Please advise on best way to enter Etape 2008



  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    I had similar problems, which is why I plumped for the package in the end. I looked on expedia which, for the hotels I looked at, had some of the three days available but not all of them. You might be able to find a combination of days if you're prepared to move about.
    Good luck :)
  • Rich.H
    Rich.H Posts: 443
    I am in different hotels on the Fri / Sat. I have asked the Fri hotel if they can accomodate me on the Sat as well - i'll keep pushing them closer to the date as some of the block bookings may not get taken up....

    I have just booked a hotel in Tarbes for the Sun so I am pretty much sorted in this regard now.

    Try if you are still struggling, they may have space left at an Etap or similar


    P.S Cyclomundo have replied and confirmed my Entry only booking. The ride will be the easy part at this rate :wink:
  • MartinJ
    MartinJ Posts: 104
    Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately nothing available for the Saturday (there's a surprise!)

    I think it will have to be Lourdes and drive over on Sunday morning.

    The ride will be the easy part at this rate

    I agree!
  • daowned
    daowned Posts: 414
    I don't know if anyone has considered camping in Pau, is there any campsites? We were looking in to it ourselfs but decided it would be better staying in a hotel the day before and after the etape.

    Yes everything looks full up all over the place, in a ideal situation a motor home would be the best thing.
  • rendo
    rendo Posts: 194
    i had a good search at hotels in Pau, and found nothing, ended up booking a villa and have managed to extend my stay to see the tour too.

    Daowned, having recommended the rosyth-zeebrugge ferry, i ended up booking the Plymouth - Santander ferry instead.
  • kmahony
    kmahony Posts: 380
    We're in.

    Managed to get places for me and four mates (varying abilities) with Baxters (sportingtours).
    Also got flights to Bordeaux with bikes confirmed, so we're all in 725quid for 3* B&B (not cheap)

    I now have loads of questions. Here's a starter:
    - What's the broom waggon cutoff. I've heard 17kph avg. Is it a barrier, so as long as you're on the final climb you'll be ok?
    - What the best way to get a medical cert? Is this a formality if you're healthy-ish
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    Best of luck for the Etape.
    kmahony wrote:
    What's the broom waggon cutoff. I've heard 17kph avg. Is it a barrier, so as long as you're on the final climb you'll be ok?
    Yup. Last year was approx 17kph. The timing schedule for the 2008 Broomwagon will be announced much nearer the time. No, making it onto the final climb would not normally be sufficient. Not sure what will happen next year as there is supposed to be just 1 road up Hautacam. Would they want to send the broomwagon up there? I believe you may have to finish within the time limit to get on the official results list and to get a certificate!
    kmahony wrote:
    I now have loads of questions. Here's a starter:
    - What the best way to get a medical cert? Is this a formality if you're healthy-ish
    Your should be sent a form top be signed by your GP.
  • daowned
    daowned Posts: 414
    Well done Rendo all ready to go then :)

    I am just glad to have it all out the way and forgotten about to next summer, that should give me plenty of time to focus on fitness and doing the etape.
    What the best way to get a medical cert? Is this a formality if you're healthy-ish

    From what I read from our tour op it's just a letter signed and stamped by your doctor, shouldn't be a problem if your in ok health. I take it the doc's line is just to cover the event organizers.
  • pedylan
    pedylan Posts: 768
    kmahony wrote:
    - What the best way to get a medical cert? Is this a formality if you're healthy-ish

    The official entry form will have a section with a declaration that must be signed by your GP and stamped by the GP practice.

    My GP practice insisted on 20 minute appointment with GP (not nurse), asked a lot of questions about health and habits, took weight, height BP, HR, urine sample and finally poked and prodded back and front. So not the formality I expected :oops:

    My GP (who I hadn't seen for 5 years) said yes you're perfectly fit but completely mad. Cheers doc, see you this time next year for the same again. :D
    Where the neon madmen climb
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    I just got this on email from cyclosport - you may already have it but if not here's the link:
    I will definitely be buying this video
  • clanton
    clanton Posts: 1,289
    popette wrote:
    I just got this on email from cyclosport - you may already have it but if not here's the link:
    I will definitely be buying this video

    Oh god - I watched last year's edition of it -the voiceovers at the beginning were just terrible! That said it is a very useful overview of the route and well worth watching but if its similar to last year's you will just kill yourself laughing at the intro!
  • Piggy
    Piggy Posts: 43
    Found this thread very late (oddly while looking for stuff on HRMs with cadence options but there you go). Got my spot via GB for next year - first time (just hit 40 - funny that...). Great to see the blogs - will get act together and try and do something similar (any blogging sites to go to). I went for the 3 night option in Pau with a Ryanair flight - scary expensive but ho hum, done it now. Just been out for 20 miles today - seems an awfully long way from 20 miles around the hills (not) of Rutland to Tourmalet...still plenty of time I guess

    Good luck to all!
  • daowned
    daowned Posts: 414
    Hi, best of luck for the Etape Piggy.

    Blogger seems to be the most popular for blogging all you need is a Google Account, together with this you will get a email, image hosting and lots of other stuff from Google.
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    Can recommend Blogger myself. Very straightforward to use.
  • kmahony
    kmahony Posts: 380
    Also recommend Blogger. I started a blog on Saturday with the plan of sending the link when I tap people up for sponsorship in the new year.

    Blogger seems really easy to use. I've been looking at all the other etape blogs for ideas.
  • Finally after nearly four weeks I have received confirmation that I am in the Etape. Booked one of the packages with Baxters. Can now look forward to it. Will never quite know what took them so long to confirm. I appreciate they must be busy but four weeks that was taking the p***. Might have had somethiong to do with merging with sport tours international. Has anybody else waited this long for confirmation or are indeed still waiting?
  • kmahony
    kmahony Posts: 380
    zebedeecp wrote:
    Finally after nearly four weeks I have received confirmation that I am in the Etape. Booked one of the packages with Baxters. Can now look forward to it. Will never quite know what took them so long to confirm. I appreciate they must be busy but four weeks that was taking the p***. Might have had somethiong to do with merging with sport tours international. Has anybody else waited this long for confirmation or are indeed still waiting?

    They took about a week to get back to me. I wonder if someone didn't pay a deposit in time, so they're opening up a few more places? I guess it's their very busy time of the year, but they seem a bit disorganised.

    Anyone know what happens next? Should they be send us a form for insurance and medical?
  • I just managed to secure entry via the Vélo Magazine website. They opened up 800 slots for subscribers.
    For €58 I just got number 1887.

    Better get in some training now....
    Sejours Triathlon et Velo dans les Pyrenees
  • pedylan wrote:
    popette wrote:
    I have a friend in france, would they be able to apply for me or does it have to be my own personal address? Having never gone abroad with my bike before, I'm not sure i'd be too confident about organising it for myself until I've been out there and seen what happens. I've left my email with cyclomundo anyway and will give Graham Baxters a call today as well.
    Thanks for your replies guys

    Yes, your friend can apply (must use YOUR name) for you by completing the application form in Velo magazine, completing it for your name and their address. They'll have to be quick though. All correspondence would then be sent to you at their address. This is a fairly oft used "workaround".

    If you are lucky then this is the cheapest entry only. But if you're not confident doing it solo then a supported package which collects you from the airport, gets you to the start and meets you at the finish (all going well!) would seem best. I met up with a guy at the Etape Legende who went for this option with Graham Baxter and he seemed to think it was well organised. I'd driven to Strasbourg on an entry only so he did pay quite a bit more for the backup option.

    When does the application form appear in Velo magazine?
  • Comes out on the 3rd Wednesday of this month. I am a subscriber but I will be buying a few copies for the entry form.
    Sejours Triathlon et Velo dans les Pyrenees
  • Comes out on the 3rd Wednesday of this month. I am a subscriber but I will be buying a few copies for the entry form.

    Ah! Would that be to help others less well placed to gain entry to the etape?
  • Peut Etre :shock:
    Sejours Triathlon et Velo dans les Pyrenees
  • Quelle générosité :wink:
  • pedylan
    pedylan Posts: 768
    Downloaded my entry form before Christmas and went for my medical yesterday.

    I was informed this had to be in by 31st January so faxed it off today.
    Where the neon madmen climb
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    The receptionist at my surgery just got in a right tizzy about whether I'd need an apointment or not, "and you do know you're going to be charged for this, don't you??"
    I've left the forms with them and need to ring back next week to see how they're going to handle it.

    What did your Dr do Pedylan?
  • Rich.H
    Rich.H Posts: 443
    I mailed my entry form back to Cyclomundo yesterday, complete with a copy of my race licence. They confirmed that I do not need a doctors certicate on this basis....

    Time to get some "proper" miles in - first Sportive of this year in 11 weeks :shock:

  • pedylan
    pedylan Posts: 768
    popette wrote:
    The receptionist at my surgery just got in a right tizzy about whether I'd need an apointment or not, "and you do know you're going to be charged for this, don't you??"
    I've left the forms with them and need to ring back next week to see how they're going to handle it.

    What did your Dr do Pedylan?

    I rang for an appointment and explained it was a sports medical. Receptionist gave me an appointment with GP, she seemed to know what was required - similar stuff for HGV drivers etc. Never mentioned payment and nor did I last year. Maybe it's discretionary and varies by practice?

    GP asked questions about event and my life habits - diet, alcohol, smoking.
    Then it was weighed, height, blood pressure, listened back and front, shirt off and poked and prodded back and front whilst lying down. Urine sample (don't ask me what he did with but it was pronounced satisfactory in a room next door (tasting suite :oops: :oops: )

    Pronounced me healthy and signed the form.

    Seemed to be a good balance between a quick med to sort out the obvious no goes and a proper fitness test which isn't asked for nor is it within the scope of GP practice.

    So nothing to worry about popette.

    Where the neon madmen climb
  • Rich.H wrote:
    I mailed my entry form back to Cyclomundo yesterday, complete with a copy of my race licence. They confirmed that I do not need a doctors certicate on this basis....

    BC membership plus race licence is about sixty quid but you can ste it up over the phone (or BC website) so maybe quicker than a medical. Plus you get 12 months third party cover. Docs can charge quite a bit sometimes too. Just a thought.
  • Got my form signed just after Christmas ( not the best time to have a medical i would think) but my experience was similar to pedylan just made an appontment with my GP and he just did a few medical checks, blood pressure etc, asked a few questions that was all. Spent most of the time talking about his experence of the 2007 Etape which he did. I t cost me 15 quid for his signature.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    mmmm, still not sorted. I'm waiting to hear back how they want to deal with it - either a brief medical and signature (£25) or the full medical (£135!). Depending on what they say, I may go for the racing licence. If I'd just made an appointment with the doctor without going into details with the receptionist I'm sure that I would have been sorted by now. They're nice ladies but they're sometimes very protective of the docs.

    Is anyone else sh!tting themselves? I got a garmin 305 and so now I know what 7% looks like; we're going to be doing that for miles and miles. :shock: