Weight Gain whilst riding Pyrenees?!

SteveBuckell Posts: 9
I want to caveat this post immediately by stating that I'm not weight obsessed! However, I am interested in the biology involved here....

I'm a 5' 4 inches tall bloke, and at the beginning of March this year I was 64kg (having previously been heavier, probably around 67kg). Obviously I'm a short-arse but I've never been 'skinny'. I've been training for a cycle across the Pyrenees and due to this my weight fell to just under 60kg at the end of last week. I've now completed the ride this week (400 miles in 6 days with 58,000 feet of elevation) and weighed myself afterwards - I was really surprised to find I've put on over 2kg during the event. I was burning around 3,500 to 4,000 calories a day on the ride (according to Strava and based on weight and HRM) and was obviously eating a lot to compensate (flapjacks, gels, protein shakes etc), but was really surprised to see 2kg go on... Is this really extra muscle weight? Seems an awful lot. Or is there something else going on here? Is it really possible to over-eat on an event like that? Interested in your thoughts....


  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    question 1 - do you look 2kg heavier ?
  • I just got back from the Alps 1.9kgs heavier but 24 hrs later I was back to exactly as I was beforehand.
    How long have you been back?
    I was using a power meter and was surprised at how few calories I was burning.
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 8,746
    Weight can fluctuate quite during a day due to hydration amongst other things so I would guess some of it is just that and some of it is maybe you ate a bit more than you burnt.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • whoof
    whoof Posts: 756
    Every year I spend two week cycling in Europe usually somewhere hilly (done 3 Pyrenean rides and 2 Alps plus others) and have alway come back heavier. I spend about an average of 5-6 hours a riding but I am on holiday and eat as such.
    Also used to know a guy who went to Majorca every March for a two week training camp and do 1000 miles. He would alway come back about 3 kg heavier as at dinner time he would alway be 'eating for tomorrow'.

    Riding lots does not mean that you can eat loads and stay thin.