apr 8th (2nd ride of the day)

    Top speed 18.4 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.4 mph
    Distance = 10.43 miles
    Time 46:35:2

    Pulse before ride = 72 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 102 bpm's 11:14pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 82 bpm's 11:24pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 80 bpm's 11:34pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 74 bpm's 12:14pm

    Total miles ridden today = 22.49
    Total miles ridden = 351.87
  • Yeah its funny how you sometimes feel knackered at the start of a ride, but for some reason if you carry on you get through it and you're good for many more miles! It might just be me, but I'm at my fittest after 30+ miles and the two mates that I ride with start off at an optimum and gradually decline, so I'm always slower at the start, but past that magic 35 miles I perform better. I consider them much fitter than me, too. Your diet seems ideal for what you intend to do, I try to eat as much (red flesh) fish as possible and I always eat 'me spinach to give me iron. Its clear your on an intensive weight loss diet due to the lack of carbs!
    Your in a bit of a pickle as far as that smoking is concerned, because stopping is very stressful and almost inevitably results in gaining weight. Needless to say, stopping smoking is the right thing to do (The government are going to continue attempting to tax you out of smoking anyway!)
    all the best,
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,503
    full strengh nicotine gum? atleast you wont be sucking down that rocket fuel into your lungs.
  • @ Dunker, I tried some of that nicotine chewing gum years ago, didn't do a thing for me, I'm not one for these stop smoking gimmicks, I'll either have to stop on my own or not at all, that's the bottom line.

    My heart was missing beats and pounding out of my chest this afternoon, so I gave my daytime ride a miss.

    I'm just in from my night ride and I don't know why I bothered, I was in trouble pretty quickly and by the time I got to 3.8 miles, my lungs were shot, I just couldn't get any air in to them with the wind in my face and I felt like I was dragging a car tyre behind me, it felt that bad at that point.

    I was making my way back home and really struggling, you know that head bobbing and weaving sort of riding, just to keep the legs going round, then I saw 2 lycra clad blokes on road bikes on the road and they came on to the cycle path, they went past me and as they got in front of me, I could hear them laughing, one half glanced over his shoulder, he was copying my head bobbing motions, that p!ssed me off so I started to chase them for a short burst, kept up for about a 100 metres or so, then I was completely knackered and had to stop for a rest, I hate twats like that :evil:, it's gusting between 10mph - 20mph at the moment, bloody wind GRRRRRRRRR, log for tonights ride:

    Apr 9th

    Top speed 19.0 mph (flat cycle path)
    Avg speed = 13.4 mph
    Distance = 5.01 miles
    Time 22:24:2

    Pulse before ride = 62 bpm's
    Pulse after ride = 102 bpm's 10:47pm
    Pulse 10 minutes later = 80 bpm's 10:57pm
    Pulse 20 minutes later = 76 bpm's 11:07pm
    Pulse 60 minutes later = 68 bpm's 11:47pm

    Total miles ridden = 356.88