Cannock Chase ride 26th of january



  • Dawesy92
    Dawesy92 Posts: 606
    This carpark that we're meeting at... how much isit for a days parking??
  • morepower
    morepower Posts: 140
    Here is the address..
    Birches Valley Forest Centre
    Birches Valley
    Lady Hill
    WS15 2UQ

    Parking is £3 or £4 for the day... I know Marquis drive is £3 but I cannot remember if Birches Valley is too...
  • Dawesy92
    Dawesy92 Posts: 606
    Sweet thanks for that, its roughly an hours drive for me.. we're meeting at 10am ish right?
  • morepower
    morepower Posts: 140
    That is the plan... I best go and get rid of this sore throat and cough then...... Bikes ready and so is my kit... Just need to fight off this cold.... Will sort out the route when we get there.. Got a few options depending how good or bad people feel once we get to the split point for the Dog and monkey trails.. Or do a lap of the dog to warm up and then decide.
  • Dawesy92
    Dawesy92 Posts: 606
    Sounds good to me! :)
    I just need to put some new pads in rear break tomorrow after work :)
    Then im ready! :)
  • morepower
    morepower Posts: 140
    Dawesy92 wrote:
    Sounds good to me! :)
    I just need to put some new pads in rear brake tomorrow after work :)
    Then im ready! :)

    I just need a new set of lungs and get rid of the sand paper in my throat then all sorted here too.... haha.
  • smegg40
    smegg40 Posts: 75
    Best pack your arm bands it is going to be wet ! :)
    First section "twist and shout" is closed :( ,straight on to "steggasorarse" it is then :)

    Bike ready,well almost ! puncture to fix and best give it a clean !,it was dark when i put it away on Wednesday night and did not look to bad :)
  • Dawesy92
    Dawesy92 Posts: 606
    Shame about the weather but hey.. its mountain biking Isnt it.. weather isn't a problem too much.. as long as it doesnt rain while we're out!! Lol
  • L3BIUS
    L3BIUS Posts: 91
    Was gonna bottle it but I'm gonna man up and dig the waterproofs out! It's gonna be fun! Right.....?
    The New Beast GT Aggressor 2013 project

    The Old Beast GT Aggressor Hardtail 2011 Custom Spec

    Places i want to visit:
    Gisburn Forest, Afan Forest, Holmbury Hill, Forest of Dean, Antur Stiniog, Fort William, Tweed Valley, Cwmcarn
  • morepower
    morepower Posts: 140
    L3BIUS wrote:
    Was gonna bottle it but I'm gonna man up and dig the waterproofs out! It's gonna be fun! Right.....?

    Great.. I am still going and feel like crap having spent most of the afternoon in bed with man flu.. You will know who I am as I will be the guy coughing up both lungs..... lol..
  • Dawesy92
    Dawesy92 Posts: 606
    Haha, yeah Phil text me and I talking him back into it. Mountain biking is all about going out having a laugh with a bunch of mates and getting muddy from head to toe. Doesnt matter how long it takes us aslong as we have a good time.. thats my idea anyway!! :-)
  • morepower
    morepower Posts: 140
    Dawsey PM sent... You have my number now..
  • Dawesy92
    Dawesy92 Posts: 606
    Sweet. Got it. I'll drop you a text in the morning.. im gonna try and get there about 9.30/9.45am :)
  • Dawesy92
    Dawesy92 Posts: 606
    Well lad. That was amazing!! Really enjoyed it. Managed to destroy my rear pads nothing left at all!! :P ahh well. Shame you and your mate had to leave early Phil. Need to organise another ride sometime soon!! :)
  • morepower
    morepower Posts: 140
    Sorry I had to bail.... Just got out of bed about an hour ago... Still feel like sh1t. I am up for going out any time...
  • smegg40
    smegg40 Posts: 75
    It was well wet,but bloody good fun! .One buckled front wheel 2 snapped spokes and I put my hand in some thing I don't think I should have :oops:
  • Dawesy92
    Dawesy92 Posts: 606
    smegg40 wrote:
    I put my hand in some thing I don't think I should have :oops:

    HAHA, the term sh*t fingers comes to mind! hahahaha!!!

    Didnt realise you'd snapped 2 spokes though dude!!
    Mines fine i think apart from my pads haha, bikes still ditched and can stay that way for now!! :P

    Was an amazing ride though!!
  • Dawesy92
    Dawesy92 Posts: 606
    Anyone up for same thing again sometime soon?


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