Blean, near Canterbury



  • dunnnooo
    dunnnooo Posts: 900
    Thanks for the advice.

    Getting my bike up here saturday, so *might* be there on Sunday, if nobody minds a oh-so-unfit student joining (there is a bit of a do the night before, so this is not certain). Will be on a silver commencal supernormal, with long hair and a hangover.

    Oh, and my names Stephen.
    I'd give my right hand to be ambi-dextrous
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Sounds like another good day on the way. :P

    Don't worry Stephen. You can walk most of the route with me and Panter :wink::lol:
  • dunnnooo
    dunnnooo Posts: 900
    I'll pack my hiking boots!
    I'd give my right hand to be ambi-dextrous
  • Hey guys

    Blean on sunday is good for me-we gota get out of this 8.30 habit tho! I have trouble getting into work at that time :shock:

    Panter/Deadpoole u coming along???

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Thorpey... stop showing off, cos your still young :wink::lol:
    Getting up early does you good, that's why we do it (unless the missus is reading this, then it's for the lovely wife :wink: )
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    Don't worry Stephen. You can walk most of the route with me and Panter

    WALK ????? :evil: !!!!!!

    I was thinking more of a gentle stroll :lol:

    Thanks for the pm's guys :D I'll probably sit this one out though. My tyres are pretty bald and I'm slow enough as it is without dodgy tyres and mud. :oops:

    I have a new bike on the way which is why I'm not changing the tyres.

    If the wife approves I may wander down, I could bring the camera I 'spose but I'll let you know.


    Chris :)
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    thorpey82 wrote:
    Hey guys

    Blean on sunday is good for me-we gota get out of this 8.30 habit tho! I have trouble getting into work at that time :shock:

    Panter/Deadpoole u coming along???


    Last Sunday I got home from a 25 mile road ride at 8:30 :lol:

    Agh, the joys of having a family :lol:

    And, as above, its good for the soul :D


    Chris :wink:
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • Hi all,

    Love to join you all but i have wife issues, ie inlaws are coming..... :shock:

    where is blean exactly anyway??

    Let me know if you do it here or a bedg again.


    Mark aka deadpool2e the new XC in Kent

    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    ah I remember watching someone trying to drive into a car park before with a low height barrier and forgetting they had bikes on the roof. How I lauged :lol:

    Can't make this weekend as I have 2 sprint competitions in my car but I will be up for a Blean ride at some point as I have never been there. Forecast for the coast at least is dry for the next week so you may get lucky up there. Dread to think what Bedgebury is like after the last couple of days!
  • Are we talking about meeting at the carpark that is kind of between canterbury and whitstable? On the left side as you drive towards Whitstable, the one that has a strange 'gate' at one end that looks like it was designed to keep fat horses out? Or am i just getting confused?
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I think we were talking about the car park at Rough Common.
    It's signposted "RSPCA Bird Sanctuary".. long bumpy road with height-restricted :shock: car park at the end.
  • I hope its not where your link goes to

    Its a long way to cycle to. the new XC in Kent

    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • That's cool. Rough Common, I used to know a girl like that...
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    Let's hope this dryer weather holds out. Clowes Woods isn't too bad at the moment given all that rain we had. I'm not getting muddy on the morning commute. (well, apart from the bit where the logging lorries trundle along....churned it up good and proper...)

    I'm going to ride there so I'm warning you it wont be a fast ride.... :lol:
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Not a fast ride :shock: thank fffff for that :wink:

    as for the link I posted ^^^^^, it is correct even though it states Edinburgh. Never noticed Google Maps do that before. If you zoom out or in it corectly shows Canterbury.

    Looking forward to it :P
  • Hey Guys
    Can someone post a post code for the gps as ive just realised i have no f**king clue where blean is :shock:
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    If you get stuck, just head down the A2 towards Dover.

    Turn off for Canterbury (reheims Way) then take 1st left (?) signposted rough common + Blean.

    Follow it through, up a steep hill and when you get to a pub, its signposted on your left (RSPB reserve)

    You can't go wrong :wink:

    Have a good one guys, catch you all another time 8)


    Chris :)
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Good ride :P
    Good turn out again 8)
    Nice route Lost-Time... it's easy to forget how big Blean woods are....

    hmmm.. not to work on my fitness :roll: :oops:

    Here's :P to the next time :wink:
  • Nice one guys, that was a wicked route with some lovely flowy track. And a tree that spanked me in the nuts. Glad the old Carerra stood up to it, it's been a couple of years since it's had an off road outing like that.
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    Was a good ride wasn't it!?

    I like the early starts especially when I get to ride to the start.

    Here's the linky to Kent trails if anyone fancies joining us for a ride. Just email Michael with any queries or just turn up...

    Heres to the next ride... :lol:
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Just incase you want some ride vids Thorpey, have a look
    should keep ya busy for a while :wink:
  • Hey lads

    Sorry to repeat but again, but great ride , thanks lost-time :D

    Im thinking wales in the not to distant future- thats providing you lads get it passed the wives- I can tell who wears the trousers :lol:

    Cheers for the links impished-will check out now.

  • Nice one guys, that was a wicked route with some lovely flowy track. And a tree that spanked me in the nuts. Glad the old Carerra stood up to it, it's been a couple of years since it's had an off road outing like that.

    Not that I call my testes 'Carerra', that'd just be weird... I call them Ben and Jerry. Or Luke and Han... Or 'The Chuckle Brothers'...

    So far as Wales goes, If i can get the time off work then i'd be up for it.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Sounds like time to start a "XC in Wales!!! Any volunteers?" thread Thorpey :wink:
    I should be good to go, Giantalkali, you... 3 already!!! :P
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    I must admit i've always wanted to do this one.

    The climbs will be a bugger though, as always :lol:


    Chris :)
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    Sorry guys, there's no way in the world I can afford Wales this year (thanks Commencal!) and I don't have any holiday to take until next spring...... :cry:

    May be doing Dorking this sunday though if anyone's up for it......
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Hmmm... Dorking sounds interesting....I'll apply for permission from da missus and let you know :wink:
  • dunnnooo
    dunnnooo Posts: 900
    If I can get a lift from someone I'm up for it...
    I'd give my right hand to be ambi-dextrous
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    Dorking is off as it doesn't drain too well and you can easily do a set of pads in the gritt, sandy earth.

    I'll be riding with Kent-trails on sunday from Kersney near Dover. Check ot the website for details although I have a rotten cold so unsure I'll be riding...I'll see how I feel.