Wednesdays Wham! Pow! Thwack! Bish! Bash!

Top o the morning gents!
Chemo day. Hopefully. Platelet count was a little low but OK to continue. Ear ulcer thing apparently is a concern.
Oh well. I'll either be dripping by 10 or not.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
Good luck p69
run, then hotel pig based breakfast, then a bit of work then an away day with work at a zoo 🤷♂️
early meal and potentially the wife staying over - if the impressively incompetent o2 deliver my phone on time
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Slightly less nippy than yesterdays brr but still brr and dark very dark,
Good luck p69. Been there. Surprised they haven't slapped you on IV anti-biotics. Gentamycin was what we called 'dom' as in Domestos bleach which was the standard response followed by isolating which sort of bug it was and giving you something else. Generally, you could function on 'dom' (sort of) but the others was like Ketamine mixed with a sleeper and a Tyson left hook.
More banging and roofing stuff but progressing well with this settled weather. Pruning apple trees today me. Roller action tomorrow...
First: coffee.
Oh and where tf is @sungod , blown into the volcano?
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
relaxing and celebrating successful hmrc avoidance
my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny1 -
Frosty start, plan some outdoor based exercise.
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Delay in chemo drugs as they needed to check pus-ear thing to see if I could proceed. Batch being mixed now. Delay of 1.5 hours. Oh joy of joys!!!
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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Hope they don't mess you about too much PN.
Managed to enjoy the work Xmas bash without feeling too crap this morning - just as well, as have been busy. Remember I challenged one of our sales blokes to a go karting challenge last night as he reckons he's the reincarnation of Ayrton Senna. Got another free night out tomorrow as well - practice makes perfect.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Just about recovered from yesterday, lovely wife had a cold bottle of beer on the side for my arrival and an awesome pie in the oven.
Pro tip of the day - don't trust satnav...
Dentist earlier for a checkup preceeded by a puppy walk. Currently WFH as the fire is on and I can convert yesterdays scribblings into something legible in peace.
Advocate of disc brakes.0 -
Not too bad.
Fresh batch of Panitumumab started at 12.10 so only about an hour or so late from booked 10am appointment. By the time they actually start it's usually an hour after that time.
Hour of this drip. 20 min flush. 2 hour drip after. 20 min flush. Then trip to pharma. Then trip to Argos. Might be home by 5ish.
Trying to work out when my Christmas chemo will be.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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Just had Pinnos fave pizza, tuna and onion with some Italian spices.
Advocate of disc brakes.1 -
Wot? No pineapples?
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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Unless you're a fat American, Pineapple should never see the top of a pizza.
Advocate of disc brakes.1 -
Afternoon peeps. Usual shower of 💩 in run up to Xmas at work etc. Turns out one of my colleagues is currently in the 🐕🏠 with the 👮♂️ after some fisticuffs after I left the Xmas do. FF for small mercy's. Sadly his fault and all on cctv. Anyway off for a run later.
Too many bikes according to Mrs O.1 -
Finally home at 6.15pm after leaving at 8.45. Totally shattered after this round! It's 5 of 6.
Found out that the Panitumumab therapy isn't funded by the NHS and has to be applied for on a case by case basis as its really fecking expensive! Think about £3.6k per cycle! I feel extremely privileged and lucky that I'm getting this.
Anyway. More bags of meds. Glucose drips makes interesting meter readings when you have diabetes!!! Yikes!
Hot chocolate. Snooze. Might wake up for Shetland on BBC later.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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Lets rattle some cages for the heck of it...
@Flaneur @beansnikpoh @haydenm @seanoconn @napoleond @willow71uk @arran77 @Frank the tank @BelgianBeerGeek @crumbschief @Bhima @freehub @cornerblock @MattC59 @Cleat Eastwood @Ben6899 @daviesee @ddraver @Aggieboy @RideOnTime @MattC59 @capt_slog @nweststeyn @Gizmodo @cornerblock @dmclite-3.0 @dmclite-5.0 @laurentian @mudcow007 @verylonglegs @greasedscotsman @t.m.h.n.e.t @mr_goo @prawny @RideOnTime @LangerDan @yellowperil @Silly Old Hector @FocusZing @cat_with_no_tail @tailwindhome @FranktheTank @rolf_f @Mikey23 @FishFish @ballysmate
seanoconn - gruagach craic!2 -
Cage rattled.
Photonic, your current situation has helped to make me feel way less sorry for myself with regard to this bloody cold I seem to have picked up. Good luck with the treatment and keep your chin up
Wilier Izoard XP1 -
Does that mean you're 'staying'? This place really needs bantz and livening up.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!1 -
Didn’t get time to post yesterday as the day started with my cousins funeral in Dewsbury. Then travelling down to Wiltshire to see daughter and family.
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You missed Manc33 and VTech off the list 😄
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
No intention of "leaving" . . . dip in and out of here all day . . .
Wilier Izoard XP0 -
Comprehensive list 👍 Although I should have been top.
Flaneur, pink socks, under the thumb.
beansnikpoh, likely to flounce, under the thumb.
Haydenm, under the thumb
Nap D, work/life problems, could be thumb related.
arran, under the thumb.
frank the tank, passed away?
crumbschief, liked my posts, sorely missed.
Bhima, banana power.
MattC59, disappeared after VTech claimed he could see his search history.
CleatEastwoid, stubborn.
Daviesee, grumpy argumentative
dmclite, life problems.
Aggieboy, dirty mind.
And the rest, either under the thumb or not enough thumb.
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
I also notice Chasey wasn't on the list 😄
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Has he gone?
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
Yep, mega flounce a couple of months or so back - one that some other ex-forum members would be jealous of.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Link please 🙏
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
Seemed pretty thick skinned, surprising.
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
For somebody commenting on other’s whereabouts. Your often conspicuous by your absence.
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I carried this forum for 10+ years, a little respect please.
BTW, any tips to rehab shoulder impingement/possible rotator cuff tear?
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
Get it scanned. I had one shoulder repair in 2018 and when the other was playing up towards the end of last year. I went conservative and down the the least invasive treatment. Physio and all that but ended up with a scan because it wasn’t working and it appears I only just got there in time as the surgeon who did first repair was unsure he would be able to repair given how knackered it was, fortunately he was able to do a reasonable repair but I have major arthritic damage.
Serves me right for changing my political alliance to Conservative at this time of life.🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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Surgery. When I tore my rotator cuff a few years ago I was told that was the only way to fix it. It worked.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]1