I blame the last labour government



  • DesB3rd
    DesB3rd Posts: 285
    Who's top of the medal table again?

    That'll be the authoritarian nationalist regime that tacks on the label "Communist" because changing the letterhead & pictures of Mao reaks of effort. The same one, as it happens, that really only came into the world sporting limelight since it allowed a certain mix of lawless & chaotic capitalist activities into its system.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Err, really?
    Lefties wouldn't stand for Communist human rights breaches for a start.
    Socialist are in between.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Greg66 wrote:
    So what, I'm not having the tories in any way shape or form taking credit for our olympic showing. They'll cut,cut,cut and sport will not be spared. But, like politicians of all colours they're there bathing in reflected glory come medal time.

    You to have overlooked the fact that lefties hate the competitive element of competitive sport. No one is allowed to win in Leftie Land, because it hurts the feelings of the losers.

    Any suggestion that this attitude may stem from the fact that lefties were fat little turds who were utter gimps at school sports, used to cry themselves to sleep because they hated being picked last, hated not being passed to, couldn't catch, couldn't throw, couldn't kick, couldn't ride a bike, had "asthma" (course you did dear. Asthma isn't at all the same as being out of breath a lot), and hated being labelled losers would be wholly misplaced. Yes sirree.

    Who's top of the medal table again?


    If you *really* think Asian communism (or Soviet communism, for that matter), as applied to the political need to demonstrate a global presence at major sports events has *anything* in common with New or Old Labour, you need your bumps felt.

    Fortunately, I know not even you are that bonkers, Rick. 8)
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 73,493

    [bore hat on]

    I think I need to do some terminology clearing up.

    > centre.

    Communism is a type of socialism, and they're both 'left'.

    [/bore hat off]
  • esspeebee
    esspeebee Posts: 174
    And here we see that political alignment has (at least) two orthogonal axes: economic policy and social policy. Communism is economically left-wing and socially authoritarian (i.e. right-wing), whereas Greg's lefties are economically and socially left-wing. There's the difference, and it's precisely that authoritarian social attitude that allows China to herd up any vaguely promising athletic talent and put them into ridiculously intensive training from an early age.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    /Bore hat on

    |Left> |

    The difference is so miniscule that it is difficult to choose which self serving candidate to vote for.

    /Bore hat off. :wink:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 73,493
    Anyway, if we take the final Olympics to occur for the Tory party during their 18 odd year rein (the Atlanta 1996 Olympics), we can see how positive the Tories were on Britain's medal haul long term....

    Oh. Wait.

    1 gold.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    esspeebee wrote:
    ...it's precisely that authoritarian social attitude that allows China to herd up any vaguely promising athletic talent and put them into ridiculously intensive training from an early age.
    For which read... boarding school, of course!
    Basically, you do not get an elite without elitism. How well this translates into other areas of life (business, science, arts..) I don't know, and you can argue till the cows come home about how much good it does a country (you could, for example, look at how the soviet bloc continued to perform well in sport as pretty much everything else crumbled).
    Personally I would love to see flourishing mass participation (including enjoyable physical activity for the unsporty, although you can lead a horse to water...) and the opportunity for those who can compete at the highest level to do so successfully. A man can dream, after all.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    More brilliant work from our sportophile Tory government.

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/ed ... rgets.html