Broken hand scaphoid

I suspect I broke my hand scaphoid, last week when I crashed.

Anyone here has relevant experience and can report?



  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,765

    Bit of a long story, I broke mine in the first covid lockdown, went to hospital and had an X-ray. Was told it wasn't broken and I'd just hyper-extended my thumb so I should keep using the wrist. 6 weeks later I was still in quite a lot of pain so I went back with a referral from my GP as apparently a scaphoid break can be masked for the first few days and not show. They did another X-ray and said it might be broken, but I'd need a scan to be sure. Was given a strap and told not to move it. Had to wait for a scan as it wasn't an emergency, a few weeks later I had a scan and was told it was definitely broken, or at least it had been, but had now healed. However the tendon (or ligament) holding the carpal bones across the back of my wrist was stretched and surgery was needed, so I was referred to a consultant. Consultant said it was up to me, surgery would mean I never had full range of movement so we could try physio. Did that and pushed as hard as I could with the physio, it's healed better than it would have if I'd had surgery, but it gets stiff in the cold.

    TL:DR if you broke it last week, get an X-ray done now as it should show if it is broken. If diagnosed and treated properly it should heal fine.

  • pep.fermi
    pep.fermi Posts: 383
    edited April 2

    Thanks a lot.

    Now 1 week since my accident.

    And 2hr since I entered the waiting room, waiting for the Xray. Boring. Even though I had a nap here on the chair.

    It's not rare that although broken the fracture is not visible with the Xray, the bone is small and "well hidden".

    Hope I'm back soon at full fitness


  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,765

    Yes, I was told a small bone so hard to see and the swelling can hold it tight so the crack doesn't show for a few days. Hopefully it will show if it is broken, good luck.

    I was off the bike for about 3 months, but I'm sure the initial misdiagnosis made it longer than it had to be. I tried running, but found it's not nearly as much fun.

  • pep.fermi
    pep.fermi Posts: 383

    I'm actually more a runner than a cyclist. Though last few years increased my cycling share because of running injuries. If I'm forced weeks off cycling I'm really cooked 😭😭😭 ....

  • pep.fermi
    pep.fermi Posts: 383

    Now 2.5hr in the waiting room....

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661

    I broke it in October 2020. Took me 2 days to get it x rayed and it turned out I needed surgery to screw it back together.

    100% get it checked out. It doesn’t hurt as much as you’d expect.

  • pep.fermi
    pep.fermi Posts: 383

    Now 3hr in the waiting room.

    Boring πŸ˜•

    I'll accept whatever they say it's best long term. But if they put me off the bike, that really sucks. Even worse its early spring, it wouldn't be as bad if it was autumn or winter 😞🚡

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661

    Just keep everything crossed it's not fractured off entirely. It's only held one at one end, so if you break off the other like I did they'll have to go in to screw it back on, else it'll rot away and you'll get very premature wrist arthritus.

    Worse still they had to go in from the top.

  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217

    I broke mine when I was about 25 after getting knocked off my bike by a bus. They spotted it when I went to A&E the same day because my shoulder was hurting quite a bit.

    I was reasonably fit and healthy at the time and it healed quickly without the need for surgery. I was in a plaster cast for 2 weeks then resin casts for about 6 weeks thereafter. I kept doing other exercise in the meantime (walking, gym, plus the occasional short 1 handed bike ride πŸ™„) and fortunately I lived close enough to work that I didn't need to drive during the whole time.

    Worst thing was the cast getting itchy (30cm plastic ruler comes in handy) and not being able to write. Also got a bollocking off the doctors for going out in the summer without a coat on and getting soaked in a downpour which meant they head to replace the cast.

  • wilberforce
    wilberforce Posts: 315

    Broke both my scaphoid and radius years ago. Had surgery to screw it all back together and then about 5 months of physio, but never regained full movement. It is now a good thermometer for cold weather and also makes some strange noises. Surgery also went in other side of wrist than what RC is showing (well at least my scars are on the other side).

  • pep.fermi
    pep.fermi Posts: 383

    Now 4hr in the waiting room.

    Very boring 😭.

    If I can't do sport for weeks that would be so bad πŸ˜žπŸ˜”πŸ˜­πŸ˜­

  • pep.fermi
    pep.fermi Posts: 383
    edited April 2

    Dr says Xray don't show fracture.

    He suggests 5days in a cast and then we'll seee... If pain gone, all good.

    If pain still there, I'll need MRI, maybe I do have a fracture.

    I tried to convince him NOT to give me a cast. He answered smiling "this is the hospital, if I don't suggest you a cast you could sue me".


  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661

    I’d say that’s a great result

  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,765

    Fingers crossed it's not broken and you're just having a short rest

  • pep.fermi
    pep.fermi Posts: 383

    Today, 15days after the accident, and 8days after I got the cast, I went to see a Dr for further checks

    Dr said nothing broken, will have pain for some weeks, that's all. Cast removed.

    Of course I asked him how he could conclude without further exams, like MRI or anything: "because I've seen these every day for the last 15yr". Convincing enough to me.

    Today I resume running, cycling, swimming, and garden work.

    Soooooo happy (still pain, but never mind).

  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,060

    If the pain persists don't be afraid to go back. My wife lived with a broken scaphoid for a year and was told she'd left it so long it may be unfixable. In the end it was ok but it required a bone graft and screw. It was only luck she got it checked as she hurt her right wrist, went to A&E for that, and mentioned she'd had pain for a year in the left.

    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]