Sore ribs

damocles10 Posts: 340
Hi all,

I had an off two weeks ago where I snapped my handlebars which went into my ribs when I fell - I don't think the rib(s) are broken but they feel tender and bruised. I am able to do deep breathes with a little bit of pain ( about 90% capacity ). I am trying to cycle now, slow rides ( 1hr ) but when I ride it feels like there is a restriction on my breathing, almost like a bandage around my chest.....the injury is getting better, but, is it safe to ride.


  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 16,608
    just in case you're wrong and are actually especially vulnerable at the moment in the event of another off, would you...

    a) get advice from random interweb people

    b) get advice from a doctor

    not trying to be nasty, but b) sounds like the sane choice
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • damocles10
    damocles10 Posts: 340
    Yeah I hear you mate..I called 111 and as there was no cuts, obvious breaks signs and I can breathe OK with a small amount of's not too bad. If it continues I will see my GP....the only reason why I have not seen my GP is the 111 advice is there is nothing they can do for ribs, they can offer pain killers .