Boxhill Challenge



  • Dave, you really are a gent. Your stopwatch actually said 6:47:90-something if I recall, but you've rounded it up.

    I'd have rounded it down!

    Oh yeah and another note on the modesty of the man, he did it on a Singlespeed 8)

    Good going mate.
  • Just stumbled across this from the tritalk site - where exactly are the start and finishes? I assume start is at the junction with the road at the bottom? Is it by the car park entrance?
  • On_What
    On_What Posts: 516
    start is the turn and the end is the entrance to the car park.

    I get steady 7:30 to 8:00 depending on how much I kill myself getting there
  • I got about 10 twice but each at the end of a full Ballbuster loop. I was carrying about 90kg too. 9 is the target!